CNC machine software for transmit and receive CNC program
boost::thread (and C++11 threads) extensions, e.g. active object
TailooApp is a software you can use to control Roomba robot.
Automated astrophotography using mobile devices
Controller Area Network on GNU/Linux
Basic serial (RS232) terminal program
Multi Platform Uart Communication Terminal Software
support Modbus RTU(Master/Slave) on Serial and TCP
Optimized serialization library for Ruby objects.
Source code for our IMSI Catcher Catcher project
Raid Controller Patch for disks behind a raid controller
For registering stacks of 2D images.
Port of the QPC 5.3.0 RTOS framework to the STM324x9I-EVAL2 dev kit.
Music editor / tracker for the Commodore 64.
Find the USB address of a USB-based serial port
Si tratta di una relays-box controllata via software
This library designed for use with weighing terminal CI-5010A