Showing 738 open source projects for "drcom-for-linux"

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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
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  • EBizCharge Payment Platform for Accounts Receivable Icon
    EBizCharge Payment Platform for Accounts Receivable

    Getting paid has never been easier.

    Don’t let unpaid invoices limit your business’s growth. EBizCharge plugs directly into the tools your business already uses to speed up payment collection.
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  • 1
    GEM (Graphics Environment for Multimedia) is a library to be used with Miller Puckette's Max-like realtime-computermusic-software "Pure Data" (Pd), which allows to draw and control openGL- and pixel-graphics (like video) in realtime from within Pd.
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  • 2
    The GEM 3D engine is a portable, free, open source, easy to use, software development kit which allows you to build high performance 3D graphics applications such as games.
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    C++ header-only library that simulates GLSL math

    GLSLmath provides C++ math operations as defined by GLSL. For example, it provides methods to easily setup viewing transformations and perspective projections. GLSLmath has been inspired by the glm and slmath libraries, which aim to mimic GLSL, but in contrast to those GLSLmath does not focus on a complete conforming implementation of GLSL. It rather aims to provide a convenient single header file that implements the most commonly used subset of GLSL so that it is easy to use for rapid...
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  • 4


    Java3d scenegraph editor

    Create 3D scenes linked together in short films through simple menus. Designed for Java3D beginners, and developers to include code in extension Panels. Installation instructions in readme.txt in files tab. 1-Scene/ backstage Open and close scenes. Choose background, generate a terrain, set lights, fog, camera position, sky picture, scene duration. 2-Draw/ placement Import objects (OBJ, C3D, 3DS), or create shapes (sphere, cone, etc...). Place them and set size, dimensions,...
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  • Free CRM Software With Something for Everyone Icon
    Free CRM Software With Something for Everyone

    216,000+ customers in over 135 countries grow their businesses with HubSpot

    Think CRM software is just about contact management? Think again. HubSpot CRM has free tools for everyone on your team, and it’s 100% free. Here’s how our free CRM solution makes your job easier.
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    Realtime raytracer using SIMD on ARM, MIPS, PPC and x86

    QuadRay engine is a realtime raytracing project aimed at full SIMD utilization on ARM, MIPS, POWER and x86 architectures. The efficient use of SIMD is achieved by processing four rays at a time to match SIMD register width (hence the name). The rendering core of the engine is written in a unified SIMD assembler allowing single assembler code to be compatible with different processor architectures, thus reducing the need to maintain multiple parallel versions. At present, Intel...
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  • 6
    GLTF/GLB Windows Shell Extension: This shell extension automatically adds thumbnail images to .glb files in Windows File Explorer and provides a right click menu option to generate a 3D preview image for .gltf files. Supports multi-file select and directory processing. Pre-built Windows x64 installer available at LAS/LAZ Pointcloud Windows Shell Extension: This "quick viewer" shell extension provides a Windows File Explorer right click menu...
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  • 7


    Rayshade raytracer

    now gnu-ized, gcc-4.7.4 or gcc-10.2.0 A raytracer does not require custom code for (shadows, mirrors) like GL: it uses physics to simulate light to make realistic images, leaving one to specify only what is in the scene. (at a cost of speed) Rayshade is a 1990's raytracer, a great one back then (and still useful). Rayshade has an excellent easy to read yet informative User's Guide that other's could not help but copy from. (html of guide is in...
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  • 8


    rayshade and POV for Mathematica Export + view

    ..., Microsoft, Linux) supported (given rayshade or povray binary download or compiled). No OS scripting needed. * raytracing makes more realistic images than GL/CL/Cuda (are best for game, geo/mapping, accelerated) but is slower. POVRay is supported about as well. For a .gif animation see: see also:
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  • 9
    The Python Computer Graphics Kit is a collection of Python modules that contain the basic types and functions to be able to create 3D computer graphics images (focusing on Pixar's RenderMan interface).
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  • Embedded Analytics for Demanding SaaS Teams Icon
    Embedded Analytics for Demanding SaaS Teams

    icCube is a Dev2Dev platform for B2B software and SaaS companies to empower their customers with embedded analytics and dashboards.

    Dashboards will seamlessly blend into the SaaS solution’s UI and UX experience, while resting on top of icCube’s robust analytical engine, allowing to consume complex data models needing sophisticated data security.
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  • 10


    ThreeJS + VueJS 3 + ViteJS

    I wanted to code something similar to react-three-fiber but for VueJS. I started from scratch, I will rewrite some of my WebGL demos to see if this little toy can do the job. The most popular WebGL library, with a good support on both desktop and mobile. With TroisJS you can easily create 3D content for your website using VueJS components. Really fast development time with ViteJS/HMR ! Useful to create awesome 3D scenes. Thanks to VueJS/ViteJS, TroisJS use watchers and HMR to update ThreeJS...
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  • 11

    STL viewer

    STL Viewer for java

    STL 3D object file viewer for java. - install unzip distributed stlviewer*.zip - run go into the directory run: java -jar stlviewer.jar In Windows and various OS, you may be able to run it by simply double clicking on the jar file. Navigation - holding / dragging the left mouse button rotates the model - holding / dragging the right mouse button pan the model - rotating the mouse wheel forward moves away from the model / backward moves towards the model - clicking home...
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  • 12
    UE Viewer

    UE Viewer

    Viewer and exporter for Unreal Engine 1-4 assets

    Unreal Engine resource viewer (formerly Unreal Model Viewer) is a program for viewing and extracting resources from various games made with Unreal Engine. Sometimes the program is referenced as "umodel", the short of "unreal" and "model viewer". The project was originally named the "Unreal model viewer", however, the name was changed in 2011 to meet the request from Epic Games. Please note that the "official" project's name is "UE Viewer", and a short unofficial name of the project is...
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  • 13
    The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
    The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library is a simple tool that helps C/C++ developers initialize extensions and write portable applications. GLEW currently supports a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, Darwin, Irix, and Solaris.
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  • 14


    Growth-grammar related Interactive Modelling Platform

    Important: Groimp migrates to Gitlab. You can find the latest code at "". The version on Sourceforge will not be updated anymore. The modelling platform GroIMP is designed as an integrated platform which incorporates modelling, visualisation and interaction. It exhibits several features which makes itself suitable for the field of biological or ALife modelling: The “modelling backbone” consists in the language XL. It is fully integrated, e.g., the...
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  • 15
    gloost is a free software, platform independent framework for OpenGL programming. It includes handy wrappers for most OpenGL entities. gloost can be used freely under the terms of the GPL. It is also possible to get gloost licensed under the terms of the LGPL for selected projects. Please contact Felix Weißig ( ) if you are interested to licence gloost under the LGPL.
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  • 16
    -primitives: shere, plane, triangle -triangle surface (mesh) -obj format support -lights: point light -camera lens: planar, cylindrical, spherical -lighting: ambient, diffuse, specular (Phong, Blinn-Phong) -shadows: simple soft shadows -ray types: reflection, transmission -internal memory manager and profiler -internal code profiler -acceleration structure (KDTree) -photon map -multi-threading support (ThreadPool)
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  • 17


    C++ Frontend for the RenderMan Interface

    RiCPP is a C++ language binding of Pixar's RenderMan(R) interface. It supports RIB (RenderMan Interface Bytestream) and OpenGL output. It is implemented as DLL and runs on Windows XP platforms. After redesigned it will also run on MacOS and Linux.
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    Vivid 3D

    Vivid 3D

    Vivid is a modern C++ 3D engine using OpenGL4+

    Vivid is a modern C++ 3D engine using OpenGL4+. It is written using Visual C++ 2022, and relies on several open source projects to achieve it's goal of making it easy and run to make modern games with it.
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  • 19


    A react renderer for blessed

    A React custom renderer for the blessed library. This renderer should currently be considered as experimental, is subject to change and will only work with React's latest version (17.x.x, using Fiber). Any of the blessed widgets can be rendered through react-blessed by using a lowercased tag title. Text nodes, on the other hand, will be rendered by applying the setContent method with the given text on the parent node. As with React's DOM renderer, react-blessed lets you handle the original...
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    A dataset of short, object-centric video clips

    The Objectron dataset is a collection of short, object-centric video clips, which are accompanied by AR session metadata that includes camera poses, sparse point-clouds and characterization of the planar surfaces in the surrounding environment. In each video, the camera moves around the object, capturing it from different angles. The data also contain manually annotated 3D bounding boxes for each object, which describe the object’s position, orientation, and dimensions. The dataset consists...
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  • 21

    Qt3D ShadowMap C++

    Shadow mapping in Qt3D using C++

    This is a C++ conversion of the Qt3D QML Shadow Map example. This is not a strict port, since I just wanted the shadow mapping for another project I'm working on, so the fancy airplane animation is not included. I tried to build the classes so that they mirror the QML in terms of interface and functionality. It took me weeks to work this out, so I'm posting the code to help others. It's a shame that Qt3D is so lacking in documentation and example code. Tested against Qt 5.12.3 and Qt 5.15.5
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  • 22


    A Headless Chrome rendering solution

    Rendertron is a headless Chrome rendering solution designed to render & serialise web pages on the fly. Rendertron is designed to enable your Progressive Web App (PWA) to serve the correct content to any bot that doesn't render or execute JavaScript. Rendertron runs as a standalone HTTP server. Rendertron renders requested pages using Headless Chrome, auto-detecting when your PWA has completed loading and serializes the response back to the original request. To use Rendertron, your...
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  • 23


    Fast, accurate and stable 3D dense face alignment

    ...++ and cython is also included. This repo supports the onnxruntime, and the latency of regressing 3DMM parameters using the default backbone is about 1.35ms/image on CPU with a single image as input. See requirements.txt, tested on macOS and Linux platforms. The Windows users may refer to FQA for building issues. Note that this repo uses Python3. The major dependencies are PyTorch, numpy, opencv-python and onnxruntime, etc.
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  • 24
    DelphiDoom Procedural Modeler

    DelphiDoom Procedural Modeler

    A tool for creating models for the DelphiDoom Engine

    A tool for creating models for the DelphiDoom Engine. Source code repository:
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    Open Source Solid Modeling CAD

    BRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform constructive solid geometry solid modeling system that includes an interactive geometry editor, ray-tracing for rendering & geometric analyses, network distributed framebuffer support, image & signal-processing tools.
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