August Project of the Month: Wireshark


We’re thrilled to honor network protocol analyzer Wireshark as August’s Project of the Month, one of SourceForge’s longest-lived projects. Originally named Ethereal, its been under development for more than 12 years and is used by companies like Google and Citigroup.

Project Lead Gerald Combs says he’s really proud of “Sharkfest, or more accurately what it represents. Each year my company sponsors a conference for Wireshark users and developers. The presenters and attendees are amazing — they have a lot of experience with, knowledge of, and enthusiasm for Wireshark. I’m proud to be part of such a community.”

The Wireshark development team has accomplished a lot over the past 12 years and Combs says he’s interested to see what the future brings. As for what’s on his project’s wish list, well, you really just need to read that for yourself.

For the rest of this year, we’ll be highlighting projects that have been with us for ten years or more. When you’re done reading Wireshark’s Project of the Month page, be sure to check out our past winners, too.

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