
#121 include formulas / latex support


It would be nice if one could add formulas. Preferably in latex style.
(nice work sofar !)


  • Nobody/Anonymous

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    MathML would probably intergrate better with the xml format

  • Nobody/Anonymous

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    MathML would probably play better with the current XML
    format though.

  • JanW

    JanW - 2004-10-29

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    MathML would be fine too. However the idea behind LATEX
    support is that one can start to gather ideas for master or
    phd thesis, a talk or any other pulication and finally copy
    and paste a draft together. (the physics community would
    love this)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    OLE/CORBA would be the best way to implement latex
    support. It also allows other objects to be embbedded (ie.
    ChemOffice Files, SolidEdge Designs etc.). CORBA is supported
    on several playforms, including Gnome (Bonobo) and KDE
    (KParts) and OLE can be tranlated to CORBA using
    SOMobjects etc.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

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    For an open source java-COM (ie.OLE/DDE/ActiveX) bridge,

  • Juergen

    Juergen - 2005-01-24

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    Just wondering about the progress f this request:

    has anybody started adding support for formulas yet?
    I would very much like to make use of such a feature...

    Best wishes

  • Sascha Herrmann

    Sascha Herrmann - 2005-02-23

    Logged In: YES

    I would like to have formula support, too. Can i vote for it
    to increase priority level???
    bye fox

  • Lukas Degener

    Lukas Degener - 2005-08-15

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    I suposed another features [ 1163892 ] some time ago, for
    which i recently wrote a very simplistic implementation
    (attached as a patch to the abovementioned request). I use
    it to do exactly that: display formulars (well, actualy any
    latex encodable data) in nodes. The latex code is rendered
    using external programms latex (tetex or similar should do)
    and convert (comes with ImageMagick).

    Works fine for me.
    hth, --lu

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    That would be great!
    Can i vote for the priority too?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    That would be great!
    Can i vote for the priority too?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I would like to join those that requested Latex support :)

  • Rex Eastbourne

    Rex Eastbourne - 2006-04-16

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    This feature would be great! Another vote here.

  • HoWil

    HoWil - 2006-09-22

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    this is another vote for the latex-support.

  • Roman Stanchak

    Roman Stanchak - 2007-03-09

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    Another vote here. An underlying MathML representation is fine and good, but latex syntax is easier for manual entry and editing.

    I would envision this formatting working similar to Latex ... in a tree node one encompasses their math symbols with $ signs or \[,\].

    To avoid confusing users unfamiliar with latex,
    a key-combo could enable latex parsing and rendering for a single node or the entire document.

  • Phil Jollans

    Phil Jollans - 2007-04-01

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    I would also appreciate some kind of support for mathematical notation.

  • Stuart Cuthbertson

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    Yup, another vote for this. rstanchak has, I think, the best concept - latex syntax is not only easy, but the lingua franca for almost all people that need to typeset equations frequently.

    It's not just the research physics community that would use it - I'm a psychology undergraduate, and I'm finding myself needing it! Freemind claims to be good for essay planning - well, that should include scientific essays!

  • Mike Fitzgerald

    Mike Fitzgerald - 2007-04-27

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  • DTrommel

    DTrommel - 2007-06-18

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    We could do something via SVG, if Freemind has that feature sorted!
    I would eat my hat, if there isn't a MathML > SVG tool out here.

    OF COURSE, it would be much easier if some JAVA-programmer could add e.g. the earlier mentioned COM to Freemind, so we can reatime insert / edit LaTeX from the program...
    If this feature would come available, some nasty pile of people (from the beta-community) would kiss & hug Freemind to tears.


    > we could ask the SVG-guys to extent their feature to allow some MathML/LaTeX > SVG convertor to be added...

    > or ask them to add a feature to read SVG from a file that is being checked once in a while. You then could easily use another program to create/update those SVG-files and insert them (once) into a Freemind-map.

    (...) I am just thinking out of the box here... Anyone ???

  • wtj

    wtj - 2009-03-21

    jsMath is better than hoteqn

  • biertanke

    biertanke - 2012-05-02


    Mathematical notation would help me a lot!


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