
#589 Outlook2K3 spews warnings as it fails to create spam field

Outlook (523)
Andy Neil

New Inbox messages get a spam rating of 100% but are
not moved to "__Spam" folder as expected

Key symptom from log (attached) seems to be "Eeek -
only expecting one row from IPC.MS.REN.USERFIELDS"
and then "WARNING: We just created the user field in
folder Mailbox - Andy Neil/IPM_SUBTREE/Inbox, but it
appears to not exist. Something is probably wrong with

Config details:
WinXPSP1, user account has local administrator
Outlook 2003 (11.5608.5703) (with full Office 2003 Pro
NewsGator 2.0.
All Outlook rules have been turned off.
Outlook "Junk E-mail Filtering" set to "No automatic


  • Andy Neil

    Andy Neil - 2004-05-26

    andyneil log file 20040526

  • Mark Hammond

    Mark Hammond - 2004-06-29

    Logged In: YES

    That error is is very interesting, but I don't believe it is
    related to spam not being moved. That error relates to our
    attempt at determining if the 'Spam' field exists in the
    folder, but should not affect the normal filtering. You
    will see this message once each time SpamBayes starts, and
    each time the config dialog is closed.

    Your log indicates everything is going normally. Can you
    please go to the SB manager, Advanced->Diagnostics, and set
    the log level to "2". Then restart spambayes, and wait for
    the next spam correctly classified, but not moved. Could
    you then please create a *new* bug for that specific issue,
    and attach the log. I want to take over this bug for that
    error message you see - but as I mentioned, I'm not
    convinced they are related. I'm lowering the priority on
    this, as I also don't believe it will affect normal operation.


  • Mark Hammond

    Mark Hammond - 2004-06-29
    • priority: 5 --> 4
    • summary: Outlook2K3 spam rated but not moved --> Outlook2K3 spews warnings as it fails to create spam field
  • Andy Neil

    Andy Neil - 2004-07-08

    Logged In: YES

    After the program did nothing useful for several weeks, I
    uninstalled. Won't have time to follow up per your
    suggestions. I understand how all-volunteer projects work in
    terms of prioritization/response time, sorry I won't be able to
    help out. Good luck. AN

  • Tony Meyer

    Tony Meyer - 2004-07-09

    Logged In: YES

    Noting duplicate in [ 987243 ] Spam won't filter


  • Richard Deubert

    Richard Deubert - 2004-07-09

    Logged In: YES

    If this really is linked to my bug report (987243) - which I
    question - then it most certainly does affect normal
    operation. In my case Spambayes is not working at all. It
    simply doesn't move any mails - mails that score 100%.
    Perhaps the priority should be reconsidered?

  • Tony Meyer

    Tony Meyer - 2004-07-09

    Logged In: YES

    It's pretty certain that they are the same problems - the
    log files are practically identical (same "expecting one
    row" then "spam field missing" entries). The symptoms are
    also identical (scored but not moved). Why do you think
    that it's not the same?

    Given the two reports, it's possible that the two problems
    are related. In any case, the higher level report that Mark
    requested would probably be the most useful thing to get now
    (more than that will have to come from him).

  • Richard Deubert

    Richard Deubert - 2004-07-09

    Logged In: YES

    I accept your expert view that they are the same.
    I have upped the logging level to 5 as sugggested and will
    submit a new bug report with the new log file attached once I
    have a couple of new "spam" mails

  • Tony Meyer

    Tony Meyer - 2004-07-12

    Logged In: YES

    Note that Richard has done this: the new tracker is:

    [ 988624 ] More of Bug no 961019

    If you could take a look at it Mark, that would be great.

  • Tony Meyer

    Tony Meyer - 2004-07-26

    Logged In: YES

    See also:

    [ 956834 ] Outlook crashes when accessing SpamBayes functions

    I suspect that these are duplicates, but although they both
    have the "only expecting one row" problem, the other
    problems seem qutie different.

  • Tony Meyer

    Tony Meyer - 2004-11-03

    Logged In: YES

    See also:

    [ 1000192 ] Weird Userfield errors in log every day

    Where there are the errors, but apparently no symptoms! Odd..

  • Tony Meyer

    Tony Meyer - 2005-12-05
    • milestone: 400588 --> 1.0.4

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