
#41 Indexing of files once indexed is buggy!

genxref (49)

I am using LXR-0.9.1

Consider this scenario :

There is a source tree "test" having only one file - test.c

#define TEST 100

now, I run genxref & when I search for TEST in identifiers, I get that it is a macro defined in
test.c at line 1

now I change test.c to
#define T 1
#define TEST 100

& run genxref

Now what I get is - TEST is defined as a macro in test.c in line 1 and line 2 !

The culprit is this piece of code in function processfile() [ ]
if ($index->toindex($fileid)) {
print(STDERR "--- $pathname $fileid\n");

my $path = $files->tmpfile($pathname, $release);

$lang->indexfile($pathname, $path, $fileid, $index, $config);
} else {
print(STDERR "$pathname was already indexed\n");
The problem is that if the file already existed and has changed since then [based on the
timestamp], the identifiers added to the database due to this file in the previous run of genxref are
not removed from the database, hence the number of definitions will keep on growing...

The same problem is also present in processrefs().


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I was in the impression that a file may never ever change again, except if (and only if) the file was changed and has either got a new CVS revision (or tag) or if there is a new directory for a new version of the whole project (if it is not managed by CVS).

  • Shree

    Shree - 2002-02-16

    Logged In: YES

    There are two cases where the scenario that I've referred to applies:

    1. Files are not in CVS [ ie usage of "" ]. You run genxref, then change a file & genxref again

    2. Files are in CVS, and you want to index the "head" tag. Files change regularly, and you want to keep the

    cross reference in sync - probably by running genxref once an hour or so [as a cron job].

  • Malcolm Box

    Malcolm Box - 2002-02-18

    Logged In: YES

    Yes, you're right, this is a bug. The underlying assumption
    that is being broken is that the files in a version are
    static - which is true if one is indexing released software,
    but not if it is a development tree.

    The simplest work-around is to drop and recreate the
    database each time, thus avoiding the problem. For small to
    medium repositories with the index updated nightly this
    should work fine, but it doesn't work for large repositories.

    The full solution would appear to be to check for an
    existing entry for the (filename, release) pair and if it is
    found delete it and all associated information.

  • Malcolm Box

    Malcolm Box - 2002-02-18
    • milestone: 161102 --> current_cvs
    • priority: 5 --> 7
    • assigned_to: nobody --> mbox
  • Shree

    Shree - 2002-02-19

    Logged In: YES

    Here's my fix for this bug:

    Add a field "timestamp" to the "status" table. And remove
    the "status" field.

    Before finding identifiers in a file, check whether it's
    modification time is greater that it was previously. If
    yes, then remove all the identifier definitions due to this
    file [and release] from the database. Store the new
    timestamp in the database.

    Before finding references in a file, remove all identifier
    references due to this file [and release] from the database.
    [ No need to check the timestamp in this case since
    the "definitions" are always found before the references].

    In a large CVS tree, it is quite possible that a file may
    change between the time it is "indexed" and "referenced".
    An easy way out of this seems to be to "index" a file and
    immediately "reference" it.

    Related to this there is a problem in "" - the
    current "filerev" function returns a value based on the
    timestamp. Problem arises if a file changes between runs
    of genxref. What happens is that different values are
    returned by "filerev" even though it is the same
    (file,revision) pair is being indexed [or referenced].

    I have changed filerev() for this purpose as

    sub filerev {
    my ($self, $filename, $release) = @_;

    # TODO: length of filename+revision
    # might turn out to be > 255 chars
    # [length used in the db]
    return join("-", $filename,

    With this modification filerev() will return the same value
    for (file,revision) pair everytime - thus solving the

    I have a patch ready for this.

  • Gregor Hartmann

    Gregor Hartmann - 2002-06-07

    Logged In: YES

    Another similar problem would be files ore whole directories that are deleted from the source tree. They would stay
    in the database forever as well.

    Maybe it could be fixed by iterating through all files in the database and removing those (from the database) which
    have changed or were removed in the source tree.
    then proceed indexing as before.

  • Richard Kisley

    Richard Kisley - 2003-04-08

    Logged In: YES

    (1) How about an intermediate solution, where someone writes
    a VERIFY script which compares the paths in the database
    with the version they refer to and deletes entries for
    invalid paths? Same options as genxref?

    I indexed a subtree of a sourcetree, then realized I needed
    to index the whole source tree. So I moved the revision
    main dir (since it was really a subdir) up a level and added
    the other directories at their proper top level as other
    subdirs, then re-indexed. Now the original links in tree
    one are all dead links, with live dupes. No files changed.

    (2) So we all don't have to scurry for our SQL books, buried
    in a box in the back of a closet at home (not work) how
    about posting the exact drop syntax? That might also be a
    good thing to add to doc short-term, since genxref doesn't
    work (prune) as expected.

  • Heikki Toivonen

    Heikki Toivonen - 2004-03-12

    Logged In: YES

    Anyone have a patch for this?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Still no fix for this?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Shree, you've said you had a patch, could you attach to the

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2004-07-20

    Logged In: YES

    I have recently added the --reindexall option to genxref (in
    CVS). Please try and see if this works. Perhaps it should
    be default and not an option if it does.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Sorry, I can't access CVS (firewall).
    Does your switch do "intelligent" job like described in message
    dated "2002-02-18 23:21" below?

  • Dave Brondsema

    Dave Brondsema - 2004-07-20

    Logged In: YES

    Yes. For the version being indexed, it deletes all data
    directly related to that version.

  • Brian J. Johnson

    Logged In: YES

    Here's a patch to provide incremental reindexing. The
    option was useful, but not really what's required (at least,
    not what
    I really wanted): I want to avoid reindexing files which
    changed, remove all index info. for files which have been
    deleted, and
    correctly reindex (i.e. without duplication) files which
    which have
    changed. This patch does so. ItWorksForMe, please let me
    know if it
    breaks for you. (And if someone wants to add support for
    besides mysql, please do!)

    I _think_ I got the database manipulation right; please let
    me know if
    I've made any bad assumptions about how the tables relate,
    or about
    the semantics of the various fields. I've tested this with
    Files::Plain and Index::Mysql.

    The patch is against lxr 0.9.3.


    Patch to add incremental indexing to lxr-0.9.3
    By Brian J. Johnson 10/21/04

    This patch adds incremental indexing to lxr-0.9.3. That is,
    which have not changed are not reindexed, and files which
    have changed
    or been removed have their old information erased from the
    before they are reindexed. On my machine, this saves _hours_ of
    reindexing time on trees which don't change much from day to

    The patch modifies genxref to add an extra pass before the
    gensearch, genindex, and genrefs passes. For each file in
    the current
    release, it retrieves the file's revision from the database
    and checks
    if the file has changed in the file store: i.e.
    $files->filerev() is
    different from the revision in the database. If the file
    has changed,
    it calls $index->purgefile() to remove that fileid (i.e.
    revision] pair) from the release. If that fileid is no
    longer active
    in any release, $index->purgefile() removes it from the
    other tables
    as well. Then the genindex and genrefs passes add the new
    revision of
    the file (with a new fileid) to the database.

    Symbols can still be left around (as with the "reindexall"
    option), so
    the administrator should drop and regenerate the database
    from scratch every so often.

    I haven't tried to add support for any database besides
    mysql, as I
    have no way to test the changes. It should be pretty easy
    for others
    to add it, though. (I don't really even know SQL, and I
    could do the
    mysql port in a few hours, working solely from the
    documentation at

    Questions and comments:
    - $self->{releases_select} was not being undef-ed in the DESTROY
    routine. Added that.
    - When is it necessary to call $self->{xxx}->finish()? Some dbi
    queries seem to do so, and others don't.

    Index: lxr-0.9.3/genxref

    --- lxr-0.9.3.orig/genxref 2004-10-21 13:19:44.000000000 -0500
    +++ lxr-0.9.3/genxref 2004-10-21 13:38:51.000000000 -0500
    @@ -89,11 +89,29 @@

    foreach my $version (@versions) {
    $index->purge($version) if $option{'reindexall'};
    + cleanindex($version);
    genindex('/', $version);
    genrefs('/', $version);

    +sub cleanindex {
    + my ($release) = @_;
    + my ($f, @files);
    + @files = $index->getfiles($release);
    + foreach $f (@files) {
    + # $f == [filename, fileid, revision]
    + # Skip this file if it is still at the same revision
    + next if $files->filerev($f->[0], $release) == $f->[2];
    + print(STDERR "%%% DELETED/MODIFIED: ", join(" ", @$f), "\n");
    + # Remove old revision from this release.
    + $index->purgefile($f->[1], $release);
    + }
    sub genindex {
    my ($pathname, $release) = @_;

    Index: lxr-0.9.3/lib/LXR/Index/

    --- lxr-0.9.3.orig/lib/LXR/Index/ 2004-10-21
    13:19:44.000000000 -0500
    +++ lxr-0.9.3/lib/LXR/Index/ 2004-10-21
    13:39:07.000000000 -0500
    @@ -56,6 +56,11 @@
    ->prepare("insert into ${prefix}files (filename,
    revision, fileid) values (?, ?, NULL)");

    + $self->{allfiles_select} =
    + $self->{dbh}->prepare("select f.filename, f.fileid,
    f.revision "
    + . "from ${prefix}files f, ${prefix}releases r "
    + . "where f.fileid = r.fileid and r.release = ?");
    $self->{symbols_byname} =
    $self->{dbh}->prepare("select symid from
    ${prefix}symbols where symname = ?");
    $self->{symbols_byid} =
    @@ -81,6 +86,10 @@
    $self->{dbh}->prepare("select * from ${prefix}releases
    where fileid = ? and release = ?");
    $self->{releases_insert} =
    $self->{dbh}->prepare("insert into ${prefix}releases
    (fileid, release) values (?, ?)");
    + $self->{releases_delete} =
    + $self->{dbh}->prepare("delete from ${prefix}releases
    where fileid = ? and release = ?");
    + $self->{releases_select_file} =
    + $self->{dbh}->prepare("select * from ${prefix}releases
    where fileid = ?");

    $self->\{status\_get\} =
      $self->\{dbh\}->prepare\("select status from

    ${prefix}status where fileid = ?");
    @@ -134,6 +143,19 @@
    . "where f.fileid = r.fileid "
    . "and r.release = ?");

    + $self->{indexes_del_fileid} =
    + $self->{dbh}->prepare("delete from ${prefix}indexes "
    + . "where ${prefix}indexes.fileid = ?");
    + $self->{useage_del_fileid} =
    + $self->{dbh}->prepare("delete from ${prefix}useage "
    + . "where ${prefix}useage.fileid = ?");
    + $self->{status_del_fileid} =
    + $self->{dbh}->prepare("delete from ${prefix}status "
    + . "where ${prefix}status.fileid = ?");
    + $self->{files_del_fileid} =
    + $self->{dbh}->prepare("delete from ${prefix}files "
    + . "where ${prefix}files.fileid = ?");
    return $self;

    @@ -326,6 +348,47 @@
    return $id;

    +# List all files in this release
    +sub getfiles {
    + my ($self, $release) = @_;
    + my ($rows, @ret);
    + $rows = $self->{allfiles_select}->execute("$release");
    + while ($rows-- > 0) {
    + push(@ret, [ $self->{allfiles_select}->fetchrow_array ] );
    + }
    + $self->{allfiles_select}->finish();
    + return @ret;
    +# Remove all references to $fileid from $release
    +sub purgefile {
    + my ($self, $fileid, $release) = @_;
    + # Remove $fileid from $release
    + $self->{releases_delete}->execute($fileid, $release);
    + $self->{releases_delete}->finish();
    + # Find how many releases still reference $fileid
    + my $rows = $self->{releases_select_file}->execute($fileid
    + 0);
    + $self->{releases_select_file}->finish();
    + # If none, remove fileid from all other tables
    + unless ($rows > 0) {
    + # we don't delete symbols, because they might be used by
    + # versions so we can end up with unused symbols, but that
    + # doesn't cause any problems. Drop and rebuild the database
    + # from time to time if it bothers you.
    + $self->{indexes_del_fileid}->execute($fileid);
    + $self->{useage_del_fileid}->execute($fileid);
    + $self->{status_del_fileid}->execute($fileid);
    + $self->{files_del_fileid}->execute($fileid);
    + }
    sub purge {
    my ($self, $version) = @_;

    @@ -342,11 +405,15 @@
    my ($self) = @_;
    $self->{files_select} = undef;
    $self->{files_insert} = undef;
    + $self->{allfiles_select} = undef;
    $self->{symbols_byname} = undef;
    $self->{symbols_byid} = undef;
    $self->{symbols_insert} = undef;
    $self->{indexes_insert} = undef;
    + $self->{releases_select} = undef;
    $self->{releases_insert} = undef;
    + $self->{releases_delete} = undef;
    + $self->{releases_select_file} = undef;
    $self->{status_insert} = undef;
    $self->{status_update} = undef;
    $self->{usage_insert} = undef;
    @@ -358,6 +425,10 @@
    $self->{delete_status} = undef;
    $self->{delete_releases} = undef;
    $self->{delete_files} = undef;
    + $self->{indexes_del_fileid} = undef;
    + $self->{useage_del_fileid} = undef;
    + $self->{status_del_fileid} = undef;
    + $self->{files_del_fileid} = undef;

    if \($self->\{dbh\}\) \{
  • Andre-Littoz

    Andre-Littoz - 2012-09-10

    At least fixed in 1.0 release after 10 years! Always be patient.

    The fix is based on the suggestion submitted by bjjohnson but requires extra subtleties to avoid erasing a base revision still in use in another version. Since the DB schemas now include reference counts, some tests are easier and faster because they do not involve a extensive query through the whole DB only to count referencing records.

    One feature is not handled is the suggestion: the "member of" relation in a definition. It is necessary to take it into account to update a symbol reference count before removing a definition. This action disturbs the "sequential" processing of the definition. Consequently a symbol cache is used to minimize DB queries (important for large projects such as the Linux kernel).

    Symbols are left in the DB on the assumption that cleaning was caused by an indexing request: the new file revision will likely differ little from the previous one in the parsed symbols.

    Since the fix is rather complex, read CVS for details.

    Note: with rewriting (common factoring what is DB-engine independent), the fix is valid for all the currently supported DB.

  • Andre-Littoz

    Andre-Littoz - 2012-09-10
    • assigned_to: mbox --> ajlittoz
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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