
LXR Cross Referencer / News: Recent posts

LXR 2.0.0 released

This a major revision of the code base offering higher reliability and stability. Many features have been incorporated, though many are not end-user visible. Special care has been paid to indexing optimisation.

Multi-tree management is now much easier. Configuration is processed by a wizard able to handle very sophisticated cases. Manual editing of configuration should now be needed only in exceptional circumstances (such as changing screen layouts).... read more

Posted by Andre-Littoz 2013-12-12

LXR 0.9.10 released

This is a bug fix release to address a serious bug in the generic language parser. Users can substitute version 0.9.10 to 0.9.9 without impact on their database (no need to rerun genxref).
Take care however not to erase your lxr.conf personal configuration file or any other customised file!

Posted by Andre-Littoz 2011-06-11

LXR 0.9.6 released

It's been nearly 3 years, but at last there's a new version of LXR, 0.9.6.

This release includes loads of fixes that had been lurking in CVS since 0.9.5, and hopefully takes LXR very close to the 1.0 release.

Posted by Malcolm Box 2009-03-26

Security hole - please upgrade to 0.9.4

A security hole has been identified in all versions of lxr from 0.7 to 0.9.3. This affects anyone using file-based access to versions (ie using a different directory for each version of the software), and can lead to arbitrary files being read on the webserver.

Please upgrade to 0.9.4 as soon as possible to fix this problem.

Posted by Malcolm Box 2005-05-12

LXR 0.9.3 released

It's been a while, but it's finally here - the next release of LXR, 0.9.3.

This features support for SQL, Cobol and VB, better installation instructions, fixes to the freetext searching and of course a host of bug fixes.

So go get it now! You know it makes sense.

Posted by Malcolm Box 2004-09-05

LXR 0.9.1 released

The latest release of the LXR hypertext source cross referencer features improved support for multiple source languages, removal of the dependancy on non-free software for freetext searching and of course many bugfixes.

With this latest version, we are getting close to a 1.0 release. So please hammer on it so we can get the last few bugs out and get 1.0 out of the door.

Posted by Malcolm Box 2002-02-20

LXR 0.9 released

Version 0.9 of the LXR multi-language source browsing tool has been released. Download from

This latest version features:

* CSS support in the output HTML, making customisation easy
* Improved indexing and browsing speed.

LXR provides a web interface to a collection of source files and makes the source code navigable via hyper-linked identifiers. LXR supports many programming languages, integrates with source code control systems and provides free-text search capabilities.

Posted by Malcolm Box 2001-10-25

LXR 0.8 released

Version 0.8 of the LXR source code cross referencer has just been released. This is still a development release, but it marks a major step towards the 1.0 release. Thanks to
all the people who sent in patches or filed bug reports for their help in getting this release ready.

Here's the changes and new features (those I can remember, anyway):

* Generic language support added. All languages supported by ctags 5.0.1 can now be used with lxr - just add some information to lib/LXR/Lang/generic.conf to configure
* Filename <-> language mapping now controlled by lxr.conf
* New templates to make setting up clearer
* Java browsing now works
* Much improved C++ support
* In multi-language environments, keywords in a language are no longer hyperlinked if a different language happens to have them as an identifier
* Memory leak in genxref fixed
* genxref now has working --allversions support
* Which files to treat as images is now configured from lxr.conf
* Binary files in the CVS backend work properly thanks to pok.... read more

Posted by Malcolm Box 2001-08-15

Even more languages supported!

The new generic language support has now been turned on, which means that any language supported by ctags ( can now be used with lxr without writing any code.
Simply make a few changes to a configuration file and you're away.

Take it, test and see how it works for you. Bug reports welcome, as ever.

Posted by Malcolm Box 2001-08-04

CVS archive now online

The CVS archive from the old site has now been successfully imported, thanks to pok & pergi for their help.

So now the development can really start to pick up speed - get your patches in now!

Posted by Malcolm Box 2001-05-22

First release of new code

The 0.7 release has now been made. This is the same code as was hosted on and is the first of the new release series on this site.

This release is still alpha, but it provides better language support, proper database backends and integration with CVS over the old 0.3 release.

lxr 0.3 is still the recommended stable release.

Posted by Malcolm Box 2001-05-18

A new hope...

The new project site for lxr development is now up and running, taking over from as the main site for the project. Source code should be moving over soon, and active development can start again.
All sorts of help wanted to get this code moving forward again, so please do pitch in with patches, bug reports, feature requests etc.!

Posted by Malcolm Box 2001-05-16