
#25 Samsung support with optional Thumbnails

Anduras AG


I updated the Samsung patch from randomcore to apply against the latest CVS tree.
Additional I made the thumbnailing support (via libffmpegthumbnailer) optional. You can
activate/deactivate the support for this feature in the Makefile. In this case a static image
will be sent.

Hopefully this will speed up the integration process...



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  • Anduras AG

    Anduras AG - 2010-12-31

    Samsung patch against CVS

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-01-01

    Can you explain please how to install this patch. I'v no idea what to do with this file.
    Thanks for your support

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    thanks for the patch, however it needs some additional polishing:
    * references to local stuff like /home/anders/privat/Projekte/minidlna/dev-install/lib
    * can't be applied on a cvs'd tree, cause some of the files (like Makefile) are generated via autoconf... so u need to create a patch against or configure instead.

  • El Buen Chubi

    El Buen Chubi - 2011-01-03

    A compiled version from CVS is working fine, however when I applied the patch and recompile it it doesn't show content on video folder.
    I erased the database before launching minidlna compiled with patch
    My tv is UN46b7000

  • David

    David - 2011-01-03

    Couldn't get it to compile without ffmpegthumbnailer... I thought I had marked it as no IE optional however it does not seem to build without it.

    Also since I am trying to cross compile for a nas ffmpegthumbnailer seems to be a problematic dependency since it also depends on a fairly recent version of ffmpeg. Trying to get something like this build for optware embeded devices could be an issue...

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-01-03

    tar -xzvf the latest cvs tarball
    in that folder copy the patch file and then type: patch -p1 < patchfilename
    then hit make

    Solve any dependencies. Personally i needed libbz2 and libswscale (the -dev packages)

    I am gonna try my version on the LE37C650 and report back here the results.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-01-05

    update..the patch works like a charm with the latest cvs


    Last edit: Anonymous 2014-08-21
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I have a Samsung BD-C5500T Blu-ray player and I've compiled the patch with the latest CVS tar on Ubuntu 10.10 32bit and cannot get to the root menu. Whether I pick Videos, Music or Photos from the Samsung screen I always end up at the Music screen provided by minidlna. Then of course I can never get to Videos or Photos.. If I run a per-patch version of minidlna against the same database then browsing works fine.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I should have also mentioned that I compiled without the thumbnailer capability.

  • Justin Maggard

    Justin Maggard - 2011-01-14

    Thanks for doing this. The BD-C5500 issue is the biggest thing preventing inclusion of the Samsung patches right now. Hopefully we can get that sorted out soon.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    @jmaggard what about the thumbnailer part? seems like everyone is compiling with it disabled, sounds like a more portable solution is needed.

  • Justin Maggard

    Justin Maggard - 2011-01-14

    This patch can function without it, by setting CREATE_THUMBNAILS=no in the Makefile. I would probably either default to not including it, or try to auto-detect whether libffmpegthumnailer is present on the system during genconfig.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I know it CAN be disabled, the problem seems to be that the thumbnailer being used doesn't cross compile nicely nor is it easy to compile on a nas directly.

    Just saying that maybe the thumbnailer should be looked at later and the other changed moved into the main trunk... It doesn't seem like thumbnailing in general would be that hard since miniDLNA already depends on the ffmpeg and there are some guides for making them.

  • Anduras AG

    Anduras AG - 2011-01-14

    I think we should integrate the ffmpegthumbnailer support, because I think many users are using it.
    And it seems that only the NAS users do have this problem. So stick with it at the moment!
    If we have found a better (more portable) solution, we can change it without loosing any functionality.

    Regarding the "The BD-C5500 issue", it would be fine to see some debug output to compare it.

  • S.Hillier

    S.Hillier - 2011-01-14

    Okay, I have both a BD-C5500 and LN40C610. Latest CVS with patch on Ubuntu 10.10 no thumbnails. The LN40C610 works but the BD-C5500 can't browse to the video or image folders. I can upload debug logs (from ./minidlna -R -d >debug.log) but where's the best place to put them?

  • Anduras AG

    Anduras AG - 2011-01-14

    Mail it or put it on or and post the link to it...

  • S.Hillier

    S.Hillier - 2011-01-14

    Okay, BD-C5500 log at and the LN40C610 log at

  • Anduras AG

    Anduras AG - 2011-01-14

    Thanks for the logs. But please make a new log for the BD-C5500, because another client seems to interfere!

    I found two different clients in the log, one with
    USER-AGENT: SEC_HHP_BD-C5500/1.0
    and another with
    User-Agent: Microsoft-Windows/6.1 UPnP/1.0 Windows-Media-Player-DMS/12.0.7600.16385 DLNADOC/1.50
    Please turn off the windows client and rerun!


  • S.Hillier

    S.Hillier - 2011-01-15

    Alright I had a windows 7 machine and a photo frame that were showing up. This one should have only the BD-C5500:

  • S.Hillier

    S.Hillier - 2011-01-15

    Here's a clean log for the LN40C610 In both cases all I did was select Video from the base menu provided on either the TV or blu-ray. Then I shut down minidlna.

  • Anduras AG

    Anduras AG - 2011-01-15


    Thanks for the new logs. I analysed them and the first thing I noticed was that the
    answer to the query was answered with a "music album id" container id (1$7) not
    a "video all" container id (2$8) as seen in the TV log. Because I found this in both
    log, I do not think you pressed the wrong button, but Ii just want to double check...
    Maybe you could provide an additional log from the unpatched minidlna for
    a second comparison?!

    Here's a clean log for the LN40C610 In both
    cases all I did was select Video from the base menu provided on either the
    TV or blu-ray. Then I shut down minidlna.

  • Anduras AG

    Anduras AG - 2011-01-15

    I can see no real error beside the fact, that minidlna returns a 1$7 instead of a 2$8.
    But I have no idea why.
    Difficult to debug remote. Do you know wireshark?
    It would help to compare the wireshark dumps of TV and BD with the dump of the Samsung PC-Share Manager.
    Does the BD-Player have the newest firmware?!
    Did you tried the PC-Share manager already with the BD-Player?

    If you can provide such dumps, please E-Mail them to me. I will send you my e-mail address.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    In order for this patch to work with my BDP-C6500 blu-ray player I had to edit upnphttp.c and change genRootDescSamsung to genRootDesc at line 810.

    It seems that the genRootDescSamsung as defined in upnpdescgen.c is flawed at least on my device and I suspect others as well.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I should say that the fix I described in the previous comment is a fix for the problem "only able to see the music folder after the patch is applied".

  • Anduras AG

    Anduras AG - 2011-01-24

    This is not a real "solution". It should have the same effect as disabling the patch.

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