
#598 Configurable display in match pane


From Jean-Christophe:
Currently the data can be displayed only for project_save.tmx, but in cases
where TMX files are shared, translators are unlikely to share
project_save.tmx and rather the exported memories where the data also is.

Would it be possible to have the data displayed in the match browser as
well ?



  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2012-05-15

    Implemented in SVN (/trunk).

    In Options > External TMXs, a number of variables allow to configure the display of the match pane.

    ${id} Number of the match from 1 to 5
    ${sourceText} Source text of the match
    ${sourceLang} Source language of the match (e.g., EN-GB)
    ${sourceLangCode} Source language code of the match (e.g., EN)
    ${targetText} Target text of the match
    ${targetLang} Target language of the match (e.g., FR-FR)
    ${targetLangCode} Target language code of the match (e.g., FR)
    ${score} Percentage with tokenizer
    ${noStemScore} Percentage without numbers and tags
    ${adjustedScore} Percentage
    ${fileNameOnly} Name of the TMX
    ${filePath} Full path of the TMX
    ${fileShortPath} Path of the TMX starting from the root of /tm
    ${creationID} Author of the match
    ${creationDate} Date of the match
    ${fuzzyFlag} Mention that this match is fuzzy (currently only for translations from PO files with the #fuzzy mark)

    Note: currently, the language codes are all wrong, as they display the languages of the project. This should be corrected soon.


  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2012-05-15
    • milestone: 442218 --> 2.6
    • assigned_to: nobody --> t_cordonnier
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-05-15

    Some other possibilities included in the patch :

    @{xxx} : the value of property xxx (markup <prop type='xxx'> in the TMX file). Only the value, not the name. This supposes that you already know the list of properties you want to add
    @[pattern][separator1][separator2] : all properties matching the pattern (patterns accept jokers * and ?), with separator1 between key and value and separator2 (accepting \n) between values.
    Useful when you don't use the same properties in all files, so you cannot pre-build a list of useful ones.
    --> Example : @[A.*][ = ][\n] could produce:
    A.test1 = value of test1
    A.test2 = value of test2

    For persons who know about OmegaT's source code, also a last expansion type:
    produces a translated text using's entry from first parameter and others as parameters.
    Parameters can contain @ or $ variables, but not (yet) [ or ]
    produces "Created by : author" with the value of <tu/@creationid>

  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2012-05-15
    • summary: Display dated TUs in match pane --> Configurable display in match pane
  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2012-05-16

    Actually, language variables have been removed, since the information was not available in memory.


  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2012-06-25
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed
  • Didier Briel

    Didier Briel - 2012-06-25

    This feature was implemented in the released version 2.6.0 of OmegaT.


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