Home / zkanji / v0.73
Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
readme.txt 2013-06-18 9.3 kB
zkanjiv073.zip 2013-06-18 15.1 MB
zkanjiv073_src.zip 2013-06-18 1.4 MB
zkanji_0_73_Setup.exe 2013-06-18 28.3 MB
Totals: 4 Items   44.8 MB 0
Release notes for zkanji v0.73:
Changes since v0.717:

* Checking dictionary changes on startup, showing dialog if word changes affect the user data and there is need for user interaction.
* Brand new dictionary export and import:
  - Entries can be exported from selected groups, or from the whole dictionary.
  - Both word and kanji group export/import.
  - Expanding dictionary from exported word entries, adding missing entries and resolving meaning differences.
  - Creating new dictionary from exported file, or completely replacing an existing dictionary.
  - Importing kanji definitions to a user dictionary.
  - Aborting the import leaves the dictionaries untouched. (Actually they will be reloaded.)
  - Wakan word groups no longer supported. Import with a previous version of the program before update.
* There will be dictionary updates beside rare program updates. Automatically downloading new dictionaries.
* New example sentences data format independent from the dictionary version making it unnecessary to update it when the dictonary changes.
* Possibility to change words in the main dictionary:
  - Add word not currently in the dictionary.
  - Edit existing words.
  - Revert edits to match the original dictionary, or delete added words.
  - Dictionary updates don't corrupt edits.
* Updated backup:
  - User data backup at selectable intervals.
  - Backups don't overwrite each other.
  - Old backup files are deleted after a number of days, which can be configured.
* The kanji, group or dictionary areas in the main window can be hidden by dragging the corresponding sizing bar near the edge of the window, or via the main menu.
* Added katakana input to the kana edit box. Any syllable which contains an upper-case character will be converted to katakana.
* Added kana input for ??,??,??,??,?? and ??,??,??,??,??. tha, thi, the, thu, tho and dha, dhi, dhe, dhu, dho.
* Tool windows, like the kanji information window, paint their border in different color when they are active.
* When changing the word filters window's size, the controls area grows to fill the space.
* Scrollbar thumb size reflects size of word list/kanji list windows.
* Only real changes cause the user files to be saved to disk, instead of always saving everything when something changed or even after a dialog was shown.
* Capitalized first letter of words in menu items.
* Limited possible meaning count of words to 100.
* Word meanings can be reordered in the word editor dialog.
* It is not allowed anymore for a word to contain the same meaning twice. The word editor shows a message box when this happens.
* Updated the settings window. Moved text (number) input boxes from the middle of text to the end of lines for better compatibility with planned internationalization.
* Preventing changes to the data files while the settings window is open.
* Example sentences file import from the Tanaka Corpus, if user can access data folder. (Requires admin privileges if program installed in Program Files.)
* Switched from handling virtual key codes to characters where possible. Hopefully this will work for people not on QWERTY keyboards.
* The handwriting recognizer is shown with the space key even while the list of word results is focused.
* Custom textual data can be stored for dictionaries to be used for licensing information or list of authors. This information can be entered when creating a new dictionary or in the dictionary rename dialog.
* The "dictionary stats" dialog has been renamed to "dictionary information". Besides statistics, it also displays the custom information stored for each dictionary.
* Changed most exclamation marks to full stop/period characters in message boxes for a friendlier interface.
* Random selection in word groups' word list control.
* Added "Translate Kanji" menu item to the kanji information window popup menu.
* Changed the order of "priority" menu items in the long-term study word list window, so the highest priority is at the top and the lowest is at the bottom.
* Drop-shadow under the list of past kanji/kana searches window.
* Forwarding mouse wheel scroll action to the window currently under the mouse.
* Scrolling results with the mouse wheel in the handwriting recognizer and the similar kanji/part of kanji/kanji parts in the kanji information window.
* Adding "http://" in front of dictionary web site URLs if missing to ensure that a browser opens the specified address.
* The dictionary search history can keep many more searches. The exact number can be changed in the settings.
* If not changing the search field text of the dictionary for a few seconds, the entered text is added to the search history. This behavior can be tuned in the settings.
* Redesigned the "new word" dialog window and made the destination dictionary selectable.
* Pressing keys after drawing on the handwriting recognizer window work like they were pressed in the kanji edit box.

Fixed: inserting invalid character for some roomaji combinations in the kana edit box. Namely any vowel version of vy, fy, wy and cy.
Fixed: minimizing and restoring the program while the handwriting recognizer window was active caused the recognizer window to appear without being connected to an edit box.
Fixed: the small pause button on the kanji information window stayed down indefinitely once it was pressed, even though the play or stop button was pressed too.
Fixed: access violation when multiple kanji are selected at the top and one is deselected at the middle with ctrl+left mouse button.
Fixed: pressing Ctrl+D in a kanji list with multiple kanji selected makes the list deselect all kanji, without leaving at least one selected.
Fixed: when trying to add new words to user dictionary, the add button stayed disabled even after filling in the meaning field. It only became enabled when changing something else.
Fixed: for some kanji where the KUN readings hanged over the bottom gradient in the kanji information window (i.e. ?), the readings hid the gradient with white background.
Fixed: labels for some word group options had the up/down resize cursor, and undefined behavior when clicking on them.
Fixed: typo in long-term study test window ("coldn't").
Fixed: memory leak when reading ini files.
Fixed: changing a font in the settings did not update the example sentences panel.
Fixed: not initialized an object which was holding points of strokes in the handwriting recognizer.
Fixed: access violation when trying to filter a word group's word list in the groups window.
Fixed: Used == instead of = when finding the reading of kanji (furigana) in words. The position of kanji within a reading block was not set in many cases. The algorithm still worked but less reliably.
Fixed: accessing the group of a dictionary being deleted, which caused an index out of bounds error.
Fixed: not repainting the kanji list background when it was resized.
Fixed: if a tool window (kanji info or clipboard viewer) was on screen when the main window was minimized, restoring the window caused the tool window to reappear with an unresponsive close button.
Fixed: not hiding the kanji hint tooltip when the control it is shown for becomes hidden.
Fixed: access violation when the example sentences panel listed sentences from a dictionary being deleted and the mouse moved over it.
Fixed: not hiding the "Selected Text" row in the popup menu for a word's selected part, when no items were available for it.
Fixed: kanji/kana searches window didn't react to the mouse. (Error introduced in v0.719)
Fixed: pressing SPACE in the long-term study test window showed the answer even while typing the answer for "meaning".
Fixed: pressing ENTER in the long-term study test window while typing the answer for "meaning" made an error sound.
Fixed: not returning longer results when searching for inflected word endings in the dictionary.
Fixed: incorrect number of studied words in the long-term study list statistics window.
Fixed: pressing ESC while in a kanji/kana edit box didn't hide the information windows.
Fixed: the ESC key didn't clear the filters on the group list panel.
Fixed: not restoring size of the kanji list on startup if not starting the program in tray.
Fixed: invalid size of kanji list filter controls if starting program on screen, minimizing, showing the kanji list and then restoring the main window.

Manual install:
-Download zkanjiv073.zip.
-Create a folder for the program.
-Extract the zip file's contents in that folder, while preserving folder
***Make sure the data folder gets created!
***You can download example sentences to be used with zkanji. Please visit
   the zkanji download page for details.

zkanji v0.73 has no download without data files.

ATTENTION: All user data will be automatically converted to a new format,
and won't be usable with older versions of zkanji!

Please make a copy of the contents of the %zkanji%\data folder before you
update the program, to prevent any kind of data loss in the case of an
error. Contact me if you notice any problems. *This is just a precaution*
Source: readme.txt, updated 2013-06-18