Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
readme.txt 2016-07-05 2.6 kB
easykoha.iso 2016-07-05 1.4 GB
LiveDVDHelpFile.pdf 2013-08-01 643.2 kB
Totals: 3 Items   1.4 GB 3
Koha: Live DVD Help File

Koha Version- 16.05.01 on Ubuntu 14.04  LTS

Open web browser to run Koha by typing the below link:
Staff Client -

System/Ubuntu Login Information 

Username : koha
Password : koha123

Koha Staff Client Login

Username  : koha
Password   : india


Root Password- mysqlkoha
Database Name- koha_library 
Username- koha_library
Password- vkmkoha

Database Backup

- Each day backup will be deposited in /var/spool/koha/library folder and it stores two days backup by eliminating older ones automatically.
- Alternatively you can download backup from Koha staff interface through Tools modules under the export option

Database Restoration

Copy koha_library.sql.gz database backup to /home/koha folder and extract the file in the same folder (file name would be koha_library.sql)
Open Terminal and apply the following commands:

sudo su
Enter Koha login Password

mysql -uroot -p koha_library < koha_library.sql 
Enter the MySQL root password "mysqlkoha"

Rebuild Zebra

Run following command in a terminal:
sudo koha-rebuild-zebra -v -f library 

Upgrade Koha

Execute following commands in a terminal. 
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install koha-common

Customization of Koha Home page

The home page of Koha has been highly customized in such a way that one can use Koha as their library OPAC cum Website with little efforts.

The code of all koha home page effects given in koha-administration-Global system preference under the options:

Opaccredits, opacheader, OpacMainUserBlock, OpacNav, opacusercssr and OpacNavBottom

Therefore if you need to display contents and links as per your requirement than you have to modify just the links and contents of the code or Completely remove all the codes to get the koha default home page view


1. http://sourceforge.net/projects/kohalivecd-lite/files/ (accessed on 22/01/13)
2. http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_ubuntu_-_packages (accessed on 22/01/13)
3. http://kohageek.pbworks.com/w/page/28248118/FrontPage (accessed on 22/01/13)
4. http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Encoding_and_Character_Sets_in_Koha (accessed on 22/01/13)
5. http://freshtutorial.com/basic-ubuntu-command-tutorial-for-beginners/ (accessed on 22/01/13)
6. http://vimalkumar.org/node/16 (Accessed on 22/01/13)
7. http://koha-community.org/ (accessed on 22/01/13)

Please feel free to share your views/comments on this live DVD at mishravk79@gmail.com or vinod_librarian@rediffmail.com

Website : https://mishravk.com

Source: readme.txt, updated 2016-07-05