Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
tools 2020-07-16
JTango 2017-05-11
bindings 2017-02-01
gui 2017-01-09
Previous_Releases 2016-03-10
vm 2015-12-13
doc 2015-09-02
web 2015-02-12
PyTango 2013-11-27
tango-9.2.5a.tar.gz 2017-01-09 65.9 MB
tango-9.2.5a.tar.gz.md5 2017-01-09 33 Bytes
TANGO_CHANGES.txt 2017-01-09 85.6 kB
README.txt 2017-01-09 32.2 kB
tango922_win32_vc10.zip 2016-03-17 121.6 MB
tango922_win32_vc9.zip 2016-03-17 98.7 MB
tango922_win64_vc10.zip 2016-03-17 132.6 MB
tango922_win64_vc9.zip 2016-03-17 120.2 MB
TangoSetup-9.2.2_win64.exe 2016-03-17 126.0 MB
tango-9.2.2.tar.gz 2016-03-16 66.6 MB
tango921_win32_vc10.zip 2016-03-10 121.6 MB
tango921_win32_vc9.zip 2016-03-10 98.7 MB
tango921_win64_vc10.zip 2016-03-10 132.5 MB
tango921_win64_vc9.zip 2016-03-10 120.2 MB
TangoSetup-9.2.1_win64.exe 2016-03-10 128.7 MB
tango-9.2.1.tar.gz 2016-03-10 66.6 MB
Tango9_VM.pdf 2015-10-12 3.7 MB
tango_vbox_3_0rc5.7z 2013-11-27 5.0 GB
Tango Box Virtual Machine User Manual.pdf 2013-11-27 3.2 MB
Totals: 28 Items   6.4 GB 39
		TANGO source code release version 9.2.5a - README (01/2017)


 1 - Introduction
 2 - What's inside
 3 - Prerequisites
 4 - Installing
 5 - Compiling
 6 - Running
 7 - Updating from previous Tango releases
 8 - Documentation
 9 - Remarks
10 - Questions
11 - URL
12 - Changes

This is the README for the TANGO source code release. TANGO is a
toolkit for building object oriented control systems based on CORBA ans ZMQ. 
TANGO is a joint effort of the several European research institutes.

This source code release is based on the latest version of TANGO 9 (9.2.5a)
and is intended for Unix platforms. A binary version for Windows of TANGO 
is available. The source code contained in this package 
runs on Windows but the Makefile don't.

Tango 9 and above is compliant to the 64 bit architecture.

This package is foreseen (and was tested) to run with omniORB4.2.1 even if it 
works as well with omniORB 4.1.6, 4.1.7 and 4.2.0, zmq 4.0.5 and Java 1.7

The default Pogo application in this package can generate source code
for C++, Python and Java device servers.

The database server delivered with this package do not force the database
user to be root. You have to use the my.cnf configuration files
or the MYSQL_USER and MYSQL_PASSWORD environment variables to specify
the database account to be used by the database server.

The TangoTest device server delivered with this package is an example 
implementation of all possible Tango data types. 
The displayed data is animated what creates some CPU load 
when running the server. Starting an atkpanel (generic Tango client)
on a device of this server is CPU and memory consuming, because
all possible data are read and displayed.

In the case of upgrading an alreay running Tango system, please follow
the instructions in the chapter UPGRADING FROM PREVIOUS TANGO RELEASES.


This source code release contains :

(1) Tango C++ library source files and java library and application jar files

(2) The Tango database device server source files and the database configuration files (.my.cnf).

(3) The Jive application. 

(4) The Astor application and its associated Starter device server source files.

(5) The Pogo application.

(6) The tg_devtest application

(7) A test device server called TangoTest with its source files

(8) The atk graphical toolkit for writing tango applications in java

(9) The atkpanel application as a generic test client

(10 The atktuning application for tuning attributes in a device

(11) The logviewer application for visualising logging messages

(12) The DeviceTree application to display tango device attribute and/or command

(13) The atkmoni application to monitor scalar attribute values in time

(14) The jdraw synoptic editor to create synoptic applications

(15) The synopticAppli to run and test synoptics created with jdraw

(16) The Tango controlled access device server source file
     It is used if you want to run Tango with its controlled access feature

The Jive application is a Tango database browsing tool written in Java. It also
allows device testing. Its documentation is at

The Astor application is also a Java application. With the help of the Tango
starter device server, it allows full remote Tango control system administration.
Its documentation is at :

The Pogo application is a graphical Tango device server code generator.
Its documentation is at :

tg_devtest is a device testing application for device server which do not
use the database. It is a sub-part of Jive. 


Before compiling and installing TANGO you need to install :

(1) omniORB available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/omniorb 
    (Preferably version 4.2.1 but 4.2.0/4.1.7/4.1.6 is fine).
	 OmniORB is mandatory to build the Tango libraries and the delivered Tango 
	 device servers.

(2) zmq available from http://www.zeromq.org (version >= 4.0.5).
	 Zmq is mandatory to build the Tango libraries and the delivered Tango 
	 device servers.

(3) mysql available from http://mysql.org (version >= 5.5) or MariaDB from https://mariadb.org (version >= 10.0)
	One of these two databases is mandatory to install a Tango database. The default database is still mysql.
    If you want to use MariaDB, use the --enable-mariadb configure option.
(4) doxygen available from http://www.doxygen.org

    Remark : doxygen is not mandatory to run Tango. It is just used by our code
             generator (called Pogo) to automatically generates some part of 
	     the Tango device server documentation. If you don't install it,
	     this part of the documenetaion will simply not be generated.
	     But in all cases, some HTML pages documenting Tango device server
	     will allways be generated.

Also check the tools you are using

(1) If you are using gcc, you need to have gcc release 3.2.0 or above. You can
    download gcc from http://gcc/gnu.org

(2) Only java release 1.7.0 or above is supported, you can download java from
	 Java is mandatory to install and run the Tango tools.


Once you have installed the packages in prerequisites you can think
about configuring and compiling TANGO. 

To configure TANGO you need to tell it where to find omniORB, ZMQ and
mysql (if it is in a non-standard place) and where to install

The main options for configure are:
--prefix=PREFIX         install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
                        build static libraries [default=no]
--enable-mariadb		MariaDb database instead of mysql. 
						Build database server using mariadb instead of mysql

--disable-java          disable installation of Java applications
--disable-dbserver      disable installation of Tango database server.
--disable-dbcreate      enable an creation of the Tango database schema
--disable-jpegmmx		disable jpeg mmx optimization
--with-java             path to java interpreter
--with-doxygen          path to doxygen utility
--with-lyx				path to LyX utility
--with-zlib=DIR         root directory path of zlib installation defaults to
                        /usr/local or /usr if not found in /usr/local
--with-omni             prefix to omniORB installation (default: $OMNI_ROOT)
--with-zmq				prefix to ZMQLIB installation

--with-tango-db-name	Name of the database created in mysql (default: tango)
--with-tango-rc-file	Location/name of the tango rc file (default: /etc/tangorc)

                        Prefix where mysqlclient is installed
                        Directory pointing to mysqlclient include files
                        Directory pointing to mysqlclient library (Note:
                        -include and -lib do override paths found with

--with-mysql-ho         the host of the database (mysql or mariadb) (default: <blank>)
--with-mysql-admin      super user of your database (mysql or mariadb) (default: <blank>)
                        super user password of your database (mysql or mariadb) (default:
The last three options can be replaced with a .my.cnf file in your home 
directory with the following content:

			user      = [db login name]
            password  = [password]
			host      = [host name]

At the end of the configure script, a status is displayed indicating pathes
and versions of found software and the parts of the Tango package which are
ready to be installed.
Example (using mysql):								
		Source code location:   ../..
        Version:                9.2.5a
        Compiler:               gcc,g++

        OMNIORB PATH:           /segfs/tango/ORB/omniORB4.2.1/ubuntu1404
        OMNIORB VERSION:        "4.2.1"

        ZMQ PATH:               /segfs/tango/transport/zmq4.0.5/ubuntu1404
        ZMQ VERSION:            4.0.5

        JAVA PATH:              /usr/bin/java
        JAVA VERSION:           1.7.0_79

        MYSQL CLIENT LIB:       -L/usr/local/mysql/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient
        MYSQL VERSION:          5.7.13
        MYSQL CONNECTION:       OK

        libraries:              yes
        java application:       yes
		event java interface:   yes
		access control server:	yes
        database server:        yes
        database schema create: yes

Hints to configure:

The Tango database server
To disable the compilation and installation of the database server, 
use --disable-dbserver. 

Create the Tango database
To allow the configure script to create the Tango database in
your database, make sure that the mysql version is > 5.5 (or 10.0 for mariadb) and
the mysqld is running before doing configure.
Also check that the mysql client (called mysql) is in your path.

If you are not running the configure script on the same host
where the mysql server is running, use the "--with-mysql-ho" configure
option or the host entry in the my.cnf file. 

The configure script will try to connect to the
database. Make sure that privileges are granted to
the user used by configure running on the host where you
run configure. 

The configure options "--with-mysql-admin" and "--with-mysql-admin-passwd"
allow you to select which database user configure will use.
You can also use the user and password entries of the my.cnf file
to set-up your connection to the database.

To disable any access to the database use the --disable-dbcreate option.

Database server, mysql and libz
Depending on how MySql has been installed, the Tango database
server may need the compress/uncompress library (called "libz").
By default, configure try to find this compress/uncompress stuff.
If you don't need it, use the configure "--without-zlib".								  

Java applications
Tango arrives with many Java applications. Each java applications has
its own script (in $prefix/bin) where the CLASSPATH is set before 
starting the java interpreter. These scripts will be modified by the
configure script to set a correct path to the java interpreter found in
your PATH when configure was run. You can also use the "--with-java=xxx"
to define a path to the java interpreter.

It is not mandatory to find the java interpreter in your PATH. You can use 
the "--disable-java" configure option to build Tango. 
When java was not found, disabled, or found with un unsufficient version, 
the installation of the java applications is disabled.

LyX is a document processor used to generate the tango manual documentation.
One already generated manual is provided in this distribution. Nevertheless,
if you want to re-generate it, you can use the command "make pdf" but this
requires LyX to be installed on your host. You can used the "--with-lyx=xxx"
configure command line to define a path to the LyX utility on your host.

Doxygen is a documentation generator from C++ source files. It is used by the
Tango code generator (called Pogo) to generate Tango device server documentation.
The script used to start Pogo will be modified by the configure script to set
a correct path to the doxygen command found in your PATH when configure was
run. You can also used the "--with-doxygen=xxx" to define a path to the
doxygen command.
It is not mandatory to find the doxygen command in your PATH or to use the
"--with-doxygen" configure option to build and run Tango. This will only prevent
some part of Tango device server documentation to be generated by Pogo.

You can type "configure --help" to get a print of all the options
supported by the configure script.

Here is an example of running configure for TANGO telling it where
to install (--prefix) TANGO and where omniORB and ZMQ are installed:

cd $directory_where_tango_has_been_installed
mkdir build
cd build
export CC=gcc
export CXX=g++
../configure --prefix=/home/tango/release/install_dir_linux \
	--with-omni=/segfs/tango/ORB/omniORB4.2.1/ubuntu1404 \

During the configure procedure the access to the database is tested. Please prepare
your my.cnf (database configuration file) or use the configure options
to specify the access to the database.


Once configure has run successfully you can compile and install the
executables, include files, libraries and scripts. Do this by typing :

make all

make install


To test wether the TANGO build worked do the following :

(1) start the database on port 10000 by typing :

    TANGO_INSTALL_DIR/bin/DataBaseds 2 -ORBendPoint giop:tcp::10000
	 Specify the database account to be used by the database server.
	 Two possibilities are available:
	 	- set the following environment variables to the account and 
		  password to be used
			MYSQL_USER to specify the database login name
			MYSQL_PASSWORD to specify the password
			MYSQL_HOST if required
		- configure the database client with the database configuration 
		  file my.cnf
			user      = [database login name]
            password  = [password]

(2) Configure the TANGO_HOST environment variable with the hostname the
    database server is running on and the port number used.

    setenv TANGO_HOST hostname:10000

(3) start the test device server tangoTest :

    TANGO_INSTALL_DIR/bin/TangoTest test

(4) start jive by typing for example :

    (See chapter 4 java sub-chapter to check the jive script) 

(5) test your device using the test device in jive

(6) write new device servers using pogo :


    (See chapter 4 java sub-chapter to check the pogo script) 



To update the Tango database, the distribution provides some scripts.
The "make install" command will create these database related scripts in
<install_dir>/share/tango/db ONLY if the database connection test
done at configure time is successfull ("database schema create" reported
as yes at the end of the configure script execution)


Tango 9.2 includes an update of the database. This is one update of
the stored procedure (release 1.12).

To update your database, follow these instructions:

a - Stop your control system and your database server(s)

b - Backup your database (Recommended, not mandatory)

c - Cd to the <install_dir>/share/tango/db directory

d - Run the update script:
e - Restart your database server(s)


Tango 9.1 requires an update of the database. This is one update of
the stored procedure (release 1.11), some new commands in the list of allowed 
commands for the Database class (for Tango Access Control system) and
some new tables related to the new pipe feature.

To update your database, follow these instructions:

a - Stop your control system and your database server(s)

b - Backup your database (Recommended, not mandatory)

c - Cd to the <install_dir>/share/tango/db directory

d - Run the update script:
	mysql -u[user] -p[password] < ./update_db8.sql
e - Restart your database server(s)


Tango 9.1 needs an update of the data in the database. This is one
update of the stored procedure (release 1.9), some more
commands definition for the Tango control access and new tables dedicated to pipe.

To update your database, follow these instructions:

a - Stop your control system and your database server(s)

b - Backup your database (Recommended, not mandatory)

c - Cd to the <install_dir>/share/tango/db directory

d - Run the update script:
	mysql -u[user] -p[password] < ./update_db7.sql
e - Restart your database server(s)


Don't forget to READ THE MANUAL (in doc/tango.pdf) !


TANGO 9.0:
Tango 9.0 is a major release. Recompiling a device server with Tango 8.0 
means recompiling ALL classes of the device server. You need to work with
coherent include files.

TANGO 8.0:
Tango 8.0 is a major release. Recompiling a device server with Tango 8.0 
means recompiling ALL classes of the device server. You need to work with
coherent include files.

TANGO 7.0:
Tango 7.0 is a major release. Recompiling a device server with Tango 7.0 
means recompiling ALL classes of the device server. You need to work with
coherent include files.

TANGO 6.1:
The database server in this package uses stored procedures. To make it reliably 
work the MySQL version must be >5.0.
To exploit the full performance of the new database server, on an already 
installed Tango system, the the chapter UPDATING FROM PREVIOUS TANGO RELEASES.

TANGO 6.0:
Tango 6.0 is a major release, because it uses omniORB 4.1 which is
a major release of omniORB. The code generated from the with the IDL
compiler is not compatible with the code gernerated with omniORB 4.0.x!
To avoid any confusion with new and old libraries we decided to
make also a major Tango release.

Recompiling a device server with Tango 6.0 and omniORB 4.1 means 
recompiling ALL classes of the device server. You need to work with
coherent include files.


You will definitely have some ! Send questions to info@tango-controls.org or on the 
forum: http://www.tango-controls.org/community/forum

11 - URL

Visit the TANGO website http://www.tango-controls.org for online 
documentation, news and to download add-on packages.


See the file TANGO_CHANGES to get an overview of all modification
between the different Tango library versions.

Changes between Tango distribution 9.2.5 and 9.2.5a

- Updated Jive to                               Release 7.10
- Updated JSSHTerminal to                       Release 1.10
- Updated Astor to                              Release 7.0.9
- Added DBBench                                 Release 1.3

Changes between Tango distribution 9.2.2 and 9.2.5

- Updated C++ library to						Release 9.2.5
- Updated Jive to								Release 7.8
- Updated atkpanel to							Release 5.5
- Updated Pogo to								Release 9.4.5
- Updated DbServer to							Release 5.6 (stored procedure release 1.13)
- Updated JTango to								Release 9.1.2
- Updated ATK to 								Release 9.1.22
- Updated Astor to								Release 7.0.7
- Updated Starter to							Release 6.9
- Updated LogViewer to							Release 2.0.4
- Updated TangoAccessControl to					Release 2.13

Changes between Tango distribution 9.1.0 and 9.2.2

- Updated C++ library to						Release 9.2.2
- Updated Jive to								Release 6.9
- Updated atkpanel to							Release 5.4
- Updated Pogo to								Release 9.2.4
- Updated DbServer to							Release 5.4 (stored procedure release 1.11)
- Updated JTango to								Release 9.0.7
- Updated ATK to 								Release 9.1.13
- Updated Astor to								Release 6.7.0
- Updated Starter to							Release 6.8
- Updated TangoTest to							Release 2.1
- Updated TangoAccessControl to					Release 2.12

- SourceForge bug 755 : DBserver and TAC : Passing database name at run time
- SourceForge bug 762 : TangoTest : SegFault writing to long_spectrum attribute
- SourceForge bug 763 : DBserver : NULL insertion in NOT NULL columns
- SourceForge bug 766 : Starter : memory leak
- SourceForge bug 772 : Makefile dependencies to prevent unnecessary rebuilt
- SourceForge bug 778 : tango.opt defines wrong LDFLAGS
- SourceForge bug 782 : Bug in common_target.opt file

- TangoTest : Memory not freed in delete_device() method
- DBserver : Add command DbGetForwardedAttributeForDevice
- DBserver : Change default value for accessed columns in 2 tables
- DBserver : Change variable data type in Stored procedure

Changes between Tango distribution 8.1.2 and 9.1.0

- Updated C++ library to						Release 9.1.0
- Updated Log4Tango to 							Release 5.0.1
- Updated Jive to								Release 6.7
- Updated atkpanel to							Release 5.2
- Updated Pogo to								Release 9.1.7
- Updated Astor to								Release 6.6.6
- Updated DbServer to							Release 5.2
- Replacing TangORB with JTango					Release 9.0.5
- Updated ATK to 								Release 9.1.3
- Updated LogViewer to						    Release 2.0.1
- Updated Starter to							Release 6.6
- Updated TangoTest to							Release 2.0
- Updated TangoAccessControl to					Release 2.11
- Updated tango_admin to						Release 1.13
- Updated AccessControl abstract class to		Release 2.7

- notifd2db removed from distribution
- jzmq removed from distribution
- removed notify_daemon script

- SourceForge bug 661: DbServer : Wrong initialization of device table int and date columns (created_db script)
- SourceForge bug 669: Jive : File written with escaped " character
- SourceForge bug 670: TangoTest : Crash with value < 1 given to attribute float_scalar
- SourceForge bug 671: DbServer : Attribute alias not deleted during delete_device
- SourceForge bug 713: DbServer : History ID on 64 bits value
- DbServer: Characters / and " " forbidden in alias name
- DbServer: Small memory leak in DbGetInstanceNameList command
- DbServer: Memory leak when trying to get event from it
- DbServer: Change the way memorized attribute property (__value) is managed
- DbServer: Remove history memorization for memorized attribute (including already stored history)
- DbServer: Replace NULL insertion in not null table colums by actual date (now())
- Tango_admin: Add options --server-list and --server-instance-list (FR 99)
- Distribution: Doc images source files (.fig) added to distribution
- Distribution: Idl file compiled during the package compilation 

Changes between Tango distribution 8.0.5 and 8.1.2

- Updated C++ library to						Release 8.1.2
- Updated Log4Tango to 							Release 4.0.8
- Updated Jive to								Release 4.31
- Updated atkpanel to							Release 4.8
- Updated Pogo to								Release 8.1.14
- Updated Astor to								Release 6.3.6
- Updated DbServer to							Release 4.23
- Updated TangORB to							Release 8.3.0
- Updated ATK to 								Release 4.5.3
- Updated Starter to							Release 5.12
- Updated TangoTest to							Release 1.9
- Updated TangoAccessControl to					Release 2.9
- Updated DeviceTree to							Release 1.9.6
- Updated notifd2db to							Release 1.14
- Updated tango_admin to						Release 1.11
- Updated AccessControl abstract class to		Release 2.6

- SourceForge bug 88  (1497526) - Updating property with character \
- SourceForge bug 520 (3543407) - Bug in DbGetDeviceAttributeProperty2
- SourceForge bug 525 (3559224) - Missing -lzmq for libtango
- SourceForge bug 555 - Not possible to launch atkpanel from Jdraw

- New attribute alias related commands in Database server
- New DbRenameServer command in database server
- The DbDeleteServer command now also delete device properties
- Improvement in TAC device filter (sr/v-*/* allowed)
- Add jzmq in source distribution
- "make pdf" command now generates the Tango book with a new
  --with-lyx configure command line option

Changes between Tango distribution 7.2.6a and 8.0.5

- Updated C++ library to						Release 8.0.5
- Updated Log4Tango to 							Release 4.0.7
- Updated Jive to								Release 4.24
- Updated atkpanel to							Release 4.5
- Updated Pogo to								Release 8.0.7
- Updated Astor to								Release 6.0.4
- Updated notifd2db to							Release 1.13
- Updated tango_admin to 						Release 1.10
- Updated DbServer to							Release 4.17
- Updated TangORB to							Release 8.0.0 
- Updated ATK to 								Release 4.3.9
- Updated Starter to							Release 5.5
- Updated TangoTest to							Release 1.7.0
- Updated TangoAccessControl to					Release 2.5
- Updated AccessControl to						Release 2.5

- SourceForge bug 3308848: Fix build on kfreebsd system
- SourceForge bug 3383197: Jpeg mmx option to configure
- SourceForge bug 3409434: Memory leaks in Database server
- SourceForge bug 3515206: Bug in PutServerInfo command (Database server)

- Add command DbGetCSDbServerList to database server
- The database server now unregister itself from database when it is killed
- Add 3 db commands (DbImportEvent, DbGetDeviceAlias and DbGetCSDbServerList) in allowed command list (For TAC)
- The database server and TAC server supports a MYSQL_HOST environment variable
- Add messages around MySQL connection in database server (to ease debugging)
- New and faster algorithm in database command DbGetDeviceAttributeProperty2
- Fix two bugs in database stored procedure (release 1.8)
- Try to prevent SQL injection in command DbMySqlSelect
- All database class commands now have their arguments description field initialized
- Database server, TAC server and Tango Test are now compiled with Debian hardenning flags

Changes between Tango distribution 7.2.1 and 7.2.6a

- SourceForge bug 3312284: Could not start jive, astor,...

Changes between Tango distribution 7.2.1 and 7.2.6

- Updated C++ library to						Release 7.2.6
- Updated Jive to								Release 4.19
- Updated LogViewer	to							Release 1.2.3
- Updated Pogo to								Release 7.2.1
- Updated Astor to							    Release 5.4.1
- Updated notifd2db to							Release 1.12
- Updated tango_admin to 						Release 1.8
- Updated DbServer to							Release 4.12
- Updated TangORB to							Release 7.4.3
- Updated ATK to 								Release 4.2.10
- Updated Starter to							Release 5.2
- Updated TangoTest to							Release 1.4.5
- Updated TangoAccessControl to					Release 2.4
- Updated AccessControl to						Release 2.4

- SourceForge bug 3158150: Architecture issue in configure.in
- SourceForge bug 3152384: Db Server crash when reading timing attributes
- SourceForge bug 3138228: A new parameter in tango_admin when pinging database
- SourceForge bug 3137921: Pogo 7 does not create some output arguments
- SourceForge bug 3129852: Fix SQL script to update a Tango database from release 6 to 7.2

- Update crate_db_tables.sql script to support MySQL >= 5.1 CREATE TABLE sql statement
- Implement a retry to MySQl connection in DB server. Needed for binary install

Changes between Tango distribution 7.2.0 and 7.2.1

- Updated C++ library 							Release 7.2.1

- Fix SourceForge bugs number 3092110 and 3092764
- Split lib/cpp/server/jpeg directory in order to optimize compilation options

Changes between Tango distribution 7.1.1 and 7.2.0

- Added tango_admin								Release 1.0
- Updated database device server				Release 4.8
- Updated TangoAccessControl device server		Release 1.5
- Updated TangoTest to 							Release 1.4.4
- Updated ATKCore and ATKWidget to				Release 4.2.3
- Updated atkpanel to							Release 4.3
- Updated Jive to								Release 4.12
- Updated Pogo									Release 7.0
- Updated Astor to								Release 5.2.9
- Updated TangORB to							Release 7.3.5
- Updated Jdraw to 								Release 1.13
- Updated Starter to							Release 4.14

- Fix SourceForge bugs number 3000308 - 3000310 - 3000329
- After installation, the doc and man folders are now under the "share" folder
- A new doc/src folder added in the source package. This folder contains all the
necessary files (lyx format) to generate the Tango bible (tango.pdf).
If lyx is installed on your computer, to re-generate the bible, go to doc/src
and type " lyx -e pdf tango.lyx"
- Pogo release 6 and 7 are available in this release. If you want to start
pogo release 6, simply use the pogo-6 script available in the bin directory after
the install
- After installation, all Pogo code generation related files are in a pogo directory
- Java jar files are now in <install_dir>/share/java
- Include files are now in <install_dir>/include/tango

Changes between Tango distribution 7.0.2 and 7.1.1

- Updated database device server				Release 4.5
- Updated TangoAccessControl device server		Release 1.4
- Updated ATKCore and ATKWidget to				Release 4.0.6
- Updated atkpanel to							Release 4.2
- Updated Jive to								Release 4.0
- Updated Pogo									Release 6.2.0
- Updated Astor to								Release 5.2.3
- Updated TangORB to							release 7.1.0

- A new option --with-tango-rc-file allowing the user to select the Tango rc file location has been
added to the configure script
- The value passed to the configure script option --with-tango-db-name is now also taken into account
by the database server and the controlled access server
- Man pages for binaries have been added
- omniORB detection done using pkg-config
- Pictures used in the Tango pdf documentation has been changed in order to clarify their licences
- In case TANGO_HOST is not defined as a variable environment, scripts to start the provided tools use the rc file if defined

- Fix bug in MySQL detection
- Fix bug in case doxygen is not available on the host where the installation is performed

Changes between Tango distribution 6.1.1.b and 7.0.2

- Added the Tango controlled access server		Release 1.3
- Updated Notifd2db.cpp file					Release 1.7
- Updated database device server				Release 4.3
- Updated starter device server					Release 4.8
- Updated TangoTest device server				Release 1.3
- Updated Astor to								Release 5.2
- Updated ATKCore and ATKWidget to				Release 4.0.2
- Updated Jive									Release	3.21
- Updated Pogo									Release 6.0.0
- Updated TangoORB								Release 7.0.2
- Updated atkpanel to							Release 4.1
Added a tango_wca script to start/stop a Tango control system when used with its controlled access

Changes between Tango distribution 6.1.1.a and 6.1.1.b

- Updated ATKPanel to release 3.5
- Added the log4j jar file (used by LogViewer and Java device server)

Changes between Tango distribution 6.1.1 and 6.1.1.a

- Notifd2db.cpp file updated to release 1.6
- Fix bug in the database update script in the history ids tables update
- Add TangORB.jar file to the CLASSPATH in the jdraw script file
- Updated TangoORB.jar file to release 6.0.2
- Added the tool_panels jar file
- Update TangoTest device server (slower data refresh frequency)

Source: README.txt, updated 2017-01-09