Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder
sfk195x64.exe 2019-06-04 2.4 MB
sfk195.exe 2019-06-04 2.2 MB
sfktray-set-up.exe 2019-06-04 1.8 MB
sfk195-linux.exe 2019-06-04 2.2 MB
sfk195-linux-lib5.exe 2019-06-04 2.2 MB
sfk195-mac-i686.exe 2019-06-04 2.6 MB
sfk195-mac-ppc.exe 2019-06-04 2.5 MB
sfk195-mac.dmg 2019-06-04 2.6 MB 2019-06-04 9.3 MB
sfk195-arm.exe 2019-06-04 3.2 MB
sfk-1.9.5.tar.gz 2019-06-04 1.2 MB
sfk195-linux-64.exe 2019-06-04 2.3 MB
readme 2019-06-04 3.5 kB
Totals: 13 Items   34.6 MB 0
Major Update.
Read the changelist for details.

Zip File Contents:

1. Binaries of Swiss File Knife Base, the multi function command line tool
   for Windows (XP to 10), Intel Linux (current and old releases),
   Apple Macintosh (i686 and PPC) and ARM systems like Raspberry Pi.

2. Sourcecode and build scripts of SFK Base,
   allowing compilation under Windows and Linux.

3. Some documentation, example and test files.

If you are in a hurry and want only a single executable,

-  download any of these files:

   sfk.exe              Swiss File Knife for Windows (32/64 bits).
   sfkx64.exe           SFK x64 for 64 bit Windows only (OSE build).
   sfk-linux.exe        SFK for 32 bits Intel Linux, like Ubuntu.
   sfk-linux-64.exe     SFK for 64 bits Intel Linux, like Ubuntu 64.
   sfk-linux-lib5.exe   SFK for older   Intel Linux, like DSL.
   sfk-mac-i686.exe     SFK for current Intel based Macs.
   sfk-mac-ppc.exe      SFK for older   PowerPC Macs.
   sfk-arm.exe          SFK for ARM systems like Raspberry Pi.
   sfktray-set-up.exe   The SFKTray Status Display Tool for Windows,
                        Freeware edition, for use with sfk status.

you may use

1) automatic setup (Windows only):

-  double click on the downloaded sfk.exe.
   on Windows 10 you may have to confirm
   a security dialogue to let it start.

-  a command line window opens.
   press 1, then enter to close.
-  search the new "sfk shell" desktop icon.
   double click to open a command line
   which contains the sfk command.


2) manual setup:

-  open a terminal or command line window (CMD.EXE).

-  cd into your download folder.

-  Windows: rename the .exe to sfk.exe,
   copy it to an easy folder like C:\tools.
   extend the command search path by:
      SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\tools
   now you can use the 'sfk' command.

-  Linux/Mac: rename the .exe to just "sfk" like:
      mv sfk-mac-i686.exe sfk
   then make it executable by:
      chmod +x sfk
   and finally type:

if you have no unzip tool, or in a wrong version,
you may download unzip for the command line from


the files are no longer replaced on updates, 
and can be safely linked by package managers.

old folders from which no files are ever downloaded
may be cleaned up after a while.


Initial Release:
-  rel: 04.06.2019, Major Update
-  sum: sfk snapto can now include text from
        office files like .docx .xlsx .odt,
        allowing fast loading and browsing
        of the output file by Depeche View.
-  add: sfk olist, list only office files
        within a folder.
-  add: snapto: option -office to include text
        from office files like .docx .xlsx .odt
-  add: snapto, ofind: option -justoffice to read only
        office files, but not plain text files.
-  chg: no longer loading binaries with commands
        like snapto just due to a file mask,
        but still by .extension. use option -wlbin
        for the old behaviour.
-  add: difflines: option to read from stdin.
-  fix: difflines: example with variables.
-  fix: require: if no version info was found
        it produced a non speaking error.
        now it assumes version 0.0.0
-  fix: sfk ose: missing office file support.
-  doc: help office: snapto examples.
-  doc: sfk view: dview office notes.
Source: readme, updated 2019-06-04