Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
wxcode 2011-05-04
pythoncode 2011-05-02
wiringcode 2011-05-02
report 2011-05-02
README.txt 2011-05-04 1.6 kB
Totals: 5 Items   1.6 kB 0

IP154 Development of Intelligent Device for Condition Monitoring

Student name: Kelong Cong

Supervisor names: Dr. J. Swingler, Dr. L. Wang

Academic year: 2010/2011

The project website contains all the source codes used for the project
and they are separated into three folders. wiringcode folder contains 
the wiring code using in Arduino. pythoncode folder contains the
command-line Python application. wxcode folder contains the updated 
Python application which utilises a GUI. Any questions or suggestions
please contact kc1g08@soton.ac.uk

Below shows the folder structure
wiringcode: alpha_02.pde
pythoncode: alpha_02.py, alpha_functions.py
wxcode: myClasses.py, startWindow.py, myMonitor.py, myViewer.py
report: kelongcong_finalreport2.zip

MySQL 5.5 (with appropiate database and tables), Python 2.7.1 32-bit, 
wxPython 2.8, pySerial 2.5, numpy 1.6.0b2, MySQLdb 1.2.3 and matplotlib 1.0.1 
are need to be installed to run the Python codes.

It is also possible to run it using MySQL 5.1 and Python 2.6 (tested) with the
appropiate libraries, but it will not work with Python 3.0 or above.


Updated document discription
Made some tweaks in startWindow.py

Rearranged folder structure
Updated all the source code and report to the latest version

Uploaded project report

Uploaded all the source code
Source: README.txt, updated 2011-05-04