Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Parent folder 2014-12-12 23.9 kB
README.txt 2014-12-12 6.0 kB 2014-11-17 9.3 kB
ShowSubscriberStat.class 2014-11-17 8.9 kB
NewImportWizardServiceImpl_RootNode.class 2013-09-07 1.0 kB
NewImportWizardServiceImpl.class 2013-09-07 29.4 kB 2013-09-07 33.6 kB
MailingSendAction.class 2013-08-01 33.4 kB 2013-08-01 53.9 kB 2013-08-01 4.0 kB
WebServiceBase.class 2013-08-01 3.8 kB
commons-codec-1.3.jar 2013-04-02 46.7 kB
recipient-view.jsp 2013-03-18 17.7 kB
ExecuteScript.class 2013-03-07 4.7 kB
applicationContext.xml 2013-03-07 1.3 kB 2013-03-07 4.8 kB 2013-02-21 60.4 kB
RecipientDaoImpl.class 2013-02-21 41.6 kB
Totals: 18 Items   384.5 kB 0
OpenEMM 2013 was released on January 23rd, 2013.

Please subscribe to Twitter-Account "openemm" to get notifications when new
bug fixes for OpenEMM become available.

A bug is fixed by applying the instructions described below. Usually this means
editing the file containing the buggy code or replacing an existing file by a
new file with the revised code from this SourceForge directory. Of course, for
class files we also provide the source code files in case you want to build the
software by yourself.

BEFORE you replace or edit files you have to STOP OpenEMM first with
$> su - openemm
$> stop
$> exit

AFTER replacing or editing the file(s) you have to RESTART OpenEMM with
$> su - openemm
$> start
$> exit

This procedure is NOT necessary IF the description of a bug fix is amended by
"No restart required."

Bug #01: The embedded HTML editor does not launch
Fix #01: Open file in directory
         search for property "fckpath" and set it like this
         No restart required.

Bug #02: After update to OpenEMM 2013 buttons are missing to edit target groups
Fix #02: The Target Groups menu got more permissions. Check the permissions of
         your user and click the checkboxes of the new permissions if required.
         No restart required.

Bug #03: Methods AddMailing and UpdateMailing of Webservice API 2.0 do not work
Fix #03: Open file applicationContext-dao.xml in directory
         and replace line
         <bean id="CompanyDao" class="org.agnitas.dao.impl.CompanyDaoImpl"/>
         with the following three lines:
         <bean id="CompanyDao" class="org.agnitas.dao.impl.CompanyDaoImpl">
             <property name="sessionFactory" ref="sessionFactory" />

Bug #04: Custom profile fields can not be filled with times before 12:00:00
Fix #04: Replace file RecipientDaoImpl.class in directory

Bug #05: Your Action Scripts lead to error forms even if they should not
Fix #05: Replace file ExecuteScript.class in directory

Bug #06: Method SendMailing of Webservice API 2.0 does not send mails
Fix #06: Replace file applicationContext.xml in directory

Bug #07: Numeric profile fields can not be edited in the recipient detail view
Fix #07: Replace file recipient-view.jsp in directory
         No restart required.

Bug #08: Method AddContentBlock of Webservice API 2.0 fails to include images
Fix #08: Add file commons-codec-1.3.jar to directory

Bug #09: Recipient list shows error "Resource key ... not found in default bundle"
Fix #09: Open file in directory
         and add at the end of the line
         error.errorneous_recipient_search=Your recipient search resulted in an error

Bug #10: Menu "blacklist" does not work if permission to view recipients is missing
Fix #10: Replace "" with "blacklist" in directory
         in files,, and
         (in the latter file only the second appearance)

Bug #11: Extension "blacklist_wildcard_search" does not work
Fix #11: Download the fixed version from folder Home/OpenEMM development/Plugins

Bug #12: Legacy webservices 1.0 are vulnerable to SQL injections (disclosed by Bryan Alexander)
Fix #12: Replace file WebServiceBase.class in directory
         If you use legacy webservices of OpenEMM we urge you to apply this patch!

Bug #13: if you define a delivery time for a date-based mailing more than 3
         hours in the future, the mails will not be sent
Fix #13: Replace file MailingSendAction.class in directory

Bug #14: Blacklist import mode does not accept duplicates in the import file
Fix #14: Replace file NewImportWizardServiceImpl.class in directory
         Replace file NewImportWizardServiceImpl$RootNode.class in directory
         (First, you have to replace "_" with "$" in the file name because
          SourceForge can not handle character "$" in file names.)

Bug #15: Rule-based conversion of softbounces to hardbounces does not work
Fix #15: Open file in directory
         and replace "if cleanup:" with "elif cleanup:" in line 2014 and 2100
         No restart required.

PATCH INSTRUCTIONS for OpenEMM 2013 and OpenEMM 2013 R2

Bug #16: Recipients statistics initially shows zero values only
Fix #16: Replace file ShowSubscriberStat.class in directory

Bug #17: Online update does not work correctly
Fix #17: Copy script to /home/openemm first.
         $> cd /home/openemm
         $> chmod a+x
         $> su - openemm
         $> ./
         If script returns "Bugfix #17 was applied", everything worked fine.
         No restart required.

No more bugfixes are available yet. But we have updates in neighbor directory
Source: README.txt, updated 2014-12-12