Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
nsu.v1.4.tgz 2014-04-25 416.1 kB
nsu-README.v1.4.txt 2014-04-23 4.1 kB
nsu-BUG-HISTORY.v1.4.txt 2014-04-23 3.9 kB
Totals: 3 Items   424.1 kB 1


nsu - A collection of Network and Systems Management Utilities in Bash

nsu provides a set of Bash scripts and associated files that can be used to help simplify and even automate regular tasks on a home server:

    * nsu 				main utility
    * nsu-BUG-HISTORY.v1.4.txt		what it says
    * nsu-README.v1.4.txt		package & install info (this file). 
    * nsu-go 				script to execute the entire package in
					 several xterm windows (customizable)	
    * nsu-lsof				run lsof continuously (monitor conxns.)	
    * nsu-lsof-x			script to run nsu-lsof in an xterm
    * nsu-nsloop 			monitor active connections using netstat
    * nsu-pingtest 			monitor hosts using ping
    * nsu-pingtest.hosts.conf 		hosts list used by nsu-pingtest
    * nsu-readlog 			script used with cat to monitor Apache
					 logs and highlight errors
    * nsu-syslog 			script to run tail on system.log in xterm
    * nsu-syslog.START 			script to start nsu-syslog one time.
    * nsu.conf 				commands list for main utility
    * nsu.conf.sample 			sample commands list for main utility


1) Download nsu.v1.4.tgz 
2) Unzip or untar the package file to create ./nsu.v1.4
3) Edit nsu.conf to your liking, and copy it to $HOME/.nsu.conf
4) Edit nsu-pingtest.hosts.conf to your liking, and copy it to $HOME/.nsu-pingtest.hosts.conf
5) Copy the executables to a folder in your $PATH
6) Run nsu in an xterm
7) Edit nsu-go to use correct log file names for your system.
8) Run nsu-go & in an xterm.

Requires /bin/bash, X11 and xterm.


See comments in individual script files for workings and parameters, history, bugs, contact information, etc.    


- Modify nsu-pingtest.hosts.conf to specify your own list of hosts to monitor
- Review nsu.conf and modify it to change individual command lines or add your own

	- position 1 is a one-byte command identifier (must be unique within the file)
	- position 2 must be blank
	- position 3 onwards is the text of the command you want to execute (using Bash "eval").

- Enjoy!

#       Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Michael Cook for Skyline Research ;)
#       Email nsu@michaelcook.ca with any issues.
#	See http://skyprod.net/pub/Programs/nsu
#	The package is being hosted at sourceforge.net/projects/nsu

This file last updated:
	2014-04-24	V1.4	- updated this file for v1.4 ..
					- replaced nsu-nsloop
					- replaced nsu-lsof (added timestamp)
					- replaced .nsu-pingtest.hosts.conf (new network)
					- creating nsu-BUG-HISTORY.v1.4.txt
					- creating nsu-README.v1.4.txt
				- created nsu.v1.4.tgz.
	2012-09-06	V1.3	- updated this file for v1.3 ..
					- creating nsu-BUG-HISTORY.v1.3.txt
					- creating nsu-README.v1.3.txt
				- detail changes to nsu	v1.2 to create v1.3
				- created nsu.v1.3.tgz.
	2012-04-22	V1.2	- updated this file for changes to v1.2 ..
					- creating nsu-README.v1.2.txt
				- added nsu-lsof and nsu-lsof-x
				- added nsu-syslog and nsu-syslog.START
				- nsu.conf default now $HOME/.nsu.conf (used in nsu)
				- fixed null selection bug in nsu
				- updated nsu-BUGS.v1.1.txt creating nsu-BUGS.v1.2.txt
				- created nsu.v1.2.tgz.
	2011-05-29	V1.1	- updated this file for changes to v1.1 creating nsu-README.v1.1.txt
				- fixed bug in nsu-readlog
				- updated nsu-BUGS.txt creating nsu-BUGS.v1.1.txt
				- refreshed nsu.v1.1.tgz.
				- added ./images folder
	2011-05-29	v1.1	- updated nsu-README.txt for V1.1
				- fixed bug in nsu-go at line 36:
					mona:~ mcook$ /Users/mcook/bin/nsu-go: line 36: rk: command not found
				- includes fix for v1 bug in nsu-README.txt (corrected sourceforge URL as below (v1 bug item 1)
				- created nsu.v1.1.tgz in folder nsu.v1.1
	2011-05-28	v1	- fixed bug in nsu-README.txt 
					URL sourceforge URL correctd to sourceforge.net/projects/nsu
				- refreshed nsu.v1.tgz including updates for v1 bug item 1 and changed canonical file
					for this file as below.

Source: nsu-README.v1.4.txt, updated 2014-04-23