Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
KwaMoja-release_1603.zip 2016-03-05 36.8 MB
KwaMoja-release_1402.zip 2014-02-06 31.3 MB
README 2013-03-02 4.8 kB
KwaMoja_4.10.2.zip 2013-03-02 21.0 MB
KwaMoja_4.10.1.zip 2013-01-25 22.2 MB
KwaMoja.zip 2013-01-21 22.3 MB
Totals: 6 Items   133.7 MB 3
Version 4.10.2:

dobl_D  (From forums): Fixes bug in installer

Version 4.10.1:

Tim Schofield: Fixes the bug in javascript preventing the date picker working correctly

Version 4.10.0

Tim Schofield: Added Job cards functionality.
Tim Schofield: Added functionality to pring html tables directly from browser
Tim Schofield: Added ability to change the name of Account Groups.
Tim Schofield: Added the ability to change the size of the screen font by individual user.
Tim Schofield: Made the three menu columns occupy equal spacing.
Thomas Lie: corrections to various strings where English was suspect!!
Phil Daintree: on log out destroy session and show the login form - avoiding nasty errors
Phil Daintree: Proper casing of $Title $RootPath $Theme $DBType $DBUser $DBPassword $AllowDemoMode variables - may make upgrade tricky!!
Pak Ricard: OutstandingGRNs.php now has show on screen option
Phil Daintree: Customer login selection of branch option removed unecessary fields from customer order placement
Bob Thomas: modified default.css for the default theme to use pt based default font and other font sizes based on this
Phil Daintree/RockStar: SelectOrderitems.php would not recognise Customer only logins correctly as there are two tokens in a Customer login role. and was testing to see if just one token!
Phil Daintree: Made CustomerLogin and SupplierLogin more intuitive - still rely on hard coded Security Tokens though.
Phil Daintree: Reworked GLTransInquiry.php produced incorrect journals
Phil Daintree: Remove hard coding of security tokens in favour of new OrderEntryDiscountPricing dummy script
Phil Daintree: Check user has authority to receive goods before allowing auto receiving
Phil Daintree: SupplierInvoice.php add link to pay invoice after invoice input
Phil Daintree: Allow auto receiving of purchase orders and populating of purchase invoice when purchase order is authorised.
Tim Schofield: PO_PDFPurchOrder.php fix printing of initiator to show the full name also style changes
Tim Schofield: PO_Header.php style mods also initiator reinstated as the userid not the user's realname - realname displayed but not stored in db. 
Phil Daintree: Remove input fields in Customers.php email, phone fax which are not used - these fields do not exist in debtorsmaster to update  these fields are only held by branch.
Phil Daintree: SupplierInvoice.php and link from PO_Items.php to auto receive all items on an authorised purchase order and auto populate the invoice with the received items
Jeff Trickett: Start of a conversion to remove dependencies between company name, database table name, and the company file system. Particularly on shared virtual server environments, these can be unpredictable and out of the user's control. This should reduce the difficulties often reported by users with installation.
Harald Ringehan: Updated German translation to SVN revision 5743
Phil Daintree: SelectCreditItems.php allow selection of sales person and record credit against this salesperson in sales analysis
Phil Daintree: Allow user to specify sales person to credit so that sales analysis reflects sales by sales person without recourse back to the default sales person for the customer branch
Phil Daintree: Fixed Credit_Invoice.php to now use identifier to uniquely identify a credit note session
Phil Daintree: Fixed links to send session identifier and whether from CreditInvoice or SelectCreditItems.php InputSerialItemsKeyed.php and CreditItemsControlled. Creating credit notes manually for serial numbered items was failing as reported by Bob Thomas 
Craig Craven: Updated Japanese translation
Phil Daintree: Fixed BAD bug wtth CounterSales.php it was possible to make sales where the invoice didn't agree with the sum of the lines sold!!
Phil Daintree: Added CounterReturns.php script to handle cash returns
Jesus Aguirre: Added tag selection to purchase invoice gl analysis 
David Short: improve GLPostings.inc just update all gltrans posted once the postings are done rather than a whole load of updates for each gltrans posted
Phil Daintree: Added telephone and email to supplier search - SelectSupplier.php
Phil Daintree: Rounding error prevented CounterSales.php from posting a sale where currency was rounding to 0 decimal places - reported by Arwan
Samudaya Nanayakkara: Fixed the problem of Authoriser drop down selection when try to edit a Internal Departments.
Phil Daintree: Fixed exchange rate trend using google based https://encrypted.google.com/finance/chart?
Phil Daintree: Added google exchange rates option - many more rates than ECB published daily
Icedlava: CustomerReceipt.php and Payments.php stripslashes
Phil Daintree: SelectOrderItems.php and CounterSales.php $_POST['Prev'] modified to $_POST['Previous']
Source: README, updated 2013-03-02