Home / OpenJUMP / 1.6.3
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readme.txt 2013-05-29 9.8 kB
OpenJUMP-1.6.3-r3576-src.zip 2013-05-29 8.1 MB
OpenJUMP-1.6.3-r3576-apidocs.zip 2013-05-29 10.3 MB
OpenJUMP-Installer-1.6.3-r3576-PLUS.exe 2013-05-29 36.5 MB
OpenJUMP-Installer-1.6.3-r3576-CORE.exe 2013-05-29 16.1 MB
OpenJUMP-Installer-1.6.3-r3576-PLUS.jar 2013-05-29 36.4 MB
OpenJUMP-Installer-1.6.3-r3576-CORE.jar 2013-05-29 16.1 MB
OpenJUMP-Portable-1.6.3-r3576-PLUS.zip 2013-05-29 35.7 MB
OpenJUMP-Portable-1.6.3-r3576-CORE.zip 2013-05-29 15.0 MB
Totals: 9 Items   174.2 MB 0
OpenJUMP Version 1.6.3 (released on 29th May 2013)

1 - License 
OpenJUMP is distributed under the GPL license version 2.

2 - Installation
Try the shiny installer
 OpenJUMP-Installer-*.exe (for Windows)
 OpenJUMP-Installer-*.jar (for Linux & Mac)
 Extract the portable zip file distribution.

3 - Running
To start OpenJUMP run the launcher for your platform from the 
<appfolder>/bin directory.
- On Windows, double-click on oj_windows.bat or OpenJUMP.exe
- On Linux/Unix, launch oj_linux.sh
- On MacOSX, launch oj_mac.command or OpenJUMP.app

4 - Editions
OpenJUMP comes in 2 flavors: 

CORE - the standard release containing
 - application core
 - only free software/open source components

PLUS - an extended release, consisting of CORE plus
  SVG write support
  Geoarbores Vertex Symbols Collection
  ECW and JPEG2000 Read Support for Windows, Linux, MacOSX with 32bit java
 and the following plugins
  Aggregation PlugIn
  BeanShell Editor
  CSV driver
  DXF driver
  Graph Extension
  Jump Chart
  Jump Fill Pattern
  KML Driver (skyjump)
  Pirol Csv Dataset 
  PostGIS Driver
  Sextante Tools
  Topology Extension (Michaël Michaud)
  Vertex Note (com.cadplan.jump)
  Vertex Symbols (com.cadplan.jump)

5 - Changes

Version 1.6.3

  New Features
  * improve usability of SearchAllAttributesPlugIn : make it possible to switch
    between select and add to selection with the shift key and zoom to selected
  * FR 3610851: add moveto tool in the attribute panel
  * Add two simple plugins for Sextante raster layers
      RasterLayerPropertiesPlugin which displays raster properties (extension, 
        name, bands, etc), to Sextante Raster Layer Context menu
      RasterQueryPlugIn to inspect pixels on raster layer, 
        to Raster Toolbar menu
  * move 'Combine Layers' to Layer main menu
  * resorted main menus Edit and Layer for better overview
  * carefully reordered main menu View
  * zoomPrevious/NextPlugIn have shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+Y/Z now
  * add project name (aka task name) in the ViewAttribute frame title.
  * minor performance enhancement for LayerNameTree selection
  * main menu Window, put "Clone' before 'Synchronization', as they belong together
  Bug Fixes
  * fixed startup issue on windows machines, survive wmic ram detection errors
  * bug 3611503: Create polygon from closed area tool freezes OJ
  * bug 3613234 : sorting attributes did not respect comparator contract
  * bug 3613603: NPE thrown by LayerNamePanel
  * AddDatastoreLayerPanel.populateDatasetComboBox():
    avoid a NPE, if there are no spatial enabled tables in this database
  * bug 3613870: cloning sextante raster layer was creating a unique name
  * bug 3612322: "Create point grid", "Create lattice" and "Raster profile"
    do not throw a NPE on a pasted Sextante Raster Layer any more
  New in PLUS
  * upgrading Cadplan JumpPrinter to version 1.86 (PLUS version)

Version 1.6.2

  New Features
  * improved MrSID support now works for Linux and Windows
    see http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/jump-pilot/index.php?title=MrSID

  * Improve WMS parser to include WMS 1.3.0
  Bug Fixes
  * several minor bugs, especially in wms and postgis support
  * fix bug 3611412 happening after a MergeSelectedFeatures operation and caused
    by a bad usage of dispose method in UndoableCommand
  * fix a bug in MergeSelectedFeatures preventing the merge of MultiGeometries
  * set the appropriate srid to the layer after AddDatastoreLayerPlugin

Version 1.6.1

Bug Fix
  * hotfix a NPE which prevented starting properly on Mac and sometimes Linux

Version 1.6.0
New Features
  * adding support for GeoTIFF with transformation matrix georeferencing
    courtesy of Nicolas Ribot
  * add arrange view horizontally and vertically to the view menu
  * add a PostGIS writer including 5 options to create a PostGIS table, to 
    insert rows or to update an existing table.
  * add a "selection" parameter option to RunDataStoreQueryPlugIn
  * add Dynamic Attributes based on beanshell snippets + persistence in openjump
    project files.
  * add Tools > Generate > Create Point Layer from Attribute Table
  * add Tools > Edit Attributes > Join Table... to attach attributes 
    from an one layer to another layer based on a unique ID field
  * add 6 plugins derived from Noder plugin available in LayerView context menu
  * add Merge selected features in place in LayerView context menu (FR 3506380)
  * add Offset curve plugin
  * add View > Map decoration > NorthArrow plugin
  * add densifier function in Tools > Analysis > Geometry functions (FR 3516240)
  * add Tools > Edit Attributes > Add 3D Geometry Attributes plugin
  * add Tools > Edit Attributes > Add Geometry Attributes plugin
  * add detachable InternalFrame
  * add Generate > Create Grid plugin
  * add Generate > Voronoi Diagram plugin
  * add Generate > Triangulation plugin
  * added -h/-help, -v/-version, -p/-properties command line parameters
  * load project and data files when given via command line
  * Include CoverageCleanerPlugIn in Topology extension
  * general shortcut support, shortcut documentation under Help
  * Help > About > Info contains more details now 
  * status bar: enhanced resizablity, tooltips and look
  * windows starter automatically detects available ram now
  * create a View > Map Decoration submenu including ScaleBarPlugin, 
    ShowScalePlugIn and NorthArrowPlugin
  * add or changed icons in many menu items
  * improved command line parameters
  * improved Layer Name presentation
  * improved isSimple check in ValidateSelectedLayersPlugIn
  * migration from jts-1.12 to jts-1.13
  * clip to fence plugin : center dialog box and change default option
  * improved PlanarGraphPlugIn code
  * include csv-driver in the datasource framework
  * improvements of ExtractLayersByAttribute and SIDLayer courtesy of L Becker
  * improvement of SaveDatasetsPlugIn (ready for new drivers format persistence)
  * FR 3491966 Improve performance of label rendering with very large polygons.
  * Exceptions thrown by BeanshellTools are now shown to the user
  * Select and activate SelectFeaturesTool the first time OpenJUMP is opened
  * ViewAttributesPlugIn now saves/restores the window position and size
  * file formats with lower case description are now capitalized so they do not 
    get sorted to the end of the file format list in file chooser any more
  * allow saving text based decoration styles in a project
  * change default Open Wizard to Open File (was Open Project)
  * Postgis Reader/Writer several important fixes
  * Beantools are now properly sorted uneder MacOSX and Linux
Bug Fixes
  * create Lattice from Raster failed in some cases
  * id 3590463 : in PlanarGraphPlugIn
  * xtiff_en_US.properties was not found by org.libtiff.jai.util.PropertyUtil
  * id 3077786 : makes referenced images resizable
  * id 3525977 : PNG rasters with void pixels not displayed
  * id 3570707 : LayerNameRenderer and Windows 7 issue
  * id 3575323 : fixed and changed the whole layout of Attribute Calculator
  * id 3571031 : Too long field names saved into dbf
  * SavaDatasetAsPlugIn now check that it produces a valid file name
  * id 3564137 : view containing a single RasterImageLayer can now be exported
  * id 3564039 : infinite loop possible in the raster rendering engine
  * id 3528917 : Open wizard looks weird with windows 64
  * id 3526653 : SaveImageAsPlugIn did not always scale the RasterImage
  * improved robustess of NoderPlugIn
  * fix three small bugs in sld export
  * fix an NPE in MergeSelectedPolygonsWithNeighbourPlugIn
  * fixed bug in OpenUMPSextanteRasterLayer
  * id 3526321 : bugfix  "switching L&F layout issues in OpenWizard"
  * id 3526277 : create polygon from closed area sometimes displayed
    the progressbar forever
  * id 3446420 : fix import of zipped shapefiles with XML metadata file
  * bug 3600776 : regression in LabelStyle (caused by jts update to 1.13)
  * fix 1447907 : upgrade jdom.jar (1.0b8) to jdom-1.1.3.jar
  * fix 1472782 : date is now shown with time in attribute table. It is 
    persisted as timestamp in postgis database and jml files, but time is lost
    in shapefiles.
  * bug 3607970 : fix two problems in SimplifyPolygonCoveragePlugIn
  * bug 3608648 : can now open a project including broken db connections.
  * fix Screen Scale and SaveImageAsSVG problem
  * bug 3610405 : CombineSelectedFeatures now return a GeometryCollection rather
    than a invalid MultiPolygon
New in PLUS edition
  * add OSX 32bit ECW,JP2 libraries courtesy of gvsigce project
  * upgrade from Sextante 0.6 to Sextante 1.0
  * fix bug in DXF reader (text entities were unreadable)
  * topology extension : improvement (ProjectPointOnLine) and plugin addition
  * new csv driver with an automatic mode (guess separator) and a customizable 
    mode. The driver creates empty geometries if no geometry is provided.
  * add SkyJUMP pick Color integration to the PLUS version
  * bump JumpPrinter to 1.85 (several bug fixes)
  * featreq 3601072 : bump aggregation-0.2.5 to 0.2.7
  * remove PostGIS plugin now replaced by the driver included in OpenJUMP-CORE

Jump, jump everybody jump.

Source: readme.txt, updated 2013-05-29