Other Useful Business Software
Deskree - The First Low Code Cloud Icon
Deskree - The First Low Code Cloud

Create enterprise-grade APIs, Database, AUTH, Integrations and more in minutes. No Back-End or DevOps expertise needed.

Unleash your app's potential with Deskree, the no-code backend platform that simplifies and accelerates the infrastructure development process. Effortlessly create and deploy your backend in minutes, regardless of your experience in backend or devops. No more struggling with infrastructure provisioning, architecture planning, and complex CI/CD pipelines! Deskree offers a comprehensive suite of features, including database management, authentication, user roles and permissions, REST and GraphQL API, and more. Transform your app development journey with the power of Deskree's user-friendly, intuitive platform.
Secure and Verifiable Online Voting Software Icon
Secure and Verifiable Online Voting Software

Unlock the potential of secure, verifiable, and user-friendly elections and votes with Assembly Voting.

Ideal for Professional Associations, Private Companies, Unions, Political Parties, NGOs, Public Sector, and any Organization where security and verifiability in elections and votes are essential, and service and flexibility is a priority
Best Ad Builder and Advertising Platform Icon
Best Ad Builder and Advertising Platform

For media publishers, agencies and brands in need of a solution to build their ads and create landing pages

Our self-service ad builder and landing page creation studio serve as bespoke advertising solutions for media platforms.
Upgrade Your Hiring Workflow Icon
Upgrade Your Hiring Workflow

Unlock talent. Unlock Opportunity.

Checkr’s AI-powered technology helps you reduce time, human error, and bias from manual reviews. Our award-winning adjudication tools make your hiring process more efficient, while our analytics can help you identify opportunities to expand your talent pool.
Top Rated Customer Loyalty Software Program Icon
Top Rated Customer Loyalty Software Program

Preferred Patron Loyalty is the leading loyalty and gift card solution in the market.

Frequent, repeat business is key to prosperity. With the right marketing software at your disposal, you can create loyalty with your customers and influence purchase behaviors in favorable ways. Let us show you how operating our marketing system builds loyal relationships and influences increased frequency of visits, which equates to higher overall consumer spend.

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Operating Systems



English, Chinese (Simplified)

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Information Technology, Healthcare Industry, Science/Research, Education, Management

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Last Updated


Database Engines/Servers, Healthcare, Knowledge Management



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