
Undesired interface language change

  • Marcelo Todaro

    Marcelo Todaro - 2009-11-10

    Dear folks,

    After upgrading my Mac to Snow Leopard, Gimp's language interface changed to what seems to be German. How can I fix it?


  • Simone Karin Lehmann

    … never heard of this.

    Could you please launch and type


    and post the output here? And what's the output if you type

        ls ~/.MacOSX

    What's your default language setting in System Preferences?

  • Marcelo Todaro

    Marcelo Todaro - 2009-11-10

    Thank you for your reply.

    The response for the command locale is:


    And, for ~/.MacOSX:

    "No such file or directory"

    The default language setting is Brazilian Portuguese, as has always been. But then, after the upgrade, Gimp's interface shows a mix of (what seems to be) German and Portuguese. The image below shows what I mean, it's from Gimp's menu bar (those words are NOT Br. Portuguese).

    Thank you for any tip to fix that.

  • Marcelo Todaro

    Marcelo Todaro - 2009-11-11

    Ah yes, I forgot to mention: removing and reinstalling Gimp makes no difference. It keeps mixing languages.

    Is there hope for me?

  • Simone Karin Lehmann

    Your screenshot indicates that you have set "Portuguese" in System Preferences and _not_ "Portuguese (Brazil)". Using "Portuguese" only will give you those language mixture with teh second language set in System Preferences. Just have a look at the screenshots of my system (GIMP 2.6.7, SL 10.6.1, X11 2.3.4)

    Here a mixture of portuguese and germen

    and here brazilian portuguese only (AFAIK)

    So please check you language settings in System Preferences. If you language doesn't show up, click in the botton below the list to edit the list entries and select your desired language. That should solve your problem.



  • Marcelo Todaro

    Marcelo Todaro - 2009-11-11

    Hi skl,

    Your answer is not quite acurate but it actually led me to the solution.

    Indeed Brazilian Portuguese was not set on my Language preferences but  just because it was NOT available and I didn't know it could be turned on in "Edit list". It was an unnecessary step on Leopard. Gimp is back normal again.

    Issue resolved. Thank you for your kind attention.

    Best regards,

    Marcelo Todaro


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