Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
crtdbg4wince_source.v0.13.zip 2012-10-25 1.7 MB
readme 2012-07-12 1.8 kB
crtdbg4wince_source.zip 2012-07-12 1.7 MB
crtdbg4wince_source.v0.09.zip 2012-07-12 1.7 MB
sample_log_errors.txt 2012-05-11 2.8 kB
Totals: 5 Items   5.2 MB 1
_CrtDbg - An "Any Leak" Finder for Windows CE

You are searching _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(), _CrtSetReportMode() and all the well known Win32 stuff? 
But you don't find it for your Windows CE or Windows Mobile native C or C++ development? 
Get tired of Memory Leaks? 
No fun in hunting Handle Leaks?
To much trouble with Appverify (Application Verifier for WinCE)? 

    Stop searching!
    Congratulations, you got it!

Modem Man

Directory structure:
src        - all required source and license agreement files
prj        - VS200x  solution and project files for use with the samples
srcdemo    - demonstration source files (HOWTO use...)
doc        - documentation
gfx        - graphics, artwork, screenshots
_bin       - will hold binary after build process
_obj       - will hold intermediate compile files after build process
web_page   - files for web page of crtdbg4wince, may be intentional left empty inside your copy
contrib    - files from contributors, may require individual license agreement

Files structure:
./readme                   - this file
./LICENSE.txt              - redirector for the license agreement
./src/LICENSE.txt          - redirector for the license agreement
./src/mm_CrtDbg_LICENSE.txt  - the one license agreement
./src/gpl-3.0.txt          - the alternative license agreement
./*/readme                 - each sub directory shall contain a descriptive file, what's in a particular directory
./.gitignore               - a (hidden) file for GIT, the revision control system, may be not available with your copy
./crtdbg4wince_source*.zip - temporarily nichtly builds, may be not available with your copy

--- 2012-05-25, Modem Man
Source: readme, updated 2012-07-12