Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
README-archex.txt 2024-05-09 8.8 kB
archex-64bit-plasma-lxqt-calamares-3910mb-240509.iso 2024-05-09 4.2 GB
archex-64bit-plasma-lxqt-calamares-3910mb-240509.md5 2024-05-09 88 Bytes
archex-kde-installed-packages-240509.txt 2024-05-09 23.0 kB
archex-change blkid-after-install-240509.jpg 2024-05-09 456.7 kB
archex-user-desktop-calamares-vbox-240509.jpg 2024-05-09 757.8 kB
archex-user-plasma-calamares-ready-240509.jpg 2024-05-09 635.0 kB
archex-kde-root-desktop-240509.jpg 2024-05-09 222.2 kB
archex-64bit-plasma-lxqt-calamares-3110mb-240106.iso 2024-01-06 3.3 GB
archex-64bit-plasma-lxqt-calamares-3110mb-240106.md5 2024-01-06 88 Bytes
archex-plasma-lxqt-installed-packages-240106.txt 2024-01-06 20.0 kB
archex-sddm-login-240106.jpg 2024-01-06 196.9 kB
archex-lxqt-user-desktop-240106.jpg 2024-01-06 987.4 kB
archex-lxqt-roo-desktop-240106.jpg 2024-01-06 868.4 kB
archex-plasma-calamares-running-240106.jpg 2024-01-06 717.5 kB
archex-plasma-user-desktop-240106.jpg 2024-01-06 807.1 kB
archex-plasma-user-desktop-vbox-240106.jpg 2024-01-06 701.4 kB
archex-plasma-root-desktop-vbox-240106.jpg 2024-01-06 638.1 kB
archex-64bit-pantheon-gnome-lxqt-calamares-3270mb-240101.iso 2024-01-01 3.5 GB
archex-64bit-pantheon-gnome-lxqt-calamares-3270mb-240101.md5 2024-01-01 96 Bytes
archex-pantheon-installed-packages-240101.txt 2024-01-01 19.5 kB
archex-vbox-calamares-running-240101.jpg 2024-01-01 870.8 kB
archex-samba-conn-240101.jpg 2024-01-01 266.1 kB
archex-user-pantheon-desktop-240101.jpg 2024-01-01 834.2 kB
archex-root-lxqt-desktop-240101.jpg 2024-01-01 730.0 kB
archex-gnome-de-user-240101.jpg 2024-01-01 125.7 kB
archex-lightdm-login-240101.jpg 2024-01-01 150.8 kB
archex-pantheon-de-user-240101.jpg 2024-01-01 837.3 kB
archex-network-wifi-240101.jpg 2024-01-01 331.3 kB
archex-filesystem-errors-240101.jpg 2024-01-01 377.2 kB
archex-calamares-start-240101-1.jpg 2024-01-01 245.1 kB
archex-calamares-ready-240101.jpg 2024-01-01 554.3 kB
archex-calamares-running-root-240101-2.jpg 2024-01-01 245.9 kB
Totals: 33 Items   11.1 GB 23
ABOUT ArchEX (Arch Linux Live), 64bit, BUILD 240509/240106/240101 with KDE Plasma 6.0.4/5.27.10 and LXQt 1.4 (Build 240509/240106) respectively Pantheon and LXQt 1.4 (Build 240101) 

ABOUT ArchEX Build 240509
I've made a new extra version of ArchEX with KDE Plasma 6.0.4 (latest) and LXQt 1.4. This ArchEX version uses kernel 6.8.9-ARCH. ArchEX Build 240509 has the same bugs as ArchEX Build 240106 and 240101 - see below 1) - 4).

I have kept ArchEX Build 240106 with KDE Plasma on the server because Calamares (ArchEX Installer) works better in that build. If you have problems installing ArchEX Build 240509 to hard drive you can always try to install Build 240106 instead. After the installation you can upgrade KDE Plasma from version 5.27.10 to 6.0.4 with one simple command: "sudo pacman -Syu". All other packages will be upgraded too (of course). 


ABOUT ArchEX Build 240106
I've made a new extra version of ArchEX with KDE Plasma 5.27.10 and LXQt 1.4. This ArchEX version uses kernel 6.6.9-ARCH. ArchEX Build 240106 has the same bugs as ArchEX Build 240101 - see below 1) - 4). 


ABOUT ArchEX Build 240101
I've made a new version of ArchEX with Pantheon, Gnome 45.2 and LXQt 1.4 as Desktop Environments (DE). This ArchEX version uses kernel 6.7.0-rc7-exton. Pantheon "is the desktop environment of elementary OS. It is written in Vala, using GTK 3 and Granite". ArchEX Build 240101 has some bugs - see below 1) - 4).


ABOUT ArchEX Build 240509, 240106 and 240101
1) When installing ArchEX to hard drive using Calamares you'll have to format the install partition in another Linux system in advance. If you let Calamares format you will get filesystem errors and therefore ArchEX won't boot. Watch this screenshot: https://archex.exton.net/pantheon-240101/archex-filesystem-errors-240101.jpg
NOTE 1: The best way (possibly) to avoid filesystem errors is to install ArchEX on an ext3 partition.
So using Calamares it shall look like this screenshot shows: https://archex.exton.se/archex-deepin-no-format-install-230812.jpg
NOTE 2: When installing ArchEX in VirtualBox you don't have to worry about filesystem errors (for some unknown reason).
NOTE 3: It can be difficult to configure a WiFi connection. To be able to use a WiFi connection you may have to unload and load the correct kernel module. 
For example athk10_pci, iwlwifi or wl. Example commands:
$ sudo modprobe -r ath10k_pci
$ sudo modprobe ath10k_pci
Check which kernel module to load with the command: lspci
Also watch this screenshot: https://archex.exton.se/archex-deepin-wifi-connect-230812.jpg 
The WiFi problem is gone after a hard drive installation. I.e. you will automatically be connected.
NOTE 4: Not a bug, but to be able to run the file manager PCManFM-qt as root you'll have to use this command: sudo dbus-launch pcmanfm-qt. 
NOTE 5: Also not really a bug, but to be able to paste highlighted text into a terminal with your mouse's middle button (which can be very handy) you'll have to use QTerminal or xterm. It is not possible using LXTerminal or Gnome Terminal. Watch this screenshot: https://archex.exton.se/archex-qterminal-copy-paste-230826.jpeg
The "middle button problem" occurs only when logged in to the Pantheon Desktop.
NOTE 6: This "bug" applies to Build 240509. After a hard drive installation using Calamares and Grub you'll have to check /boot/grub/grub.cfg and change UUID to the correct one. Watch this screenshot: https://archex.exton.se/kde/archex-change blkid-after-install-240509.jpg

Aside from the above mentioned bugs ArchEX Build 240509, 240106 and Build 240101 work very well both live and from hard drive. 

ArchEX Build 230812 and 220905 had Deepin 23/20.8 installed. Deepin works alright in those builds, but after a full system upgrade Deepin has some serious bugs. I have therefore removed those versions from the server. It seems to me that Deepin doesn't work in Arch Linux at the moment - 240509. I will probably try to install Deepin again later on. It is a very nice DE.

VirtualBox Guest Additions are pre-installed in all ArchEX builds so you can run the system in full screen directly from the ISO file.

NEWS ABOUT Calamares Installer
Now you can use Calamares to install ArchEX in any language. No need to "chroot" and install Grub. Everything just works!

ArchEX 64bit is a new (240509/240106/240101) Linux live System based on Arch Linux. Arch motto is KISS ("Keep It Simple Stupid"). KDE Plasma in Build 240509 and 240106 is "made to stay out of the way as it helps you get things done. But under its light and intuitive surface, it’s a powerhouse. So you’re free to choose ways of usage right as you need them and when you need them". 
About Pantheon: "Pantheon is the desktop environment of elementary OS. It is written in Vala, using GTK 3 and Granite".
About LXQt 1.4: "LXQt is a lightweight Qt desktop environment. It will not get in your way. It will not hang or slow down your system. It is focused on being a classic desktop with a modern look and feel". 

MORE NEWS RE. BUILD 240509/240106/240101
ArchEX Installer Calamares gives you control over the installation process. The latest Calamares version (3.3.5) is installed (by me) from source. You can for example choose locale/language during the installation. I have also added GParted so you can create your partitions in advance. Watch this slideshow showing every install step when Calamares is running: https://archex.exton.se/calamares-slideshow-new.gif 

Among many other programs, Firefox, Gimp, GCC, NetworkManager and GParted. In both versions I've added Yay "Yet Another Yogurt - An AUR Helper Written in Go". 

BOOT UP the 240509/240106/240101 live System and LOGIN from LightDM to Pantheon, KDE Plasma 6.0.4/5.27.10 or LXQt 1.4. When the boot process is ready you will end up at SDDM's/LightDM's login screen. Login as user user with password live to any of the above mentioned Desktops. You can also log in as root ("other") from SDDM/LightDM with password root. Watch this screenshot: https://archex.exton.se/pantheon-240101/archex-lightdm-login-240101.jpg
NOTE: When logged in as root you won't normally have sound. (PulseAudio can't run as root). For some unknown reason you will have sound anyway in KDE Plasma.

IMPORTANT: About how to INCREASE COWSPACE (Copy on Write) while running ArchEX LIVE (from a DVD or USB stick)
If you want to install a program or upgrade the whole ArchEX system while running ArchEX LIVE you may get an error message saying that the system is "out of space". Then run the following command:
sudo mount -o remount,size=2G /run/archiso/cowspace

You can set the size to 3G, 4G or even higher if you have plenty of RAM, but 2G is normally enough. You can check how much of the cowspace you have left with the command df. Watch this screenshot: https://archex.exton.net/archex-cowspace.jpg
NOTE: This is not necessary as regards ArchEX Build 240509/240106/240101. I have increased the cowspace with 2GB in advance.

INSTALLATION to hard drive
ArchEX can be easily installed to the hard drive of those who so desire. Use System Installer (Calamares). I.e. while running the live DVD/USB. Start Calamares from the Pantheon/Plasma/LXQt menu >> System Tools >> ArchEX Installer. READ MORE: https://archex.exton.se/

Please read my INSTRUCTION: https://archex.exton.se/install-usb/
All your system changes will be saved directly on the stick.

The default locale/language is English. While installing ArchEX to hard disk, you can change the default locale to Swedish or any other language.

WHO should run Arch Linux?
My answer: The system fits the "advanced" Linux user/enthusiast, who would be willing to run an occasional command from time to time. And remember: KISS.

"Cutting Edge"-software and speed. You will for example always run the latest kernel if you upgrade ArchEX/Arch (for example) every month.

Ike Santos (https://www.facebook.com/groups/Ike.Santos) has made a YouTube video about ArchEX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPlHLEr6Ld0&feature=youtu.be

In the video you will get a detailed description about how to install ArchEX in VirtualBox using Calamares Installer.


https://andex.exton.net - Run Android on PC's
https://raspex.exton.se - Android for Raspberry Pi 4 and 3/2

240509  /exton

Source: README-archex.txt, updated 2024-05-09