Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
appls-maven-1.2.4.jar 2014-11-01 12.5 MB
appls-maven-1.2.3.jar 2014-10-27 11.7 MB
appls-maven-1.2.2.jar 2014-10-27 11.7 MB
appls-maven-1.2.1.jar 2014-10-26 12.5 MB
README.txt 2014-08-01 2.3 kB
appls-maven-1.2.0.jar 2014-08-01 11.7 MB
appls-2011-02-24.jar 2011-02-24 11.5 MB
appls-2011-02-23.jar 2011-02-23 11.5 MB
appls-2011-02-22.jar 2011-02-22 11.5 MB
RAPPLS-2010-06-23.tar.gz 2011-02-07 10.1 MB
Totals: 10 Items   104.8 MB 0
RAPPLS data processinf in Java by Peter Jansen

run from command line using java,

java -cp appls-maven-1.2.0.jar au.org.acecrc.appls.attitudeCorrect <>

java -cp target/appls-maven-1.2.0.jar au.org.acecrc.appls.q24Read
Read Laser File
Usage q24Read: [option] <file> <out file>
   options : -h output header
           : -l output line header
           : -r output raw byte data
           : -d output data
           : -a <start> <end> output angle average from start to end
           : -t output scan totals
           : -s <'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'> start time
           : -e <'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'> end time
    if <outfile> is not specified, use stdout

java -cp target/appls-maven-1.2.0.jar au.org.acecrc.appls.q24Read
Read Laser File
Usage q24Read: [option] <file> <out file>
   options : -h output header
           : -l output line header
           : -r output raw byte data
           : -d output data
           : -a <start> <end> output angle average from start to end
           : -t output scan totals
           : -s <'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'> start time
           : -e <'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'> end time
    if <outfile> is not specified, use stdout


Usage attitudeCorrect: [option] <laser file> <attitude file> [<out file>]
      -t - output track points
      -x - output XYZ format
      -r - lasfile is RAW file, not SDC
      -n - output nadir (90 degree) points only
      -st <num> - statistics around <num> nadir angle
      -l - output las file
      +t - output text data
      -c - cut las files to 2,000,000 points
      -dt <num> - offset INS data time to LAS file time by num seconds (float)
      -u - laser syncronised to UTC
      -v - attitude file is CSV
      -s <'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'> start time
      -e <'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'> end time
      -minx <x> - output when x above <x>
      -maxx <x> - output when x below <x>
      -miny <y> - output when y above <y>
      -maxy <y> - output when y below <y>
    if <outfile> is not specified, use stdout

as an example 

java -cp appls-maven-1.2.0.jar au.org.acecrc.appls.attitudeCorrect 20070926_025801.q24 070926_025051.ncom -l -c 20070926_025801.las


2014-08-01 Moved to maven project

2010-06-23 Fixed geo-referencing in las files.

2010-05-20 Added CVS attitude, and SDC files input to attitudeCorrect
Source: README.txt, updated 2014-08-01