Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
antragsbot.0.5.1 2011-07-19
README 2011-07-19 7.6 kB
antragsbot.0.5.1.tar.bz 2011-07-19 15.1 kB
antragsbot.0.5.1.tar.gz 2011-07-19 16.0 kB
antragsbot.0.5.tar.gz 2011-07-18 15.8 kB
Totals: 5 Items   54.4 kB 0
antragsbot 0.5.1

    * Doc Page <doc/index.html>
    * Classes <doc/html/annotated.html>
    * Files <doc/html/files.html>

The Templates are in /wikitemplates

The configuration is done in config.php.

http://wiki.piratenpartei.de/Benutzer:LPT2011Bot/ as example


php ./antragsbot.php


  Wikimate is a wrapper for the MediaWiki API that aims to be very easy
  to use. It consists of two classes currently:

# **Wikimate** - serves as a loader and manager for different wiki
  objects (e.g. pages)
# **WikiPage** - the only object made so far provides an interface to
  getting/editing pages

  # How do I use it?

  First of all make sure you download [Sean Hubers awesome curl
  wrapper](http://github.com/shuber/curl) and put `curl.php` in the
  directory with all these files.

  ## Configuration

  Need to make sure you have some configuration constants before hand so
  edit the config.php

  define('WIKI_USERNAME','testbot'); // bot name
  define('WIKI_PASSWORD','bottest'); // bot password
  define('WIKI_API','http://example.com/api.php'); // api url
  define('WIKIMATE_DEBUG', false); // turn debug output on/off

  And for antragsbot.php this:

  define('WIKI_ANTRAGSFABRIK', 'BY:Landesparteitag
  2011.1/Antragsfabrik'); // Antragsfabrik







  * Votes for yes write back into the template

  define('WIKI_YESVOTE','|Ja = ');

  * Votes for no write back into the template

  define('WIKI_NOVOTE','|Nein = ');

  * Votes for abstention write back into the template

  define('WIKI_ABSVOTE','|Enthaltung = ');

  ## Usage

  Include the `globals.php` file and create a new Wikimate object.

          include 'globals.php';
          $wiki = new Wikimate;

  On creating a new Wikimate object it will log into the wiki api - **if
  it fails to authenticate** your `$wiki` object will be null. You
  should get a meaningful error message telling you why it didn't

  You can also enable/disable debugging with the
  `$wiki->debugMode($boolean)` method - currently only output from the
  logon process is printed for debugging.

  ### Getting a page object

  Once logged in you can start playing around with pages. If the title
  given to the WikiPage object is invalid, your `$page` object will be

          $page = $wiki->getPage('Sausages'); // create a new page object
          if ( $page->exists() ) die(); // check if the page exists or not
          echo $page->getTitle(); // get the title
          echo $page->getNumSections(); // get the number of sections on the page
          echo $page->getSectionOffsets(); // gives you an array of where each section starts and its length

  ### Reading...

  You can get the text of the page by using the `getText()` method which
  returns the text that was obtained when the page object was created.
  If you want fresh page text from the wiki then just put boolean `true`
  as the first argument.

          $wikiCode = $page->getText(); // get the text of the page
          $wikiCode = $page->getText(true); // get fresh page text from the api and rebuild sections

  You can get sections from the page as well, via the section index, or
  the section heading name

  $wikiCode = $page->getSection(0); // get the part between the title
  and the first section

          $wikiCode = $page->getSection('intro'); // get the part between the title and the first section
          $wikiCode = $page->getSection(4); // get the 4th section on the page
          $wikiCode = $page->getSection('History'); // get the section called History
          $wikiCode = $page->getSection(4, true); // get the 4th section on the page including the heading

  You can even get an array with all the sections in it by either index
  or name

          $sections = $page->getAllSections(); // get all the sections (by index number)
          $sections = $page->getAllSections(true); // get all the sections (by index number) with the section heading names
          $sections = $page->getAllSections(false, WikiPage:SECTIONLIST_BY_NAME); // get all the sections (by section name)
          $sections = $page->getAllSections(false, 2); // get all the sections (by section name)

  The array looks like this:


          [intro] => bit between title and first section
          [Summary] => The summary goes here
          [Context] => This is the context
          [Impact] => The impact is here
          [Media Articles] => Links go here
          [References] => <references/>


  ### Writing...

  You can modify the whole article using the `setText()` method:

          $page->setText("==Testing==\n\n This is a whole page"); // returns true if the edit worked
          $page->setText("==Changed==\n\n I just changed the whole page"); // the setText() method will overwrite the entire page!

  You can modify only sections of the article by adding a second
  parameter to the `setText()` method. Please note you can't use section
  names here **you must use section indexes**.

          $page->setText("==Section 4==\n\nThis will appear in section 4", 4 ); // provide a section number to overwrite only that section
          $page->setText("==New section==\n\nStuff", 'new' ) // ...or make a new section
          $page->setText("Sausages are cylindrical packages of meat.", 0 ) // ...zero is the very first section

  Minor edit switch and summary description are in the third and fourth

  $page->setText( $text, $section, true, "removing spam!");

  Here's some easier functions for editing sections

          $page->setSection( $text, $section, $summary, $minor );
          $page->newSection( $sectionTitle, $text );

  ### Other stuff

  Something go wrong? Check the error array

  print_r( $this->getError() );

  Wanna run your own queries? You can use the edit and query commands in

          $data = array(
                  'prop' => 'info|revisions',
                  'intoken' = 'edit',
                  'titles' => 'this|that|other'
          // Send data as a query
          $array_result = $wiki->query( $data );
          $data = array(
                  'title' => 'this',
                  'token' => '+\', // this is urlencoded automatically
                  'etc' => 'stuff'
          // Send as an edit query with content-type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded
          $array_result = $wiki->edit( $data );

  Both methods return an array of the MediaWiki API result.

  # Requires?
  * Mediawiki API
  * Sean Hubers [awesome curl wrapper](http://github.com/shuber/curl)

  # Changelog

  ## Version 0.5

# Added antragsbot.php
# Changed Wikimate.php $c->headers['Expect'] = "";

  ## Version 0.4

# Added `WikiPage::newSection()` and `WikiPage::setSection()` (shortcuts
  to `WikiPage::setText()`)
# Added the ability to get individual sections of the article with
# Added the ability to get all sections in an array with
# Added the ability to get array showing section offsets and lengths in
  the page wikicode with `WikiPage::getSectionOffsets()`
# Added the ability to see how many sections are on a page with

  ## Version 0.3

# Initial commit

Source: README, updated 2011-07-19