Home / PeerGuardian Linux / PG linux 1.5beta
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ipcop-pglinux-1.5beta.zip 2005-04-03 398.2 kB
peerguardnf-1.5beta.i386.deb 2005-04-02 1.2 MB
pglinux-1.5beta.tar.gz 2005-04-02 869.5 kB
Totals: 3 Items   2.4 MB 0
pgl/INSTALL                                   Sun, 25 Jan 2015 13:15:50 +0100

Table of Contents:

1.) Manual installation
2.) Uninstall
3.) Build dependencies and runtime environment
4.) Available packages, build scripts and other distribution specific tips

1.) Manual installation

This is the general method to install pgl. Please also have a look at the
distribution specific section (chapter 4).

Step 1: Get the source:

Either get the latest stable release from peerguardian.sourceforge.net and
unpack it.

Or get the current development code:
  git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/peerguardian/code pgl

Step 2: Install pgl's dependencies

Install the build dependencies (including the development headers) and runtime
environment for the components (see chapter 3).

Step 3: Compilation and installation

Step 3.0: Create/update autotools files (only required for git version)

If you are using the development version from the git repository generate
the autotools files first. Go to the pgl/ directory and run:

To update the files run:

Step 3.1: Configure

Pgl uses autotools which comes with several configure-switches you have
to check before compiling. Go to the pgl/ directory and run:
  ./configure --help

Check the options and the paths. There are some common paths and options you
should consider to set like:
  --prefix         [default: /usr/local]
  --sysconfdir     [default: $prefix/etc, recommended: /etc]
  --localstatedir  [default: $prefix/var, recommended: /var]
  --with-iconsdir  [default: $datadir/pixmaps]
  --with-initddir  [default: $sysconfdir/init.d]
  --with-logdir    [default: $localstatedir/log/pgl]
  --with-piddir    [default: $localstatedir/run]
  --with-tmpdir    [default: /tmp]
  --with-lsb=      [default: none/built-in,
                    recommended: /lib/lsb/init-functions]

IMPORTANT: Especially the "--sysconfdir=/etc" setting is required for a working
installation! Otherwise you should expect e.g. dbus errors.

For a slick installation you can build without the GUI and turn off dbus

Especially for embedded devices (like router or NAS box) you might disable
storing of textual IP range descriptions:
But generally it is recommended (and required for the GUI) to use the default,
which is not to use lowmem.

Now you should be clear about the settings you need for your distribution and
run something similar to:
  ./configure \
    --prefix=/my/prefix \
    --with-initddir=/my/initddir \

Full example configure line for a complete build and full system integration
(on a Debian system):
  ./configure \
    --prefix=/usr \
    --mandir=/usr/share/man \
    --datadir=/usr/share \
    --sysconfdir=/etc \
    --localstatedir=/var \
    --with-lsb=/lib/lsb/init-functions \
    --enable-cron \
    --enable-dbus \
    --enable-logrotate \
    --enable-networkmanager \
    --enable-zlib \
    --with-qt4 \

Minimal example line for a complete build and full system integration (on a
Debian system, installs most things to /usr/local/):
  ./configure \
    --sysconfdir=/etc \
    --localstatedir=/var \

If you use systemd on your system, use:
You can also specify the unit dir path like (usually not necessary):

Gentoo has its own init file, use it with:

Step 3.2: Build and install

After configure you can build and install the package, just issue:
  make install

Step 3.3: Activate pgl on system initialization

a) SysV init script

On some systems (e.g. Debian and Ubuntu based) it may be required to activate
the init script:
  update-rc.d pgl defaults

Or alternatively:
  /usr/lib/lsb/install_initd /etc/init.d/pgl

RedHat's system initialization:
  chkconfig add pgl
  chkconfig pgl on

Or probably manually, something like:
  ln -s /etc/init.d/pgl /etc/rc0.d/K01pgl
  ln -s /etc/init.d/pgl /etc/rc1.d/K01pgl
  ln -s /etc/init.d/pgl /etc/rc2.d/S20pgl
  ln -s /etc/init.d/pgl /etc/rc3.d/S20pgl
  ln -s /etc/init.d/pgl /etc/rc4.d/S20pgl
  ln -s /etc/init.d/pgl /etc/rc5.d/S20pgl
  ln -s /etc/init.d/pgl /etc/rc6.d/K01pgl

Or something else, please tell us how it works for your distribution!

Other systems, like Gentoo, don't need this activation of the init script.

b) systemd service file

To start the program for the session:
  systemctl start pgl.service

To have it up and running on every boot
  systemctl enable pgl.service

2.) Uninstall

To uninstall issue the following command:
  make uninstall

3.) Build dependencies and runtime environment

Build dependencies:
- autotools (autoconf, automake, libtoolize)
- nfnetlink development files
- libnetfilter-queue development files (>= 1.0, or use the git pgl_backport
  branch if you have a lower version)
- libdbus development files (optional, required for the GUI)
- Qt4 development files including Qt4 dbus (optional, required for the GUI)
- zlib development files (optional, for loading gz compressed blocklists

Runtime environment pgld:
- the above libraries
- iptables (required)
- netfilter kernel support (Linux kernel >= 2.6.13 for NFQUEUE support or
  >= 2.6.20 to use the queue maxlen option).
  Either as modules or directly built in the kernel. These are the modules that
  are loaded here. Note that "xt_" may be named "ip_" or "ipt_" on older
  systems. This list was compiled with:
  lsmod|grep -E "^x|^nf|^ip"|grep -Ev "^ip6|^ipv6|^nfs|^xhci"|sed "s| .*||"|sort
- dbus daemon (optional)

 Runtime environment pglcmd:
- pgld
- wget (optional, needed for blocklists update)
- p7zip (optional, needed for blocklists packed as .7z)
- unzip (optional, needed for blocklists packed as .zip)
- start-stop-daemon (optional)
- awk, sed, grep, basename, dirname, cat, cd, mv, cp, zcat, md5sum, renice,
  pidof (those should really be on every system)
- /usr/bin/printf (optional, needed during "update" for archive type
- /lib/lsb/init-functions (optional,there's a copy built in)
- NetworkManager (optional, needed for automatic whitelisting of newly
  brought up network interfaces. Not needed in Debian.)
- sendmail (optional, needed to send informational (blocklist updates) and
  warning mails (if pglcmd.wd detects a problem.)

 Runtime environment pglgui:
- pgld
- pglcmd
- Qt4
- dbus
- whois

4.) Available packages, build scripts and other distribution specific tips

pgl was written and tested under Debian Gnu/Linux Jessie. However it should
run under every Linux system. It is our goal to make life as easy as possible
for users and packagers.

If you are a packager just contact us at
http://sourceforge.net/projects/peerguardian/ or
We'll gladly give you all possible support, change the code if feasible and
publish your work. Of course you are welcome to join the project and e.g.
commit directly to the git repository.
To test if pgl is correctly integrated in your system, you'll have to verify
the correct handling of the init, cron, NetworkManager and logrotate files
(all are part of pglcmd, logrotate also of pgld), and may test if
LSB="/lib/lsb/init-functions" works.

deb packages:
jre provides official packages in a repository for automatic updates:

Debian at http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net
Ubuntu at https://launchpad.net/~jre-phoenix/+archive/ppa

See http://sourceforge.net/p/peerguardian/wiki/pgl-Install-DebianUbuntu/
for installation instruction.

Debian RFP: http://bugs.debian.org/578192
Ubuntu RFP: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/109822

rpm packages:
peerguardian is in Mageia Cauldron, see

by pixecs (last update 06-03-2011, pgl 2.0.4):

CentOS by agent86 (last update 06-20-2011, pgl 2.0.4):
spec and patch file
rpms (including netfilter libraries)
RedHat's system initialization:
  chkconfig add pgl
  chkconfig pgl on

Giorgos successfully compiled pgl 2.3.4, keeping all options, except Gentoo
  script and lowmem.
        ./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --with-systemd
        make install

interesting, but unverified [outdated: pgl 2.2.2 of 25 Jun 2012, retrieved:
 Jan 2015]:

ARCH / AUR (Arch User Repo):
PKGBUILD by Pierre Buard (Gilrain), Arch Linux maintainer

available in main portage tree by our Gentoo maintainer hasufell:

Slackware [outdated]:
by godmachine81:
branch "pgl_slackware" in the git repository, slack tar available.

synology [outdated]:
2009 by dino:

Maemo N900 porting request:
http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=93239, 2014-05-26

OpenWrt [not checked, outdated]:
Source: README, updated 2016-01-11