
#155 Fails to start/ doesn't recognize as executable with ./


I downloaded it extracted and tried both command line ./zdt and from my gnome file explorer. Here is what the command line says:

xiangwuzei@xiangwuzei-TOSHIBA-NB305:~/下载xiàzài/zdt$ ./zdt
bash: ./zdt: cannot execute binary file

everything is installed that is under the readme, pango, gtk, etc. and Java JRE 6 is all installed. You figure it should give some sort of error since it extracted just fine.


  • kaya

    kaya - 2013-06-25

    This is probably due to your 32-Bit operating system. ZDT for Linux has been built only for 64 Bit systems.
    Can you confirm that you're running a 32-Bit OS?


    Last edit: kaya 2013-06-25
  • William

    William - 2013-06-25

    Yes in deed as the majority of computers that exist in the world are 32bit.

    I tried installing ZDT windows version under Wine but there is an error about the font config being deprecated. So I moved the config files to the "new standard" location as recommended by Linux gurus everywhere under home/.config/fontconfig but now it says:
    Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file

    BEFORE it gave an error dialogue box after this message, but Zkanji works just fine.

    I presume that is an error from Wine, but my point was about getting around the 64bit compiled conundrum is to Install under Wine. That is how I have Zkanji installed for my study of Japanese.

    Why can't you have git command compilation command line operation like everybody else? Oh wait Java is suppose to be stand alone PORTABLE apps. Can't the code be recompiled?

  • kaya

    kaya - 2013-06-26

    I thought 32 Bit computers aren't sold and not in use anymore!? Well, I could release a 32 Bit Linux version. I'll try it this evening if I've time.
    What do you mean with "git command compilation command line operation"? ZDT is a standard Eclipse RCP project. Have a look at ZDT's developer guide:

  • kaya

    kaya - 2013-06-26

    The 32 Bit Linux version has been uploaded here:
    It does not contain a JRE (Java Runtime Environment) so you need either have installed Java or copy the jre/bin and jre/lib folder of a Java installation into the zdt install folder.


    Last edit: kaya 2013-06-26
  • William

    William - 2013-06-26

    32bit may not be sold anymore but the majority of computers in existence are not new ones. Most everybody doesn't believe in replacing something if it is still working.

    The Git command line was a joke since it is a Java app.

    I was the first one to download the newest 32bit version, but I won't be able to test it until this evening or tomorrow though.

  • Michael van den Berg

    Kaya is already communicating with William; William did not reply back since he suggested he would test it. Assigned to Kaya. Waiting for reply from William.

    • William

      William - 2013-08-28

      Sorry for the late response.

      I have tried to get it to run in with the JRE but couldn't figure it out and haven't had time to learn it. Although I did download a android emulator which is suppose to have a built in JRE but it didn't recognize it the main module if I recall correctly when I tried to load the 32 bit version. Mostly because there are a million options to set to get a possible stable operation with that emulator.

      Tell me how to get some feedback from the system about the JRE configuration or something. The only problem with command line operations is you have to know the command you want. guessing is no good(kinda of understated)

      Here is the dialog message box feedback it gives me when I try to launch it with ./zdt:
      JVM terminated. Exit code=8
      -jar /home/xiangwuzei/workspace/zdt//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar
      -os linux
      -ws gtk
      -arch x86
      -launcher /home/xiangwuzei/workspace/zdt/zdt
      -name Zdt
      --launcher.library /home/xiangwuzei/workspace/zdt//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_1.1.100.v20110505/
      -startup /home/xiangwuzei/workspace/zdt//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar
      -exitdata 400004
      -vm /home/xiangwuzei/workspace/zdt/jre/bin/java
      -jar /home/xiangwuzei/workspace/zdt//plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.2.0.v20110502.jar

      I just tried to created the under etc/profile.d as recommended to make the paths universal. oops I realized a JRE directory was in the folder so I deleted and it works now. YEAH

      Note the meaning of exit code 8 still could not be located. I presume it means bad directory call.

  • Michael van den Berg

    • assigned_to: kaya
  • kaya

    kaya - 2014-05-04
    • status: open --> closed-wont-fix
  • kaya

    kaya - 2014-05-04

    Works as designed.


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