
xpy / News: Recent posts

xpy 1.0 final

After more than 5 years of development, the final version of xpy is now available for download. Future versions of the software will no longer be hosted on SourceForge, but on Google Code. Please update your bookmarks to

Posted by idleberg 2009-08-25

xpy goes beta!

To the day five years after the initial release, xpy is now available in a first beta. The all new version adds a graphical user interface for some of its more hidden features, like the creation of profiles. These allow you to save your preferred settings in a file, so you can easily apply these on multiple computer or every time you reinstall your computer. The command-line parameters have been overworked as well, which means that some of the old commands have been changed. Generally speaking, the parameters have been unified and offer some more options.

Posted by idleberg 2009-03-26

xpy 0.10

After a long time, there’s a new major release of xpy available. The auto-detection mode has been replaced, new features were added and of course some bugs fixed. Have a look at the changelog for a full list of changes.

Due to the many changes, there are not many translations available at the moment (English and German). You are more than welcome to help complete existing languages or contribute new

Posted by idleberg 2008-05-16

xpy for Ixquick

Along the all new xpy 0.9.7 coems a special build supporting, a search-engine that does not record any privacy details. With all the buzz about AOL having had it's search data public, people might become more aware of what might happen to their search queries.

As xpy already has the option to override Internet Explorer's default engines (MSN Search/Windows Live Search) with Google search services, the special build 0.9.7i uses Ixquick instead.... read more

Posted by idleberg 2006-08-12

Mailing list removed

The mailing list for translators has been removed. If you want to stay updated on new language files, please use SourceForge's monitoring system.

To monitor the language files, click on this link:

Posted by idleberg 2006-06-22

xpy 0.9

The all new version was ready for a while now, but I was still hoping to get more translations to include. At the moment it is not planned to release any monolingual builds of xpy 0.9, but to wait for the translations until the next version.

Some of the new features require a reboot or at least a restart of the Explorer. However, the user does not get notified on that. This issue should be fixed within the next releases of xpy.

Posted by idleberg 2005-09-15

xpy and W32.Zotob.E

Current events caused by the internet-worm W32.Zotob.E made me release another 0.8 version of xpy. The new release allows disabling so-called NullSessions.

Read this MSDN article for more:

xpy 0.8.15 is currently only available in English and German language, other translation will follow!

Posted by idleberg 2005-08-17

xpy 0.8.14

While working on xpy 0.9, another small bug came up. It was most likely produced by an upgrade to a newer NSIS version, as the code worked in a previous version. I don't think it's necessary to release another 0.8.x version (in case of another bug), as xpy 0.9 should be finished by end of this month or in early September. Updated language-files for that release should be available soon.

Posted by idleberg 2005-08-09

xpy 0.8.13, xpyle 0.2 and.. the future

Today a new version of xpy (0.8.13) has been released. Though 0.8.9 was already supposed to be the last release in the 0.8-series, this seems to be it. I'm making more progress on xpy 0.9 than expected and it should be available in late summer.

The upcoming release will store informations in a way incompatible to previous builds, though it's not entirely certain what the new format will be like. However, there will be an additional tool that converts the old to the new format.... read more

Posted by idleberg 2005-07-05

xpy 0.8.9: Recent Changes

Against all expectations, a new version of xpy had to be released. Most of the bugs sneaked in when the code-structure was changed in version 0.8.7.

Due to newly added translations within the last releases, the filesize increased 24% since version 0.8.6. As response, xpy is now available in two versions, Monolingual and Redistributable. While the monolingual builds are intended for users who rely on fast downloads with slow connections or unprotected systems, the redistributable build is intended for the distribution on offline-media (i.e. CD-ROMs) and Intranets.... read more

Posted by idleberg 2005-03-28

xpy 0.8.8

Due to an error in the previous release of xpy (0.8.7), most features didn't work. From tonight on you can download the all new and working version. Unless there are more bugfixes necessary, this will be the last 0.8 release, 0.9 will take some more time.

As I'm not satisfied with the increased filesize since the release of xpy 0.8.7, I was thinking of releasing slimmed down special-builds. Watch out!

Posted by idleberg 2005-02-27


The next release of of xpy will be available in three languages (English, German and French), but if you're a native speaker of any other language with enough technological knowledge (correct Windows terminology!), you are invited to contribute a language file.

1. Download a language file
2. Edit the language file in any text-editor (don't save as Unicode)
3. Upload the language file to the Translations Forum (link below)... read more

Posted by idleberg 2004-11-01

xpy 0.8.4

During the last week, several new versions of xpy were released. Though no essentially new features were added, the latest release comes with auto-detection for all settings. Additionally, translations can now easily be made by creating a language-file (see source). Before starting the work on 0.9, there might be one last 0.8 build, dealing with better SP2 compatibility.

Posted by idleberg 2004-10-03

Frequently Asked Questions

I have put together a short FAQ to clear out common questions or misunderstandings. It might not be well organised, but this might change once more questions were added. You can find the FAQ at

Posted by idleberg 2004-09-16

XP service-pack issues

xpy has not been tested with Windows XP SP2 yet. The new service-pack patches the RPC service, but it should still be possible to disable it entirely (for most users, applying that setting is still recommended).

If you experience problems updating your Windows installations to SP1 (or SP2?), you will need to enable the Registration Wizard. As with all options, you can restore previously made settings by running xpy again (and select the restoration mode). For further informations read

Posted by idleberg 2004-09-10

xpy 0.8

Being in development for more than two months, the new xpy changed a lot. Besides many changes under the surface (e.g. commandline switches), new features were added and multiple bugs could be fixed.

A lot of more features will be added until 0.9, mostly to speed-up Windows, but also to increase usability.

Once all features are implemented (within 0.9), smaller release-steps might follow, until the software is 1.0-ready.

Posted by idleberg 2004-07-21