
#142 Export issue: only exports modifications without the original content

Export (1)

I'm using Xournal v.4.0.8. I'm editing successfully my pdf (see document attached) but I encounter some export issue: the exported pdf only displays the notes added to the original pdf, not its original content (I tried with/without the new compatibility option: same result). It is the same if I try to print to pdf as a workaround.
I tried Master PDF Editor v.1.9 with the same file. Export is better even if not perfect (some display issues), but the print to pdf gives a good result.

How to fix it in Xournal as I really love this software? :)

Best regards.

1 Attachments


Bugs: #142


  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2014-09-30

    I can't reproduce the bug -- after scribbling a few lines on top of the pdf, both Export to PDF ('new' and 'legacy' alike) and print-to-file work properly for me.

    If it is not confidential, can you provide also the .xoj file containing your annotations? (since the fault doesn't seem to lie with the PDF file, it might be in the xoj file...). Also, are you using linux or windows?

    (e-mail it to me if you don't want your name/address to be made public, or if you can't reproduce the bug after removing them from the form. My e-mail = my last name @ )

    Merci d'avance,
    Denis Auroux


    Last edit: Denis Auroux 2014-09-30
  • Stor

    Stor - 2014-09-30

    I'm sorry Denis, I feel stupid now because I can't reproduce my own bug. I still have the bad pdf exports but I guess it will be useless for you.

    Maybe was it the occasion to tell you there is another happy user of your software (with linux to answer your question) who is desperate when it apparently doesn't work? :)

    Anyway, thanks for your work and your quick help!

  • geo909

    geo909 - 2014-10-01

    Hi. I just had exactly the same problem (both for export to pdf, print to file). Unfortunately I can only reproduce it with a pdf file that has many sensitive information to be uploaded here. For some other files that I tested, it works perfectly.

    I am using version 0.4.8-1 on arch linux i686.

    Sorry I couldn't help more..

    EDIT: I tried the same with pdf legacy export and now it works!
    EDIT2: I tried again, with the default settings (no legacy). Now it works.. :-S


    Last edit: geo909 2014-10-01
  • Stor

    Stor - 2014-10-01

    Hi geo,

    If you have sensitive information you can send it to Denis's email.
    It seems that as for me, it first didn't work and now work again for you with no reason?

    • Denis Auroux

      Denis Auroux - 2014-10-01

      Well, if the information is very sensitive (e.g. his bank account
      information or tax return) I'd rather not see it -- I'm generally
      trustworthy but can't guarantee that my computer system is 100% secure.

      Anyway: in principle, the "old" export to PDF has trouble with encrypted
      PDFs, PDF files with page size different from crop size (e.g. some US
      tax forms), etc., but the "new" export to PDF of version 0.4.8 and
      "print to file" should produce a PDF that look essentially the same as
      the display in xournal (except for details of fractional font sizes for
      text annotation and partial highlighter opacity levels that occasionally
      cause slight differences).

      For sporadic cases, if you encounter a problem on a specific PDF file,
      I'd suggest "re-distilling" your pdf file (e.g. pdftops + ps2pdf, or
      open in a pdf viewer then print to pdf) to make sure it is "sane" before
      annotating it [keep the original pdf file around in case the conversion
      messes it up]
      . If you have a large class of PDF files (e.g. all those
      generated by some specific program, or all US tax forms, or ...) that
      don't work well with xournal then I'd like to know.


      On 10/01/2014 01:56 PM, Stor wrote:

      Hi geo,

      If you have sensitive information you can send it to Denis's email.
      It seems that as for me, it first didn't work and now work again for you
      with no reason?

      [bugs:#142] Export issue:
      only exports modifications without the original content

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0_(example)
      Labels: Export
      Created: Tue Sep 30, 2014 03:34 PM UTC by Stor
      Last Updated: Wed Oct 01, 2014 01:26 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      I'm using Xournal v.4.0.8. I'm editing successfully my pdf (see document
      attached) but I encounter some export issue: the exported pdf only
      displays the notes added to the original pdf, not its original content
      (I tried with/without the new compatibility option: same result). It is
      the same if I try to print to pdf as a workaround.
      I tried Master PDF Editor v.1.9 with the same file. Export is better
      even if not perfect (some display issues), but the print to pdf gives a
      good result.

      How to fix it in Xournal as I really love this software? :)

      Best regards.

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      Denis Auroux
      UC Berkeley, Department of Mathematics

      Institut Henri Poincare, Paris



      Bugs: #142

  • geo909

    geo909 - 2014-10-01

    These days are a bit busy, but I'll soon sit down and try to reproduce
    the problem. I'll update you and will send all the files to Denis by
    email, that's not that big of a deal.

  • Joel

    Joel - 2015-05-18

    I have started seeing this problem since I upgraded from 0.47 to 0.48 on Ubuntu 14.10. The last couple of pdfs I exported removed all the original content. All I did in Xournal was to use the highlighting feature and then export to PDF. Going back to 0.47 for now.

    • Denis Auroux

      Denis Auroux - 2015-05-18
      1. Try turning on Options -> Legacy PDF export (and saving preferences).
        This makes xournal 0.4.8 use the same PDF export code as previous
        versions, instead of the new and normally better export code.
        So, if things work fine for you in xournal 0.4.7, they should also work
        fine in 0.4.8 with "Legacy PDF export" turned on.

      If the problem persists with both Legacy PDF on and off, then please
      e-mail me the .pdf and .xoj files if they don't contain sensitive
      information. (my username at

      1. The new PDF export uses the same mechanism as File -> Print to File
        -> PDF i.e. the poppler library and the gtk-print engine. These seem to
        fail on some PDF files for some reason (perhaps protection or special
        formatting or something?). I don't know exactly what causes it, and
        whether those are somehow faulty PDF files or if it's a bug in poppler.
        You could try re-distilling your PDF files, for instance "pdftops
        file.pdf; ps2pdf file_new.pdf" -- or producing them in a
        different manner in the first place -- and seeing if the rebuilt PDF
        works better.

      The new PDF export feature does work on strictly more PDF files than the
      old version, but it's unfortunate that it fails on some... Do let me
      know if you have valid PDF files on which neither the new PDF export in
      0.4.8 nor the "legacy" version works.

      Hope this helps. Sorry that things aren't perfect.

  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2017-07-20
    • status: open --> closed
  • Denis Auroux

    Denis Auroux - 2017-07-20

    I suspect this may have been caused by attempting to export on top of the original pdf (rather than to a new pdf file). See bug #160. The export pdf shouldn't be the same file as the pdf being annotated. There are now warnings about this.
    Release is up to date with cvs/git repositories, and should include a fix for this bug. Please reopen if problems persist with or with the current cvs/git code.

    • Sam Steingold

      Sam Steingold - 2019-02-22

      I get this same bad behavior regardless of whether I overwrite the file or create a new one.

      • Denis Auroux

        Denis Auroux - 2019-02-22

        Wait, you reported in support-request #15 that this only happens when you overwrite the pdf file being edited, and there you propose as a workaround to export to a different file from the pdf file that you had opened... so which one is it?

        (and regardless, can you reproduce the bug with a version of xournal that is less than 3 years old ? it should have been fixed in late 2015.)

        -- Denis


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