
#11 Having problem while installing



I am gettiing the following errors while installing this
can you please help

Unable to execute a freshly compiled application, maybe you have to adjust your LD_LIBRARY_PATH or /etc/
checking for GNU make... make
configure: A usable 'make' executable was found in /usr/bin/make
checking for linuxdoc... :
configure: WARNING: 'linuxdoc' not found, using pre-compiled documentation
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating Local.mak
config.status: creating local.h
config.status: local.h is unchanged
UIC [ui] ui_About.h
LANG [lang] xca_de.qm
uic: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/uic': No such file or directory
make[1]: [ui_About.h] Error 1
Waiting for unfinished jobs....
UIC [ui] ui_CaProperties.h
lrelease: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/lrelease': No such file or directory
make[1]: [xca_de.qm] Error 1
Waiting for unfinished jobs....
LANG [lang] xca_ru.qm
DOC [doc] xca.html
lrelease: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/lrelease': No such file or directory
uic: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/uic': No such file or directory
make[1]: [ui_CaProperties.h] Error 1
[xca_ru.qm] Error 1make: [do.ui] Error 2
Waiting for unfinished jobs....

make: [do.lang] Error 2
mkdir -p ui
make -C ui -f /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/ui/Makefile VPATH=/home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/ui ui
make[1]: Entering directory /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/ui' /usr/bin/uic -o ui_About.h About.ui uic: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/uic': No such file or directory make[1]: *** [ui_About.h] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory/home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/ui'
[do.ui] Error 2


Support Requests: #11


  • Christian Hohnstaedt

    Your QT installation is probably incomplete. What OS are you using?
    On debian/ubuntu the packages libqt4-dev and libssl-dev must be installed.
    Try reinstalling them.
    Check the contents of the /usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/QtGui.pc
    file on your host. It should contain the correct paths to the uic and moc binaries.
    If still not successful, please send me the config.status, config.log and Local.mak files.

    • puneetbrar

      puneetbrar - 2015-02-27


      Os = ubuntu 14.04

      1.) libqt4-dev
      2.) libssl-dev

      Tried reinstalling got the following errors

      Attached are the required files can you please help

      configure: The Versions of the used libraries are:
      configure: Header:
      configure: OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014 0x1000106fL
      configure: QT: 4.8.6
      configure: Libraries:
      configure: OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014
      configure: QT: 4.8.6
      checking for GNU make... make
      configure: A usable 'make' executable was found in /usr/bin/make
      checking for linuxdoc... :
      configure: WARNING: 'linuxdoc' not found, using pre-compiled documentation
      configure: creating ./config.status
      config.status: creating Local.mak
      config.status: creating local.h
      config.status: local.h is unchanged
      UIC [ui] ui_About.h
      LANG [lang] xca_de.qm
      UIC [ui] ui_CaProperties.h
      LANG [lang] xca_ru.qm
      LANG [lang] xca_hr.qm
      LANG [lang] xca_es.qm
      DOC [doc] xca.html
      UIC [ui] ui_CertDetail.h
      LANG [lang] xca_tr.qm
      UIC [ui] ui_CertExtend.h
      LANG [lang] xca_fr.qm
      UIC [ui] ui_CrlDetail.h
      UIC [ui] ui_ExportDialog.h
      UIC [ui] ui_ExportKey.h
      UIC [ui] ui_Help.h
      UIC [ui] ui_ImportMulti.h
      UIC [ui] ui_KeyDetail.h
      UIC [ui] ui_MainWindow.h
      UIC [ui] ui_NewCrl.h
      UIC [ui] ui_NewKey.h
      UIC [ui] ui_NewX509.h
      UIC [ui] ui_Options.h
      UIC [ui] ui_PwDialog.h
      UIC [ui] ui_Revoke.h
      UIC [ui] ui_SelectToken.h
      UIC [ui] ui_TrustState.h
      UIC [ui] ui_v3ext.h
      UIC [ui] ui_SearchPkcs11.h
      MOC [widgets] moc_MainWindow.cpp
      RCC [img] imgres.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_db_crl.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_db_key.cpp
      DONE [misc]
      MOC [widgets] moc_KeyDetail.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_clicklabel.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_db_temp.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_db_x509.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_XcaTreeView.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_db_x509req.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_ExportKey.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_NewX509.cpp
      DEP [img]
      MOC [lib] moc_db_x509super.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_db_base.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_validity.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_v3ext.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_distname.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_CertDetail.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_CertExtend.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_PwDialog.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_ImportMulti.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_db_token.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_CrlDetail.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_pki_temp.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_ExportDialog.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_pki_x509.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_hashBox.cpp
      CC [img] imgres.o
      MOC [widgets] moc_Options.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_pki_crl.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_pki_x509req.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_pki_key.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_pki_x509super.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_NewKey.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_pki_pkcs12.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_kvView.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_pki_base.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_NewCrl.cpp
      MOC [widgets] moc_SearchPkcs11.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_pki_multi.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_pki_evp.cpp
      DEP [widgets]
      MOC [lib] moc_pki_scard.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_pass_info.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_pki_pkcs7.cpp
      MOC [lib] moc_main.cpp
      DEP [lib]
      DONE [img]
      CC [widgets] moc_MainWindow.o
      CC [widgets] moc_KeyDetail.o
      CC [widgets] moc_clicklabel.o
      CC [widgets] moc_XcaTreeView.o
      CC [widgets] moc_ExportKey.o
      In file included from /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/lib/pki_base.h:14:0,
      from /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/lib/db_base.h:19,
      from /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/ui/ui_MainWindow.h:26,
      from MainWindow.h:12,
      from moc_MainWindow.cpp:9:
      /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/lib/pkcs11_lib.h:16:18: fatal error: ltdl.h:
      No such file or directory
      #include <ltdl.h>
      compilation terminated.
      In file included from /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/lib/pki_base.h:14:0,
      from /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/lib/db_base.h:19,
      from XcaTreeView.h:15,
      from moc_XcaTreeView.cpp:9:
      /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/lib/pkcs11_lib.h:16:18: fatal error: ltdl.h:
      No such file or directory
      #include <ltdl.h>
      compilation terminated.
      In file included from /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/lib/pki_base.h:14:0,
      from /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/lib/pki_key.h:16,
      from /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/lib/pki_x509.h:15,
      from ExportDialog.h:12,
      from ExportKey.h:12,
      from moc_ExportKey.cpp:9:
      /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/lib/pkcs11_lib.h:16:18: fatal error: ltdl.h:
      No such file or directory
      #include <ltdl.h>
      compilation terminated.
      make[1]: [moc_MainWindow.o] Error 1
      Waiting for unfinished jobs....
      make[1]: [moc_XcaTreeView.o] Error 1
      [moc_ExportKey.o] Error 1
      make: [widgets/.build-stamp] Error 2
      Waiting for unfinished jobs....
      CC [lib] db_crl.o
      CC [lib] db_key.o
      CC [lib] db_temp.o
      CC [lib] db_x509.o
      CC [lib] db_x509req.o
      In file included from pki_base.h:14:0,
      from db_base.h:19,
      from db_key.h:11,
      from db_key.cpp:9:
      pkcs11_lib.h:16:18: fatal error: ltdl.h: No such file or directory
      #include <ltdl.h>
      compilation terminated.
      In file included from pki_base.h:14:0,
      from db_base.h:19,
      from db_temp.h:12,
      from db_temp.cpp:9:
      pkcs11_lib.h:16:18: fatal error: ltdl.h: No such file or directory
      #include <ltdl.h>
      compilation terminated.
      In file included from pki_base.h:14:0,
      from db_base.h:19,
      from db_key.h:11,
      from db_x509.h:15,
      from db_crl.h:11,
      from db_crl.cpp:9:
      pkcs11_lib.h:16:18: fatal error: ltdl.h: No such file or directory
      #include <ltdl.h>
      compilation terminated.
      CC [lib] db_x509super.o
      In file included from pki_base.h:14:0,
      from db_base.h:19,
      from db_key.h:11,
      from db_x509.h:15,
      from db_x509.cpp:8:
      pkcs11_lib.h:16:18: fatal error: ltdl.h: No such file or directory
      #include <ltdl.h>
      compilation terminated.
      In file included from pki_base.h:14:0,
      from db_base.h:19,
      from db_key.h:11,
      from db_x509req.h:12,
      from db_x509req.cpp:9:
      pkcs11_lib.h:16:18: fatal error: ltdl.h: No such file or directory
      #include <ltdl.h>
      compilation terminated.
      In file included from pki_base.h:14:0,
      from db_x509super.cpp:8:
      pkcs11_lib.h:16:18: fatal error: ltdl.h: No such file or directory
      #include <ltdl.h>
      compilation terminated.
      make[1]: [db_temp.o] Error 1
      Waiting for unfinished jobs....
      make[1]: [db_key.o] Error 1
      [db_x509.o] Error 1
      make[1]: [db_crl.o] Error 1
      [db_x509req.o] Error 1
      make[1]: [db_x509super.o] Error 1
      [lib/.build-stamp] Error 2
      mkdir -p ui
      make -C ui -f /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/ui/Makefile
      VPATH=/home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/ui ui
      make[1]: Entering directory /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/ui' make[1]: Nothing to be done forui'.
      make[1]: Leaving directory /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/ui' mkdir -p lib make -C lib -f /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/lib/Makefile \ VPATH=/home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/lib make[1]: Entering directory/home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/lib'
      g++ -DXCA_PREFIX=\"/usr/local/share/xca\" -DETC=\"/usr/local/etc\"
      -DDOCDIR=\"/usr/local/share/doc/xca\" -g -O2 -DQT_SHARED
      -I/usr/include/qt4 -I/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I/usr/include/qt4/QtGui
      -I/home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0 -I/home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0
      -I/home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/ui -Wall -ggdb -O2 -c db_crl.cpp -o
      In file included from pki_base.h:14:0,
      from db_base.h:19,
      from db_key.h:11,
      from db_x509.h:15,
      from db_crl.h:11,
      from db_crl.cpp:9:
      pkcs11_lib.h:16:18: fatal error: ltdl.h: No such file or directory
      #include <ltdl.h>
      compilation terminated.
      make[1]: *** [db_crl.o] Error 1

      OS = ubuntu = 14.04

      On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 10:40 AM, Christian Hohnstaedt wrote:

      Your QT installation is probably incomplete. What OS are you using?
      On debian/ubuntu the packages libqt4-dev and libssl-dev must be installed.
      Try reinstalling them.
      Check the contents of the /usr/lib/*/pkgconfig/QtGui.pc
      file on your host. It should contain the correct paths to the uic and moc
      If still not successful, please send me the config.status, config.log and
      Local.mak files.

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0_(example)
      Created: Thu Feb 26, 2015 01:55 PM UTC by puneetbrar
      Last Updated: Thu Feb 26, 2015 01:55 PM UTC
      Owner: Christian Hohnstaedt


      I am gettiing the following errors while installing this
      can you please help

      Unable to execute a freshly compiled application, maybe you have to adjust
      your LD_LIBRARY_PATH or /etc/
      checking for GNU make... make
      configure: A usable 'make' executable was found in /usr/bin/make
      checking for linuxdoc... :
      configure: WARNING: 'linuxdoc' not found, using pre-compiled documentation
      configure: creating ./config.status
      config.status: creating Local.mak
      config.status: creating local.h
      config.status: local.h is unchanged
      UIC [ui] ui_About.h
      LANG [lang] xca_de.qm
      uic: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/uic': No such file
      or directory
      [ui_About.h] Error 1 make[1]: * Waiting for unfinished jobs....
      UIC [ui] ui_CaProperties.h
      lrelease: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/lrelease': No
      such file or directory
      [xca_de.qm] Error 1 make[1]: * Waiting for unfinished jobs....
      LANG [lang] xca_ru.qm
      DOC [doc] xca.html
      lrelease: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/lrelease': No
      such file or directory
      uic: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/uic': No such file
      or directory
      [ui_CaProperties.h] Error 1 make[1]: * [xca_ru.qm] Error 1make:
      [do.ui] Error 2 make: * Waiting for unfinished jobs....


      • [do.lang] Error 2 mkdir -p ui make -C ui -f
        VPATH=/home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/ui ui make[1]: Entering directory
        /home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/ui' /usr/bin/uic -o ui_About.h About.ui uic:
        could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/uic': No such file or
        directory make[1]: *** [ui_About.h] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving
        directory/home/user1/Desktop/xca-1.1.0/ui' make: * [do.ui] Error 2

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      Puneet Brar
      A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you
      don't need it
      The wise man doesn't give the right answers, he poses the right questions
      “Microsoft has a majority market share in the new desktop
      PC marketplace.
      This is a bug, which Ubuntu is designed to fix.”



      Support Requests: #11

  • Christian Hohnstaedt

    Reinstalling QT helped, fine.
    You additionally need the "libltdl-dev" package.
    Sorry for not mentioning it in the first place

  • Christian Hohnstaedt

    Did you succeed compiling XCA ?

  • Christian Hohnstaedt

    • status: open --> closed
  • Jaime Hablutzel

    Jaime Hablutzel - 2015-05-16

    I'm not an C/C++ expert, but these dependencies shouldn't be checked by the 'configure' script beforehand?

  • Christian Hohnstaedt

    Yes, you are right. Therefore commit 2871faccd27f8de87e8af00662d6aaf345834f3b
    makes the configure script fail and print a hint what package to install if no libltd was found.