
WinBinder - A native PHP Windows binding / News: Recent posts

New WinBinder Version 0.46.0

The WinBinder Development Team (WDT) is proud to announce the release of the last (maintenance) version of the alpha branch.

WinBinder v. 0.46.0 goes strong with amongst others the following highlights:

- supports the following PHP runtimes: 4.3.10 up to 4.4.2, 5.0.3 up to 5.1.4

- upgrade to/addition of the following PHP minimal distributions for the online installation: 4.4.2, 5.0.5 and 5.1.2

- release of the new Form Editor (FE) coded by Rubem. The FE – being designed and implemented with PHP and WinBinder only – finally removes third party application dependencies for new projects GUI building-wise.... read more

Posted by Stefano F. Rausch 2006-06-08

New WinBinder version (0.43)

New WinBinder version (0.43)

New installer, new folder structure, new functionality, script changes and several bug fixes.

The details:

- New installer includes PHP version 4.4.1, SQLite, FreeImage, HTML sources for manual and other files. Server for downloading PHP 5.0.5 is selectable
- New, much better folder structure (thanks Techtonik, Stefano)
- wb_load_image() and wb_set_image() can load/set small icons (thanks EK)
- wb_get_size() can also return the dimensions of a text in pixels
- wb_sys_dlg_save() now allows a default extension to be added to file names
- wb_set_selected() allows selection of root node in treeviews
- Treeviews now keep the selected item highlighted (usually in gray) when focus is lost
- Implemented non-read-only (editable) combo boxes
- New function: wb_draw_ellipse()
- Included parameter for dashed line styles in some drawing functions
- Lots of changes and fixes in the PHP scripts, as well as a couple of new ones... read more

Posted by Arthur 2005-11-22