
building -> using jar

  • Simon Martineau

    Simon Martineau - 2009-05-08

    Hi all,

    I am new to Veditor. I use it for VHDL and would like to improve a few things. I downloaded the source and built it without error. I tried to use the "Export Wizard" to get a new JAR. I noticed that the produced jar was version 0.6.2 but the plugin version I downloaded is 0.6.3. Does it mean I don't have the source for the most recent version?

    Also, I looked in my eclipse plugin directory and saw the directory named "net.sourceforge.veditor_0.6.3". Which is the version I downloaded. I suppose I should remove it? The export process produced only a jar file, not that whole directory with many files. Is it normal?

    I tried removing that directory and copying my new jar to the plugin directory. I closed and reopened eclipse and there was no vhdl plugin anymore or at least, that's how it looked to me.

    If anyone can help, I promise I will make my modifications available to everyone (after testing for sure).

    Simon Martineau

    • aghoras

      aghoras - 2009-05-08

      Hi Simon,
      We usually don't commit plugin.xml just to update the version number. (maybe we should start). That's why your jar is still showing the wrong version.

      Eclipse is kinda of tricky with how it uses version numbers to figure out which plugin to load. I haven't quite figured out what it does but I do know that if you build a lower version of the plugin and try load it, eclipse wont load it if it already has a higher version of the plugin cached (in eclipse directory or .metadata).

      When you build the plugin, try to give it a higher version than the one you are currently running. Then drop the jar in your eclipse's plugins directory and restart. Alternatively, you can use the debug plugin feature to launch another instance of eclipse in order to do debugging.

      Let me know how it goes.


    • Simon Martineau

      Simon Martineau - 2009-05-08


      Thank you for your answer. I searched plugin.xml for the version number (0.6.2 in my case) but could not find it. Where is that version number that I need to change to a newer version?


    • Simon Martineau

      Simon Martineau - 2009-05-08


      I used the "debug plugin" feature and it worked perfectly.

      I noticed the choice made for the number of space used for tab in the preference is not taken into account right? Is there a list of known issues or a kind of bugzilla database existing?


      • aghoras

        aghoras - 2009-05-08


        Look around and there should also be a "Feature Request" list also.

    • Simon Martineau

      Simon Martineau - 2009-05-08

      Thank you, it was quite obvious but since I am not familiar with sourceforge, I had no idea.

      I read the bug reports about this feature, is there any way I can edit those bug reports?



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