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Range Sensor Tutorial

This chapter will explain how to wire a power supply and to connect the sensor to your PC using Ethernet.

Wiring Sensor to Power suply

First , you must prepare a power supply suitable for your range sensor.

Each types of sensors need different voltages to use. See the table below, or check the catalog of your sensor.

Sensor type Voltage
in this page, using this model UST -30LX 12/24V
UTM-30LX-EW 12 [V]
UXM-30LX-EW 10~30 [V]
UTM-30LX 12 [V]

Refer to the table on the side of the sensor to identify the power and ground colors.

Then, please connect the sensor to the power in your way.

If you turn on the sensor, its LED lights on.
LED's positions differ depending on the types of sensors.

Ethernet Connection

You need to change Ethernet setting of your PC before connecting with sensors. If you have not set up your PC, please change
Ethernet option. See this pageand set up network.

Before going to next step, do not forget to plug in the LAN cable (Ethernet cable) to your PC.

For now, PC - range sensor connection is ready. There are several ways to start scanning and get distance data .

If you would like to watch distance data being plotted automatically, use the app, "Urg Benri".

Urg Benri's functions will offer you an introduction of this app.

If you want to learn the protocol to communicate with range sensors, and to get distance data simply,

go to Getting Distance Data Using SCIP commands.

This page explains the procedure to order the sensor to deliver data, using simple commands.


Wiki: top_en
Wiki: tutorial_SCIP_en
Wiki: tutorial_jp
Wiki: tutorial_urg_benri_en