
uniCenta POS / News: Recent posts

uniCenta oPOS v3.91 Release - suspended

I pulled the 3.91 release immediately I saw posts in the forum.
They show critical issues so I reverted back to 3.90 as default release.

The problem lay with Java 1.8 JRE run-time and mainly affects reports.
I take the view that what goes in eventually needs to come out as reporting is such a crucial function of uniCenta oPOS

Aim is to resolve this as quick as possible and push out a new release before the weekend is over.... read more

Posted by uniCenta 2015-07-16

uniCenta oPOS v3.91 Release

uniCenta oPOS v3.91 Released 14 July 2015

Includes posApps Digital Receipt and Handpoint Card Payments (and their fully compliant PCI/EMV mobile devices).

First release is for new isntalls for Windows XP through to Windows 8.1 - all supported databases.

Upgrades v3.90 to 3.91 with Windows 8.1 is supported except Apache Derby (Embedded or Server) as has knon faults due it drivers which are a known ssue. So don't try it!... read more

Posted by uniCenta 2015-07-14

Thanks Ivan de Masi!

Ivan has kindly updated Italian and German locales.

You can find them here:

Founder uniCenta

Posted by uniCenta 2015-06-15

Premier Morocco site go-live 1 May 2015

Jardin Majorelle - - Marrakech, Morocco is a visitor attraction welcoming nearly one million visitors per year, and part of La Fondation Pierre Berge & Yves Saint Laurent, went officially "live" with uniCenta oPOS 1 May 2015 in readiness for the 2015 Summer season.

Phase I includes deployments to La Boutique and Berber Museum store as well as daily analytics automation to Head Office in Paris.
Phase II follows with main visitor entrance ticketing and cafe/restaurant.... read more

Posted by uniCenta 2015-05-16

continuing issue/saga with forums


Still having to moderate all forums - don't know why - even though it's all switched off and all authorised members can (supposedly) read, write & amend posts the hands of Sourceforge after waiting a week to resolve.

Founder uniCenta

Posted by uniCenta 2015-04-06

Continuing issue with Forums

Letting everyone know.

Despite having opened up uniCenta oPOS forums - Sunday 29 March early afternoon - and ceased all moderation, posts are still appearing as "awaiting moderation".

This is an issue with Sourceforge and they have been notified.

Founder uniCenta

Posted by uniCenta 2015-03-31

Forum posts moderation

Discussion and Help forums are now back to usual status - without moderation - excpet for one change.

All Sourceforge *authenticated users can post whereas annonymous users may only read.

Founder uniCenta

Posted by uniCenta 2015-03-30

uniCenta participation in its Community


There have been a few posts and direct PM's in the last week as to why uniCenta is now moderting each post before it surfaces in our Community Forums.
Explanation is given in our earlier News post.

The simple reason is we are because...; our forums are here for uniCenta oPOS

Apart from our Adminstrator account being compromised (hacked) it's also because there have been various attempts to hijack our forums for other purposes.
This has not been an entirely bad thing by the way as it means it has helped us re-focus on providing what was originally started and that is; a forum for uniCenta oPOS issues.... read more

Posted by uniCenta 2015-03-21

Issue with Forum

Issue we've had with forum over last few days is resolved (I think...)

Looks like someone switched everything off!

Letting you know from hereon in I'm going to moderate all posts to all threads until further notice.


Posted by uniCenta 2015-03-17

Issue with Forum

Seems we have an issue with Permissions on the forums and no one can post - though can edit.

I will check out what the issue is and post through News when back up and running.


Posted by uniCenta 2015-03-16

Sourceforge Moderation

Sourcefroge Moderation function hadn't been working for some time and posts requiring moderation were not showing.

It now appears fixed and I have Approved all those in the stack.


Posted by uniCenta 2015-03-08

uniCenta oPOS v3.81 source code now available

uniCenta oPOS v3.81 source code now available is now available for download.

v3.90 source code is exactly the same as v3.81 with the exception that it includes installer for posApps Digital Receipt plugin.


Posted by uniCenta 2014-12-31

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you!

May you and your loved ones have a Happy, Wonderful and Prosperous New Year.

Posted by uniCenta 2014-12-25

Swedish Language Pack

Thanks go out to Krister for kindly giving us Swedish language translation for uniCenta oPOS.

You can grab it from here:


Posted by uniCenta 2014-12-16

Italian Language Pack update

Big Thanks once again to Angelo Rizzo

Another fresh Italian Language Pack update from him - for uniCenta oPOS version 3.81


Posted by uniCenta 2014-11-28

uniCenta oPOS v3.90 released!

v3.90 Is a functional Enhancement to uniCenta oPOS v3.81 version
It is not a bug-fix or change release

  1. Enhancement: Plugin integration - PosApps Digital Receipt
    Visit for more information

This version is our very first "plugin" app... and there's more to come in 2015!

If you do not need our posApps Digital Receipt integration - we hope you do :-) and want to give it a try... - then you could stay with your current version... read more

Posted by uniCenta 2014-11-26

uniCenta oPOS v3.81 Released

Release: v3.81

  1. Bug: Ticket numbers incrementing incorrectly on Derby DB
    Fix: Reverted back to Derby driver : 10.10.2
  2. Bug: Error in UpdateRecord for CSV Import
    Fix: Java class updated accordingly.
Posted by uniCenta 2014-11-05

v3.80 Critical issue... Resolved

The Critical issue affecting fresh uniCenta oPOS v3.80 Apache Derby based installs has been resolved.

We found it to be caused by the latest Apache Derby derby.jar driver packaged with v3.80

Turns out that Apache modified the IDENTITY function (it's used for the TicketID and PickupID fields in uniCenta oPOS) sequential numbering behaviour to align with SQL-92 requirements.

We will revert back to Apache Derby 10.10.2 derby.jar A new build will be available in the next few days.... read more

Posted by uniCenta 2014-11-02

v3.80 Critical issue!

You may/may not know I release source code only after a few weeks have passed after a GA release.
Here's a good example why:
A CRTICAL issue with new installs of uniCenta oPOS using default Apache Derby database has come to light.

Ticket & PickupID numbering has somehow gone wonky and is adding +100 to every new ticket instead of +1
It only happens when you START uniCenta oPOS
So, if ticket numbers started the session with say 150 and completed 50 sales tickets would be OK and complete at 199 BUT...
Close uniCenta oPOS and restart and ticket numbers now start at 250 - they then continue normally..
Next session ticket numbers would be 350 and so on.... read more

Posted by uniCenta 2014-10-30

Requests for source code

I receive a constant flow of direct emails requesting the release of the latest source code.
It's something I've responded to many times in the forums and want to explain again here in the News section which hopefully is more visible to everyone than being tucked away in a post or thread.

My policy is to release latest source code only after a few weeks have passed.

The main reason behind the approach is this:
I monitor the forums for feedback on the latest release after it has been put to the test by real users. If there are fixes required they get done followed by [.] dot release to that version.... read more

Posted by uniCenta 2014-10-12

uniCenta oPOS v3.80 released!

uniCenta oPOS v3.80 released!

Bug Fixes: 12
Changes: 11
Enhancements: 10

As per usual please read the ReadMe and RN_380 Release Notes.

Windows installer download here:

Linux and Mac OS X installers to follow but for now just download and use the binaries no installer from here:

Posted by uniCenta 2014-10-05

uniCenta oPOS. What's it all about?


I'm prompted to write this post because seemingly some people "Just don't get it".
So, I want to share my "thoughts" as to why uniCenta oPOS exists and why this forum is here.

This is a FREE forum.

It's a place that really belongs to all you guys - the enthusiast, users of uniCenta oPOS and any one else who cares to come along.
I want it to be a place where new members are made to feel welcome, be there to help each other, share ideas, solve issues and even your code wherevever you can.
This is my idea of what this community and forum is all about.... read more

Posted by uniCenta 2014-08-18

Linux & Mac OS X users

uniCenta oPOS has always been x-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X) and still is.

Installers for uniCenta oPOS 3.60 for Linux and Mac OS X users have not been available due to a couple of issues.

Linux and Mac OS X can now, once again, enjoy uniCenta oPOS with latest 3.70 version as a completely self-contained .zip is now available.
Go here: read more

Posted by uniCenta 2014-07-24

Moderation and Redaction


I was approached directly and asked to resolve a spat going on in a forum thread by a uniCenta oPOS user. I posted but have now deleted as in hindsight it was not the right thing for me to do.
These are your forums and my involvment should be minimal and kept to moderation, guidance and comment.

Apologies for that.


Posted by uniCenta 2014-06-15

Italian Language pack update

Update: langpack italian R370
Author: Angelo Rizzo
Date: 1 June 2014

pos_messages_it traslation "message.DBDefault"

Release Note RN_360.txt

Release Note RN_370.txt
report:barcodesheet_messages_it (added)
report:invalidcategory_messages_it (added) report:newproducts_messages_it

Posted by uniCenta 2014-06-02