
CSV import

  • ste

    ste - 2014-08-07

    Hi having problems with csv import not updating the database after importing using 3.70 update.
    also getting the following error when using price update report.
    Report design not valid :
    1. Parameter not found : ARG
    2. Parameter not found : ARG

    worked ok 3.56

  • Wildfox Coder

    Wildfox Coder - 2014-09-17

    I'm working with a fresh install of the database on version 3.70 and CSV Import does update the database properly. If you have upgraded from 3.56 and still having this issue, you may want to start with the database since it may not have been updated properly.

    But I have the same problem with the Price update report. It seems it may have been designed for another version since the CSVIMPORT table in the database doesn't contain any dates. If I comment out those parts, the report runs fine. I have attached the report with those parts commented out for anyone searching for a solution to this.

  • Ednanda

    Ednanda - 2014-12-09

    hi, i'm having the same problem..
    did mr Wildfox Coder mean is download the updateprices.jrxml file then paste it on unicenta report folder?
    i have done this but the problem is still exist..
    im using unicenta 3.81(binnary) on ubuntu,
    thanks in advance..

  • Wildfox Coder

    Wildfox Coder - 2015-02-11

    Back up your jar file first and open jar file with 7zip and replace that file under the directory com->openbravo->reports. If you have issues using 7zip you can search this forum or google it.

    Sorry didn't reply for so long because in Dec I was busy designing and programming a custom web based multiple RGB LED Strip light controller using the Raspberry Pi B+. I only noticed this post since some one posted the same problem.

  • John L

    John L - 2015-02-11


    I have fixed this in my updates, along with a bug in the import routine.


  • cmarinv2005

    cmarinv2005 - 2015-02-13

    change this files

    • John L

      John L - 2015-02-13

      Like I already said these are fixed my mydate, so it easier to just down from my git repo if you need the changes. So you just need the Spanish locale file.



      Last edit: John L 2015-02-13
  • cmarinv2005

    cmarinv2005 - 2015-02-14

    thank you very much Jhon. These files are modified by and I will add other modifications, but really the important code is Jhon.


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