
Product Sales Profit BY USER

LuKaZ PaiN
  • LuKaZ PaiN

    LuKaZ PaiN - 2015-10-07

    I want to be able to filter the Product Sales Profit report by user, for commisions payment, i tried modifying the files but cant get it to show on the report, also, as a side note, not so important, but can you use multiple currencies? I live in Paraguay, and here we use mostly "Guaranies", "US Dollars", "Argentinian Pesos" and "Brazil Reales", if i could i would like to receive and separate payments in different currencies, but the thing that i really need is the first one, thanks in advance.

  • LuKaZ PaiN

    LuKaZ PaiN - 2015-10-08

    Nobody?! Please, any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • LuKaZ PaiN

    LuKaZ PaiN - 2015-10-08

    Im willing to pay a fee if someone wants to charge me to do it

  • LuKaZ PaiN

    LuKaZ PaiN - 2015-10-12

    Ok, since no one answered, i ended up doing myself a separate script, totally messy in PHP, if anyone wants it, i can provide it.

  • uniCenta

    uniCenta - 2015-10-14

    LuKaZ PaiN

    PHP not strictly a uniCenta oPOS issue/fix as clearly uou're working outside of its core.
    Yet if you want to share then don't hold back, I'm sure it would be welcome to those who may find it useful.

    Founder uniCenta


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