
Exporting Data to Excel

  • Ronak

    Ronak - 2014-01-18


    I would like to export all the data in my POS system to excel, so that I cant run my own reports. is this possible? If so can someone please explain how I could do this.

    I am not an SQL user but could pick this up pretty quickly, if it is the only way to do this.

    The main thing I would like in excel is a table showing the following: Transaction Date. Transaction Time. Cashier. Product Sold. Product Price.

    This would give me the flexibility to run the reports I would like. Would really appreciate any help here.

    Thank you,


    Last edit: Ronak 2014-01-18
  • uniCenta

    uniCenta - 2014-01-18


    All uniCenta reports can be saved to various formats - see icon floppy disk icon top left of report view window - and Excel is one of those.


  • Marty C

    Marty C - 2014-01-21

    Just as a follow on to this, I'm looking to export some data to Excel too, and like Ronak I'm not an SQL user but could probably pick it up pretty quickly. (Using MySQL by the way)

    I've tried exporting some of the reports to Excel format, but the problem is they have a lot of headings, blank rows etc, which means it requires a lot of manipulation before the data is really useable in Excel. (Sometimes it spits out extra cells too so the data goes out of line, making it impossible to automate the manipulation process).

    So the question is, what's the best way to export data to Excel in simple tabular format with no breaks or other formatting? (For example, if I wanted to see nothing other than the sales total per product category for a given period in a simple list.)

    Any help or advice greatly appreciated.

  • jonafc

    jonafc - 2014-04-05

    just came across this. why don't you find a tool like this for free if there is 1 or just purchase this.

    EMS Data Export for MySQL (Non-commercial) + 1 Year Maintenance $47.00

  • And Cas

    And Cas - 2017-05-31

    Hi...has anyone figured out a way to export data into excel in a clean format? Each time I try, the data has blank rows and such, which makes analsis difficult.

    I need to be able to export into Excel in order to link to my accounting. Any ideas?



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