
Printer ticket image is not centerized...

antoine r
  • antoine r

    antoine r - 2015-08-28

    Hello to everyone.

    I got a little question, when i print my receipt, everything is ok except the ticket image (at the top), the image is not centered at all, image is at right place.

    Tried to centerize the image and the length like this;

        <image align="center" length="12">Printer.Ticket.Logo</image>

    But nothing happens, image still at the right.

    Is there any way to get my image centerized for 57MM thermal papper.

    Thank you :)


    Last edit: antoine r 2015-08-28
  • Reiner

    Reiner - 2015-08-29

    In Windows, you will ind in the c:/users/your username
    the file.
    Edit this with a proper text editor and find the lines
    play with the x value (reduce) to center on the paper
    Unicenta comes standard with 80 mm setting
    My guess (never used the small paper) is around 50 -52 as a good value

  • antoine r

    antoine r - 2015-08-31


    Thank you.

    But nothing happens...
    I can't see any change...

    Any other option ?

  • antoine r

    antoine r - 2015-08-31

    I got it.

    Right folder to change, but you have to change this one.



  • Reiner

    Reiner - 2015-09-01

    happy for you...


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