
unicenta v4.01

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  • kampo

    kampo - 2015-11-12

    Today is the end of the week as promised and unfortunately all unless something happens only just talk and people here feel bored of the lack of frankness in speech

  • Alexander Albrecht


    Where I live it is Thursday and End the week for us is SUNDAY 23:59.

    Your topic is expired 4.01 had be done for last week.
    This is should be 4.02. You cannot rush perfection.
    A nice song for JACK


    • kampo

      kampo - 2015-11-15

      Hi Alexander Albrecht

      Today is Sunday the end of the week for you any change does not happen and there is no release of the new version I know very well you are telling me now, and you write that there is a problem and will be issuing 4.03 and then tell me wait Version 4.04 and then say well wait for version 4.0, and so on is always reply with these words then maybe we get to version 1000 and we wait well this game beautiful and entertaining

  • kampo

    kampo - 2015-11-12

    Sunday's release of version v4.02

  • kampo

    kampo - 2015-11-12
    I Dedicate this video to you relax a little on the sea so as not to commit suicide

    • uniCenta

      uniCenta - 2015-11-17


      Sarcasm: lowest form of wit. Via a link or not. Doesn't work for me.


  • Alexander Albrecht

    That might only happen if we dream about it daily.
    Don't fret, v4.1 will be ready for you to download real soon.

    Definition of the word soon
    in or after a short time.
    "Everyone will soon know the truth" --- YEAH THAT UNICENTA IS STILL FULL OF BUGS
    synonyms: in a short time, shortly, presently, in the near future, before long, in a little while, in a minute, in a moment, in an instant, in a twinkling, in the twinkling of an eye, before you know it, any minute (now), any day (now), any time (now), by and by; More
    Used to indicate one's preference in a particular matter. --- Yeah how to meet and respect your deadlines
    "I'd just as soon Tim did it"
    Synonyms: rather, by preference, preferably, from/by choice, more willingly, more readily; if I had my druthers
    "I would sooner stay"


  • uniCenta

    uniCenta - 2015-11-16

    Alexander Albrecht

    Just letting you know; when the new forum opens for v4.1 you're not on my list of invitees.


  • John Barrett

    John Barrett - 2015-11-16

    So there will be a new forum and it will NOT be an OPEN forum then?

    Jack - I think the issue is one of control - the control is shifting from public and open to private and closed. That has always been my concern and why my contributions are on another fork.

  • Alexander Albrecht

    Hello Jack,

    I understand you’re frustrated in solving some of the mistakes there were on V4.1.
    It’s your choice to invite me into the new world of Unicenta.

    I do not think I did anything wrong but you are on the wrong side since with all this fuss and prolong of V4. I am seeing the 2nd counter on your website in a very short time, very PRO well done.

    If it will be a PAID one unless you give us a Demo test I will not be the first one to buy it.

    Anyway since I am not welcome this will not happen.




    Last edit: Alexander Albrecht 2015-11-17
    • uniCenta

      uniCenta - 2015-11-17

      Don't worry Alexander. It's OK.
      I don't want you as a Customer.... just so we avoid any confusion.


      • kampo

        kampo - 2015-11-17


        Jack quite frankly Do you intend to release the new version or for money is all here waiting for the answer, and if the answer is yes to set a date so that people do not feel bored and waiting that's all people want to know here Thank you


        • uniCenta

          uniCenta - 2015-11-17


          No. I intend to release MY TIME for money!
          Read the GNU GPL3 definition of the 4 Freedoms please.

          As I explained in a post yesterday: MY FAMILY and circumstances take precedence over uniCenta oPOS, this forum and everyone else.


          • kampo

            kampo - 2015-11-17

            Once more no answer to the question
            When the new situation quite frankly version


            Last edit: kampo 2015-11-17
            • uniCenta

              uniCenta - 2015-11-17


              Still don't understand your English, but hey will give it a go.

              From now on:
              MY TIME = MONEY BUT only from those who are making money out of uniCenta oPOS and not contributing anything back to the project.

              There, hope that explains it in plain and SIMPLE ENGLISH!


              • kampo

                kampo - 2015-11-18

                Unicenta v4 its free or not

  • kampo

    kampo - 2015-11-17

    Hi Alexander Albrecht

    Everyone Should Know ... Jack does not put the latest version is finally here only for profit for him, and I Oketblk for not losing your time here in writing and respond to Jack, and if you want the golden version you money to convert his own account in the bank as he had done many by you and you do not want if you can not get on this version you can enjoy all the old copies of the common mistakes



    Last edit: kampo 2015-11-17
    • uniCenta

      uniCenta - 2015-11-17


      Sorry. I only speak English. Don't understand your post.


  • Alexander Albrecht

    Hi Kampo,

    That Jack is doing profit from Unicenta it is not a news even though he says it is FREE + Open source.

    I read a review about the add-on feature of print receipt to Mobile on a Famous POS website and JACK claimed that it was a success with over 1500 members. If that is true that will be more than 10,000 USD monthly.
    We all know that and I do not think he is doing anything wrong on the above business matter.

    I have no clue what Jack will do in the next few days but it may kill Unicenta.
    We as a community cannot do much.

    All I can wish best of luck to JACK but this will be a game changer.
    You cannot tell anymore it is an OPENSOURCE + FREE, you will have to declare that this will be only for PRIVATE MEMBERS at a monthly fee.



    Last edit: Alexander Albrecht 2015-11-17
    • uniCenta

      uniCenta - 2015-11-17

      Alexander Albrecht

      Once again WRONG AGAIN and spreading untruths.
      And, even if I was earning as little as the $10,000USD p.m you speculate - Just what has that got to do you with you?

      Let me spell something out to you in plain English (as I'm English and it is my mother tongue):
      If you continue to cast aspersions - contrary to all the normally accepted forum protocols and conduct - I will block you (or at least the pseudonym you use here).
      Seemingly, from a quick scan, you contribute nothing to these forums. Actually on checking you have not ever contributed one single word, nay letter, of help to any other community member. EVER!
      You're a provacteur plain and simple.

      Your negative remarks and vitriol towards me are really quite amusing - I do so enjoy a good joke by the way - and you're providing me a laugh a day at the moment so I'm loathe to lose that, yet there is a limit.
      Others have been blocked in the past who have shown disrepect and ad-hominem attacks on community members.
      Be absolutely sure, from THIS POINT FORWARD, I will not hesitate for one moment to mete out the same to you.



      Last edit: uniCenta 2015-11-17
  • kampo

    kampo - 2015-11-17

    Everyone here in this forum must know the truth now, and some people do not know that he has a bad intention in releasing the new version I think that a lot of people turned to Chromis because they are a good team and the effort to develop the program may gages have some people trust him submit to Jack tip undo everything revolves in his mind to win the confidence of the people as in the past

    • uniCenta

      uniCenta - 2015-11-17


      Once again; difficult to understand as I only speak English.

      Please do go to Chromis. It is a great project and John is doing a great job.
      And, as you are already participating in their forums I am sure they will welcome 100% of your input rather than trying to split it between the us and them which must be a toughy, eh?


  • kampo

    kampo - 2015-11-17

    Once more no answer to the question
    When the new situation quite frankly version

    • uniCenta

      uniCenta - 2015-11-17


      OK> One last try. I will try and speak your version of English:
      Once more YES answer to the question.
      Quite frankly version situation available Thursday.

      I have fixed a special rate for when you sign up to get special access to my TIME.
      $275USD per hour. Minimum payment $550USD in advance.

      Just a Note:
      uniCenta oPOS still Free - per GNU GPL3 license - AND still Open Source.


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