
Idea for new future feature for Retail textile (hard to develop myself?)‏

  • Víctor Manuel Roa


    I am analyzing unicenta as an available SW for retail in textile shops. My fathers have a sports shop with a very old POS (MS-DOS) and we are looking for a new option. The problem I see is how -the products are inserted. I will explain how it works now and I think it is the best way to understand what is missing in unicenta. I will use a t-shirt example but it is the same for shoes, etc.

    When a new T-shirt model is received (even in different colors) , each size within each color has their own barcode but all the rest are the same concepts (price, discount, mark, etc..) So, to insert all the products we create a new sheet (we will call sheet a new entity objet that contains all the products) with the general concepts and then within the same sheet window when we select a color and a size, we insert the barcode (readed from the T-shirt); so all the model is inserted within the same sheet.

    Features that are also granted due to this entity (sheet);

    1- -when you sell a product, it automatically detect the size and color

    2- When you read a product you automatically loads the sheet so you can see how many product are left all along the model (within different sizes and colors)

    3- If you receive again the same model new products (buying new products) you can save the new date within the sheet so you have a history of how many products has bought between dates.

    4- New and very powerfull reports:

    a. What are the sizes more sold

    b. What are the sizes more bought between dates

    c. How many tshirts you have to buy for the next year based on this year solds.

    d. Etc…

    Are you interested in this new development for a future feature? Otherwise, do you think it could be much more effort to develop it? I have basic knowledge for programming and I don’t know if I could afford it.

    Thanks in advance for your help and sorry for the size of this mail.

    • Víctor Manuel Roa

      no answers or comments?

      • uniCenta

        uniCenta - 2015-11-03

        Víctor Manuel Roa

        To be honest. Don't think you're going to get a nibble on this one.

        Let's do an analogy:
        Someone buys the BMW for you; they pay for the insurance; servicing; new tyres; petrol; speeding & parking fines; & etc & etc and you do the driving.

        Founder uniCenta

        • Víctor Manuel Roa

          Thansk for the answer. i think my post has been missunderstood. i dont want people work for me for free. i explained a feature that could be interested for the unicenta product and be included in the roadmap for the future. Otherwise, if is not a feature to be included, i only need a sentence explain if this feature is possible to be developped taking as a start point the unicenta code or if this feauture means re-develop lot of code and it is not worth it. It is better to develop a new one.
          Anyway thanks for the answer

  • uniCenta

    uniCenta - 2015-11-16

    Víctor Manuel Roa

    OK. As you wish. I will respond with a sentence:
    Anything is possible and could be developed.



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