
Barcode of customer and receipt number on ticket

chris J.
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  • chris J.

    chris J. - 2014-10-19

    How can I get the Barcode of customer and receipt number on ticket printing

  • krulleke

    krulleke - 2014-10-19


    I don't know what you mean by customer.... The customer search string?
    The ticket number can be printer as EAN13 barcode if the ticket number existes out of 13 digits. But then you can have a problem when you use a barcode scanner. The checksum parity could hang the scanner for 2minutes.

    It can be printed as code128. But I can access my laptop with code tomorrow.


  • krulleke

    krulleke - 2014-10-20


    I have set my ticket-number to 13 characters but you don't have to

    and added the following to generate the barcode
    <barcode type="CODE128">${ticket.printId()}</barcode>

    and you can use the following for customer barcode
    <barcode type="CODE128">${ticket.getCustomer().printTaxid()}</barcode>


    • chris J.

      chris J. - 2014-10-20

      It can be so easy?

      I'm going to test tomorrow with a printer, because on my screen would not succeed.
      I get nothing more to see from the first bar code.
      and the screen freezes

      chris J.

  • krulleke

    krulleke - 2014-10-21

    I've set the code also to my test system.

    it must work in the preview


  • chris J.

    chris J. - 2014-10-21

    het is inderdaat zo simpel.
    ik probeerde slimmer te zijn en had gebruikgemaakt van de

    <line> functie

    zonder dit gaat de tiket nr maar de barcode voor de clant (card)niet.
    ik gebruik hiervoor dit

    <barcode type="CODE128">${ticket.getCustomer().printcard()}</barcode>

    bedankt bij voorbaat
    chris J.


    Last edit: chris J. 2014-10-21
  • krulleke

    krulleke - 2014-10-21

    Sorry Chris,

    Mijn fout. Ik had klantnummer met kaartnummer verwisseld.
    Het zal hopenlijk niet meer gebeuren.


    • chris J.

      chris J. - 2014-10-21

      jij bent ook maar een mens zoals wij allemaal!

      zonder dit gaat de tiket nr maar de barcode voor de clant (card)niet.
      ik gebruik hiervoor dit

      <barcode type="CODE128">${ticket.getCustomer().printcard()}</barcode>

      maar dit werkt niet

      is er een oplossing of wat doe ik fout?

      chris J.


      Last edit: chris J. 2014-10-21
      • chris J.

        chris J. - 2014-10-22

        I found the solution!

        and added the following to generate the barcode fore Ticket ID
        <barcode type="CODE128">${ticket.printId()}</barcode>

        and you can use the following for customer barcode
        <barcode type="CODE128">${ticket.getCustomer().getCard()}</barcode>

        Thanks krulleke

        chris J.


        Last edit: chris J. 2014-10-22
        • Edwin

          Edwin - 2015-01-03

          How can i set the barcode in the middle of the receipt ?

  • Edwin

    Edwin - 2015-01-05

    Hi Fanzam,

    I have one problem, the barcode is not match with the receipt number.
    The barcode holds 1 number and the ticketnumber is going higher
    I use the following in Printer.Ticket
    see attachement
    This is standard in unicenta v3.90

  • Edwin

    Edwin - 2015-01-05

    Hi Fanzam,

    Here it is

    • chris J.

      chris J. - 2015-01-05

      Last edit: chris J. 2015-01-06
      • Edwin

        Edwin - 2015-01-05

        Ik ben van Nederland Weert

  • Edwin

    Edwin - 2015-01-05

    Hi Fanzam,

    What are you mean with find a working Printer.Ticket + Sample.
    The Printer.Ticket that i send is working on my unicenta v3.90 on a derbyserver v10.11.1.1
    I've a problem with the barcode type code 128. How can i get it to work ?

  • Edwin

    Edwin - 2015-01-06

    Hi Fanzam,

    I use windows 7 ultimate. I have try your file within unicentaopos v3.90 but there's no barcode printing.
    I use a tm-t88v usb printer with a virtual serial com port driver. The ticket is printing everything right because the code 128 barcode. The barcode is not on the ticket.
    When i use EAN13 barcode, that is coming on the ticket but not in the center and not with the same receipt number.
    The "\" i didn't see them on my Printer.Ticket.
    I have verified your attachment and copy it into my Printer.Ticket but now i have the same problem. the Code128 is not on the ticket and the EAN13 is left on the ticket and is not correctly give the receipt number

    Is barcode CODE128 basic in the unicentaopos or must i change something ?

    I use not the source from unicenta


    Last edit: Edwin 2015-01-06
  • Edwin

    Edwin - 2015-01-06

    Hi Fanzam,

    It works on the screen.
    I use the tm-t88v on usb with a serial port driver from epson.
    In Peripherals the settings are Printer Epson Mode:file Port com1.

    With the tm-t88III the above settings on serial port com 1

    But both printers printing the barcode


    Last edit: Edwin 2015-01-06
  • krulleke

    krulleke - 2015-01-07


    Never set the virtual COM port to COM1
    always 3 or higher.

    Nooit de virtuele COM port naar COM1 zetten
    Altijd naar 3 of hoger.


  • Edwin

    Edwin - 2015-01-08

    Hi Fanzam,

    I have also a network interface on the tm-t88v.
    What are your settings in unicenta and on your system ?
    Maybe they do work for me


    Last edit: Edwin 2015-01-08
  • Edwin

    Edwin - 2015-01-23

    Hi Fanzam,

    It works:-) I have another question: when i make a bill for a customer, is it possible to make the payment and then ask the customer if he needs a receipt, so i can choose if i want a receipt or not.
    Now can i click the print button left onder in the payment screen

    • krulleke

      krulleke - 2015-01-23


      It is better to create a new threat. Some people skip the threat because of the subject.


  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-11

    Hi i am running Unicenta 3.81 I have setup the receipts to have the TicketID as a code128 barcode on the bottom. I have added the follwoing code to printer.ticket, printer ticket2, printer.ticketpreview.

    The code i added is <barcode type="CODE128">${ticket.printId()}</barcode>

    This works perfect on the preview and when i print the receipt to a windows printer.

    But when i print to my Epson TM-T88V that is setup on serial on com8, I get the receipt with no barcode.

    Could someone please tell me how to fix this I need the barcode to be code128 and to print though epson serial not windows printer.

    Any help would be great as i have reached a stand still.


    tired all above with no success

  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-11

    if you need more info please just ask


    Last edit: matt wess 2015-02-11
  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-11

    Hi FanZam

    Thanks for the reply.

    I can get it to print the barcode on the receipt if i install the printer as a windows printer but this causes me 2 problems

    1. the text on the receipt is smaller and not as bold and all content prints to the left

    2. the cash draw then does not open

    if there not a replacement codesepson.class?

    Thanks for you help i think im abit out of my depth

  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-11

    Hi thanks again for your quick reply i have tried this when i use the .jar my till system does not load up.

    I downloaded it from the link you gave my it was in folder form turned back in to a JAR with Whacker UnPacker v1.04

    then put in my program files and the program will now not run so had to put my old one back

    attached is my orginal JAR that works

  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-11

    if you want me to attaches anything else let me know


  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-11

    Hi Fanzam

    I have tried replacing the JAR in the program files folder with one you have given me and now the program does not load again. it does however work with the jar i attached but not the one you sent?

  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-11

    I am in a closed work network teamviewer is blocked.

    I just downloaded unicenta again and downloaded your .JAR put this in C:\Program Files (x86)\unicentaopos-3.81 (replaced orginal and still does not work.

    it appear the com\openbravo\pos folder is the issue.

    could this be down to me having 64bit and am i copying to the correct location.

    when i download the file you sent it downloads as

    so i rename it to remove the .zip is that correct?



  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-11

    thanks alot for helping me


    Last edit: matt wess 2015-02-11
  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-12

    I will watch this now yes the file you have post when i download it it added zip to the end of it

  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-12

    Hi Fanzam

    I have attached a video to show that the file downloads as a

    Please watch if you can and let me know what you think the issue is.

    Thanks very much.

    You can watch with quicktime player

  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-12

    I have attached a video to show that when i download it is a take a look and tell me what you think if you can please.

    Attached. I watch it with quicktime

    Thanks for your help again

  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-12

    Hi thanks alot for you help when i download it it does save it as a .zip take a quick look at the video attached if you can and let me know what you think i should do?

  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-12

    Hi Fanzam i have 100 percent copied the video the only diffrentance is when i the Jar that i downloaded from you and of john always saves as a it does not see it as a jar file just a folder named unicentaopos.jar.

    the file i am downloading of you in 7.34mb if that helps
    the one i have already that works is 19.9MB

    Can you help

  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-12

    Please take alook at the video this show how it downloads as a .zip

  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-12

    it seems to thing that its just a folder called unicentaopos.jar and not a jar file

    the other thing i have noticed is file sizes
    the jar you sent me is: 7.34mb
    the orginal one is 19.9

    any ideas? what file size shoudl it be? can you load the jar to any other site for me to download?


  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-12

    Hi Fanzam

    I have finally got this working it was downloading as a zip becuase i was using firefox not IE

    I have now got this working with my modified source file and i can see Epson / RAW/

    How do i get USB in the list where all teh Com's are???


  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-12

    That all works it was not using IE which added the .zip on, and i have now managed to get it working with my setup.

    I can now see Epson/RAW/ how do i get a setting for USB though as all it displays is COM's LPT etc No USB


  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-12

    Message 3 attached

  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-12

    Hi Fanzam

    I have testing with TM-T88V USB using virtual COm port set to com port 5.

    If i then sent in unicenta to Epson/ Serial / Com5 then the receipt prints off fine but with no barcode.

    if i then change settings to epson/ raw / com5 then no receipt prints off at all.

    I have tested all the above on com 5, 6 and 7.

    any ideas?


  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-13

    Hi fanzam

    I have made sure the virtual port is set to com5 and the printer does print a test it also prints in unicenta if I select epson/serial/com5

    But when I select epson/raw/com5. Nothing happens no printing at all?


    • chris J.

      chris J. - 2015-02-13

      after the change of settings you have to restart unicenta


      Last edit: chris J. 2015-02-13
      • matt wess

        matt wess - 2015-02-13

        Hi Chris I have restarted. I'm abit stuck now

  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-13

    Hi fanzam

    I do not have a serial printer only USB

    I use virtual port to make com5 go to USB

    Then in unicenta I select epson/serial/com5 and it print through my USB printer but without barcode on receipt

    But if I change it to epson/raw/com5 it does not print at all.
    So what exactly do you think I'm doing wrong?

    Sorry about this.


  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-13

    Am I doing something wrong should I not use epson virtual port when using USB?

  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-13

    Hi fanzam

    No serial cable is connect I use epson virtual port program and assign the printer to the com number of my choice. Is that what I'm doing wrong?

    I just want it to print when epson/raw/com5 is select I know the USB print is on com5 as I setit up in the epson virtual port program.

    What should I do now?


  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-13

    Thanks for your help I will give this another go tonight and get back to you have you got a link for the best windows driver for an epson tm-t88v


  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-13

    Hi fanzam

    I have tried this and unlike you picture of windows ports for the printer mine is set to ESDPR and com 1 to 5 are the only comm ports in the list tried to create new com port only have option of IP Parellel or local select local and that does not work.

    So downloaded epson virtual com port setup and set the USB print to com port7 still cannot change this to com 7 for the USB print in windows printer though.

    Any info or anything I can try will be a great help?


  • matt wess

    matt wess - 2015-02-14

    Hi Chris I'm behind a closed network so it will not work. Have you got any ideas of why this could be or anything I can try? Could it be the fact I'm on windows 7 I just cannot get the raw to work at all...

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