
#39 Some clusters never move

Bob Bevill

After running ultradefrag several times from boot, almost all files have migrated to the top of the disk. However, some pesky clusters never move. How can i learn what these files are and either (1) delete them, or (2) rename them.

I am trying to move a 60gb disk with a 4gb ghost file to a 40gb disk. It continues to fail because Ghost makes sector copies and doesn't know what to do with these straggler files.


1 Attachments


Support Requests: #39


  • Dmitri Arkhangelski

    Wouldn't it be better to simply move all files from one disk to another, without the use of the Ghost software?

  • Dmitri Arkhangelski

    Of course you might try to move those files to the beginning of the disk:

    1. open the boot time script and add udefrag -r -o d: command to it, then reboot and see what will happen

    2. try to shrink the disk by GPartEd software - it will move everything to the beginning of the disk

    • Bob Bevill

      Bob Bevill - 2014-11-25

      I did the first. I will try the second.


      Sent from my iPad

      On Nov 25, 2014, at 12:57 AM, Dmitri Arkhangelski wrote:

      Of course you might try to move those files to the beginning of the disk:

      open the boot time script and add udefrag -r -o d: command to it, then reboot and see what will happen

      try to shrink the disk by GPartEd software - it will move everything to the beginning of the disk

      [support-requests:#39] Some clusters never move

      Status: unread
      Group: v7.0.0 beta2
      Created: Tue Nov 25, 2014 03:49 AM UTC by Bob Bevill
      Last Updated: Tue Nov 25, 2014 05:52 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      After running ultradefrag several times from boot, almost all files have migrated to the top of the disk. However, some pesky clusters never move. How can i learn what these files are and either (1) delete them, or (2) rename them.

      I am trying to move a 60gb disk with a 4gb ghost file to a 40gb disk. It continues to fail because Ghost makes sector copies and doesn't know what to do with these straggler files.

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      Support Requests: #39

  • Dmitri Arkhangelski

    • status: unread --> closed

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