
#145 'term' should be a member of att.canonical


It seems to me that the same logic which includes 'title' to be a member of att.canonical also applies to 'term'. I.e. I may wish to reference by @key or @ref a full definition for the entity being named/distinguished. While both are members of model.emphLike I couldn't think up and good reasons to have other members of model.emphLike become members of att.canonical.

Summary: add 'term' to the membership of att.canonical.


  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2008-11-01

    Although at first blush this seems a reasonable idea, I am concerned that adding @key and @ref may lead to confusion. Attributes @target (and indeed @cref) are explicitly defined for term, and their function overlaps considerably with that of @key and @ref. The current definitions say that they should point to a <gloss> element, but that seems somewhat of a restriction besides the more general and powerful mechanisms offered by @key and @ref. So my preference would be to add the latter only if the former are deprecated or even removed. Which is a bit too much of a change to rush through without further discussion.

  • James Cummings

    James Cummings - 2008-11-01

    Your objection makes sense. An alternative would be to simply change the definition of term/@target to instead read (something like):

    "identifies the associated gloss or explanation by an absolute or relative URI reference possibly but not necessarily stored as a gloss element"

    Or something. i.e. loosen @target to allow pointing to a gloss or explanation which could be anything from a tei:gloss element to a wiktionary definition. That in my mind would allow the same functionality as @ref but retain the semantics that the thing pointed at must be a gloss or explanation of the term being marked.


  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2009-01-14

    So the choice before us is
    A: change the wording of @target (and @cref) as per James' suggestion below. Live without the facility provided by @key.
    B: remove @target (and @cref) and add this element to att.canonical

    Not sure that I know which way to jump on this...

  • Laurent Romary

    Laurent Romary - 2009-01-20

    Whatever the means (but I would tend to support the @key/@ref change) we need to take into account that this has been requested by the terminology community for a while (I remeber some emails from Kara Warburton, lost from my computer though :-().
    Anyhow, we should at least cover the ISO scenario, i.e.:
    - a section in the guidelines, where terms and definitions are provided (see below)
    - references to these in line where the corresponding terms appear (so @ref within the ISO doc, @key when taken from a reference ISO database)
    Exerpt taken from our ISO test document (Q: should items then be numbered?)
    <div n="3" type="termsAndDefinitions">
    <head>Terms and definitions</head>
    <list type="termlist">
    <item n="3.1">
    <gloss>document, established by consensus and approved by a recognized body,
    that provides, for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or
    characteristics for activities or their results, aimed at the
    achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context</gloss>
    <note place="inline">Standards should be based on the consolidated results
    of science, technology and experience, and aimed at the promotion of
    optimum community benefits.</note>
    <ref>ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004, definition 3.2</ref>

    <item n="3.2">
    <term>international standard</term>
    <gloss>standard that is adopted by an international standardizing/standards
    organization and made available to the public</gloss>
    <ref>ISO/IEC Guide 2:2004, definition</ref>

  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2009-01-20

    I don't understand what the ISO example is trying to achieve. Is the <ref> at the end of the first <item> meant to be linking to the second one? If so, why does it not do so by means of the standard @target attribute, pointing to a n xml:id value? This feature request is not about endowing <ref> and <ptr> with something analogous to @key (though that might be desirable);

  • Laurent Romary

    Laurent Romary - 2009-01-20

    The <ref> is not related to what we are discussing here. It just points to an external document as a reference.
    What I meant is that futher in the ISO document you could have:
    <p> bla bla bla bla <term ref="#term1">standard</term> blabla </p>
    Where #term1 would be the xml:id of <item> (for instance) in the list.

  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2009-01-20

    OK, thanks for the clarification Laurent. So the proposal is to replace @target on <term> by @ref and @key. I propose to do that, but to retain @target and @cref for now with a comment indicating that they are deprecated and will be removed at a subsequent release.

  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2009-01-23

    At version 5502, I added <term> to att.canonical and added the following remark to the elementspec:
    <p>As with other members of the <ident
    type="class">att.canonical</ident> class, instances of this
    element occuring in a text may be associated with a canonical
    definition, either by means of a URI (using the <att>ref</att>
    attribute), or by means of some system-specific code value (using
    the <att>key</att> attribute). Because the mutually exclusive
    <att>target</att> and <att>cRef</att> attributes overlap with the
    function of the <att>ref</att> attribute, they are deprecated and
    may be removed at a subsequent release. </p>

    Also added some text to CO:

    <p>For technical terminology in particular, and generally in
    terminological studies, it may be useful to associate an instance of a
    term within a text with a canonical definition for it, which is stored
    either elsewhere in the same text (for example in a glossary of terms)
    or externally, for example in a database, authority file, or published
    standard. The attributes <att>key</att> and <att>ref</att> discussed
    in section <ptr target="#CONARS"/> below are available on the
    <gi>term</gi> element for this purpose.
    <!-- example needed here -->

  • Lou Burnard

    Lou Burnard - 2009-01-23
    • status: open --> closed