
#981 Wrong vertical position of a html table on next pages


Good afternoon
In first excuse me for my poor english, I live in Marseille, France

I use Version : 6.0.093
I have just changed an old lib fpdf by your new library tcpdf
Its works fine
I appreciate WiteHtml

I made a test with an invoice containing several lines (screen captures joints)
I can't resolve a problem with a invoice on 2 pages
- The page 1 is Ok
- On the pages 2 and 3, the beginig of the table is printed with a vertical position = 0 insted of 8 cm

The code : I Use TCPDF with a template containing :
- function Header()
- function Body()
- function Footer()
- The header and footer are written with native tcpdf code
- The body is an html table drawn by WiteHtml (Html joint)
- I will be inspired by the Example 48 :
- In Header(), I put the correct vertical position by using $this->SetY($BodyMin + 2); // 8 cm

I cant give you all the code that draw this document because it take > 1000 lines
But I can give you the mains lines


// Constants
$MarginL = 10;
$MarginR = 200;
$MarginT = 10;
$BodyMin = 80;
$BodyMax = 20;

class INVOICE extends TCPDF
function Header()
. . .

$this->SetY($BodyMin + 2);


function Body()
. . .

$this->SetAutoPageBreak(true, $BodyMax);
$this->SetY($BodyMin + 2);


// Here, I design the table in the $Html var

. . .



function Footer()
. . .

Possible cause :
I think when the page break occurs, you draw , in the new page, the beginig of the table in html BEFORE calling Header()
If it is the case, the vertical position is never initialised on the pages 2 and 3

Or I have forgotten a initialization line ?

Thank you for your help
I will really want to use tcpdf

5 Attachments


  • Nicola Asuni

    Nicola Asuni - 2014-10-03
    • status: open --> closed
  • Nicola Asuni

    Nicola Asuni - 2014-10-03

    This is not a bug but an implementation issue, please ask help on the forum.


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