
#245 Support of PyQt5


Hello, I just put here the informations from Debian in order to have a working taurus/sardana in the next Debian stable release.

The python-qt4 package of the next stable will not contain qtwebkit anymore. All the relevant informations are availale in the #187 bug.

spyder which is a dependency of taurus MUST migrate to a pyQT5 compatible version for the next stable in order to be 100% functional. (>= 2.3.8). so I plan to migrate spyder to pyqt5 by default before the freeze which will be aroud november. Indeed I would like to do this migration as soon as possible (febuary).

For now all the sardana stack will be removed from testing once the new python-qt4 will be uploaded (around febuary).

Ubuntu will make a release in april, and I think that due to this qt4 migration, the sardana stack will not be available... in 16.10 :((

the next spyder package (3.xseries) will use a dedicated python modules which allow to support pyqt4, pyqt5 qnd pyside with the same code base :)[1]. Maybe it could be of some interest for taurus.

Other big issue with spyder, the 3.x series depends on ipython 4.x. which is not yet available in Debian (someone is working on that but this is a lot's of work because of the javascripts dependencies...).

so my plan for now is to stick with spyder 2.3.8 (pyqt5) until ipython 4.x is available.
BUT I will migrate to ipython 4 as soon as possible once available, in order to follow the spyder upstream which provide support only for its stable release. (2.x for now and as soon as 3.x will be available will get rid of the 2.x series)




PS: I will need some help in order to package the new dependencies of spyder 3.x
qtawesome, qtpy, jupyter

UPDATE by cpascual: see the related [#187]


OLD Tickets: #187


  • Carlos Pascual

    Carlos Pascual - 2016-01-29

    Getting rid of API1 signals (which, AFAIK is the biggest obstacle in Taurus for Qt5 compatibility) is already on top of our priorities for Taurus4 (because it is needed to be able to use guiqwt>=3, and thus removing the pyqwt dependency)

    The first step (dropping support for PyQt<4.8) is already done in taurus4-preview.

    So I think there are some good chances that the Jul16 release of Taurus is already Qt5-ready, but I cannot promise, and it depends on how much help we get from other people).

    BUT, in the meantime, I think that it might be possible to relax the dependency on spyder for Taurus (in fact I think it is already ok if spyder is not installed).
    So my question is: could it be possible to keep the sardana stack in Debian testing by making spyder just a recommended package? (in order to avoid leaving ubuntu16.4 without sardana)

  • Frédéric PICCA

    without the qtwebkit part of qt4, the affected part of spyder is the doc browser.
    so it should be possible to have a spyder without this part which if I am not wrong isnot used by taurus.

    nevertheless, I think that it would be great to support PyQt5 for the Juli16 version.
    did you looked at the qtpy project ?

    • Carlos Pascual

      Carlos Pascual - 2016-02-01

      did you looked at the qtpy project ?

      Thanks for the pointer to QtPy!
      We already had adapted some recipes from the spyder.qt module (on which QtPy is based), but I think qtpy will be very useful (I just whish it was more documented)