
#317 Issue indexing an array constraint


The following code should index properly. It compiles and runs on all major simulators. (Even though every constraint solver treats it differently)

class pkt;

  rand bit one_beat;
  rand int len;
  rand bit [31:0] addr;

  constraint wr_c {
    if (!one_beat) { addr[5:0] == 0, len == 15 };



Bugs: #317


  • Matthew Ballance

    Hmm... I can see how this is being interpreted, but am at a bit of a loss as to how to parse it J

    SVEditor's parser is a recursive-descent parser, so when it see '{' after a constraint 'if', it concludes that the 'if' is followed by a constraint block. The intent appears to be for the 'if' to be followed by a concatenation expression. Is that your interpretation?

  • Victor Lyuboslavsky

    In this case, '{' could be either a constraint block or an array.

    VCS treats the above constraint like this:

    if (!one_beat) {
      { addr[5:0] == 0, len == 15 } == 2'b01;
    • StevenAZ

      StevenAZ - 2014-02-15

      This is a tricky one. You would almost have to run a check to see if it is
      a concatenation before running the actual parser to run normally which
      would slow things down, or find a way to unwind the db in case things go

      Almost easier to run an IsConcatenation check, because almost anything is
      possible following an open brace ( another if, constraint etc.). Would the
      check have to be run on every { in a constraint block? Don't know the lrm
      well enough.
      On Feb 15, 2014 1:18 PM, "Victor Lyuboslavsky" wrote:

      In this case, '{' could be either a constraint block or an array.

      VCS treats the above constraint like this:

      verilog:::if (!one_beat) {
      { addr[5:0] == 0, len == 15 } == 2'b01;}

      Status: open
      Created: Sat Feb 15, 2014 04:33 AM UTC by Victor Lyuboslavsky
      Last Updated: Sat Feb 15, 2014 08:04 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      The following code should index properly. It compiles and runs on all
      major simulators. (Even though every constraint solver treats it

      class pkt;

      rand bit one_beat;
      rand int len;
      rand bit [31:0] addr;

      constraint wr_c {
      if (!one_beat) { addr[5:0] == 0, len == 15 };

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      Bugs: #317

  • Matthew Ballance

    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Matthew Ballance

    Okay, I have a fix that (hopefully) doesn't add too much overhead. The fix is to do an IsConcat check when entering a potential constraint_set block after if, else, and foreach. The IsConcat check spins the lexer ahead, saving tokens, until a ',' ';' or matching brace is found. If the stopping token is a ',' then it must be a concat.

    Admittedly, the heuristic may be a bit crude, but it's unlikely to give false positives.

    This code will be in 1.5.3

  • Victor Lyuboslavsky

    I assume statements without a ',' will also work, like:

    if (!one_beat) { 1'b1  };
  • Matthew Ballance

    Yes, that's correct.


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