
Suneido / News: Recent posts

New 130731 Version

There is a new version of Suneido available for download -

I apologize for the long delay between releasing versions. It does not mean we have stopped working on Suneido, it just means I am too lazy to do releases :-(

Please download it and check it out. There are some great new features.

For a list of what is new look in the Help under Introduction > Release Notes

Please report any problems on the forum.... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2013-07-31

Suneido April 4, 2009 Snapshot

This is a snapshot of the latest suneido.exe, stdlib (standard library), suneidoc (help), imagebook, and required dll's. It is intended for testing, evaluation, and development.

The Scintilla code editor has been refactored to use an addon system.

Also, the query improvements described on the forum are included.

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2009-04-03

Suneido January 19, 2009 Snapshot

This is a snapshot of the latest suneido.exe, stdlib, suneidoc (help), and imagebook. It is intended for testing, evaluation, and development.

It fixes the problems found with the last snapshot and adds a code outline to LibraryView (contributed by Santiago Ottonello)

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2009-01-19

Suneido March 20, 2006 Release



Big thanks to Jos Schaars for his help and contributions in this release.



Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2006-03-21

Suneido Sept. 1, 2005 Release




Andrew McKinlay
Suneido Software

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2005-09-01

Suneido April 17, 2005 Release




Andrew McKinlay
Suneido Software

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2005-04-17

Suneido Jan. 26, 2005 Release

Some of the more significant changes: (in no particular order)

- added overview bars to LibraryView and TestRunner
- allow clicking on overview bars to scroll to that position
- LibraryView does automatic syntax checking
- added double click in WorkSpace Output pane to go to library record
- new Internet connection class (from Martin Ledoux)
- allow changing the default gui font
- improvements to ListControl (from Jos Schaars)
- new Polish and a second Czech translation
- fixed resource leak related to tooltips
- added Formulas to Reporter... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2005-01-26

Suneido on Linux with Wine!

Thanks to help from Jan B. Krejci, we've made some great progress on running Suneido on Linux under Wine. (see\)

Here's a screenshot:

On my Fedora Core 3, it passes all the builtin tests (suneido -t) and all the stdlib tests.

However, there are still some outstanding problems - the big one is that Window doesn't work and so you have to use Dialog to open additional windows.... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2005-01-22

Suneido Oct. 20, 2004 Release

Some of the more significant changes: (in no particular order)

- new statistics functions from Ajith (QueryMean, QueryMedian, QueryMode, QueryMeanDev, QueryStdDev)
- added Edit button to AccessControl
- added auto refresh to BookEdit
- improvements to DrawControl from Jennie
- WorkSpace - changed Run to keep variables, added variable pane
- OpenImageControl now handles "external" files (e.g. pdf)
- introduction of locales (see SetLocale)
- optimizations to transaction handling for speed and memory
- improvements to source code portability... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2004-10-20

Suneido June 30, 2004 Release

Mostly bug fixes and minor tweaking. Some of the more significant changes:

- new and improved Reporter (Global > Report)
- improvements to language translation and character set handling
- added session views (sview)
- added ability to enter expressions into NumberControl
- added Quickbooks style shortcuts (t, m, h, y, r, and +/-) to DateControl
- added How Do I option to books
- updated to Scintilla 1.61... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2004-06-30

Suneido March 17, 2004 Release

Mostly bug fixes and minor tweaking. Some of the more significant changes:

- mouse wheel support in ListControl, ListFormat, BrowseControl, ChooseList, ScrollControl, ScrollbarControl
- improvements to ImageFormat to work better in reports
- improvements to Canvas and Draw
- more support for Go To Definition
- more options on the context menu on tabs in LibraryView
- Trace now goes to console window instead of text file, added tracing for queries
- new Comment/Uncomment in LibraryView (thanks to Johan Samyn)
- updated to Scintilla 1.59
- switched to portable date/time implementation... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2004-03-17

Suneido Linux server is born!

The Linux version of the Suneido database server is now functional enough to let a Windows client connect and run the IDE.

There is still a fair bit of work to be done to finish this off, but it's a big step forward.

I'm using Fedora (Redhat) Linux and GCC 3.3.2 to develop and test.

NOTE: This is just the server portion. Porting the client means porting the user interface (i.e. moving to wxWindows) which is a bigger job.... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2003-12-19

Suneido Nov. 23, 2003 Release

Some of the more significant changes:

- improvements to QueryOptimization
- speed/memory improvements to client-server
- improvements to Canvas and Draw controls
- improvements to plugin framework
- progress on MinGW GCC version
- updates to Spanish translation (thanks to Gerardo)


- removed record.DoSave and DontSave
- removed record.Query()
- removed object.Method
- removed automatic finalization of transactions and queries... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2003-11-23

Suneido Sept. 1, 2003 Release

Some of the more significant changes:

- SAX like XmlReader and XmlWriter (see the article)
- simple XmlRpc (client and server)
- beginnings of plug-in architecture (see the article)
- improvements to GridControl - spanning and better alignment
- added Builtin tags to Users Manual Reference pages
- added Run/F9 auto-select to QueryView (like WorkSpace)
- new OverviewBar added to DiffListControl... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2003-09-01

Suneido July 15, 2003 Release

This release has taken a little longer than usual so there are lots of fixes and improvements.

Some of the more significant changes:

- XP theme/visual styles support
- updated to Scintilla 1.53
- fixed several rare but potentially serious database query bugs
- start of object/record unification - addition of [...]
- books can now define their own HtmlPrefix and HtmlSuffix (e.g. custom stylesheets)
- better support for tooltips, tooltips added to some controls
- new tools in LibraryView - View as of, Diff to, Revert to... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2003-07-15

Suneido April 7, 2003 Release

This is a fairly minor release - mostly small bug fixes and minor IDE improvements.

Some of the more significant changes for this release:

- a small start on some refactoring tools (Library View > Refactor)
- ImageControl & OpenImageControl improvements (keep proportions, link or embed)
- a number of improvements to the Go To Definition feature in the IDE
- added Revert, Undelete, and Locations to Library View
- the Suneido C++ source code now compiles with GCC 3.2
- the FAQ, License, and Cookbook are now included in the User's Manual... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2003-04-07

Suneido Jan. 25, 2003 Release

Some of the more significant changes for this release:

- some major improvements to memory usage for user interfaces and certain reports
- new Hungarian translations (thanks to Mark Gabor)
- updated French translation (thanks to Jean-Luc Chervais)
- added CTRL+F on book html pages (e.g. help)
- improved Print Preview to save pages in a temp. file instead of in memory to handle large reports
- improvements to query optimization, especially for union's... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2003-01-26

Suneido December 15, 2002 Release

Some of the more significant changes for this release:

- rewrite of database history handling for improved performance
- a number of fixes to client-server operation
- union/intersect/minus no longer require identical columns
- improvements to query optimization of disjoint union/intersect/minus
- version control changed to not rely on database history


- return from a block will now return from the function containing the block
- database history is now accessed via history(table) rather than _history_table
- insert/update/delete requests now return count instead of true/false
- database summarize triggers are no longer supported... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2002-12-17

Suneido Oct. 5, 2002 Release

Some of the more significant changes for this release:

- increased GCC compatibility - thanks to work by Steve Heyns (aka zippy) (and past work by Jos van Roosmalen) Suneido now compiles with MinGW 1.1 (GCC 2.95.3) and successfully runs all the built-in tests. This is a significant step towards porting to Linux (and eliminating our dependence on Visual C++).
- improvements for functional programming - operator functions, ability to call class methods functionally, new functions (Any?, Each?, Take, Drop)
- the compiler now does constant folding (e.g. 2 * 4 will be evaluated to 8 at compile time)
- improved command line option handling, relaxed ordering requirements, added short forms
- Go To Definition now works from more places, goes to correct line from debugger
- syntax changes to reduce punctuation and capitalization (optional parenthesis on if, while, etc., true and false instead of True and False)
- Scintilla (code editing component) has been upgraded to version 1.48... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2002-10-05

Suneido Aug. 19, 2002 Release

Not a lot of major changes - mostly minor fixes and adjustments. The biggest change is that the version has changed from 0.9 to 1.0. This is largely because we seem to have reached a "stable" point with Suneido and it has proven itself in several production settings. However, like most version 1.0 software, this does not mean it's "finished". (Is software ever "finished"?) We will, of course, continue to develop and improve Suneido.... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2002-08-19

Suneido June 12, 2002 Release

Only minor changes to the executable this time, mostly small bug fixes. We are preparing to install our first beta site running our Suneido applications so we have been concentrating on bug fixes.

Some of the more significant changes for this release:

- BookEdit is now capable of displaying the images that have been added to the book. If you add a folder called "res" to the top level of the book, the images will show up here.
- changes to BrowseControl including background shading and context menu items.
- changes to Draw and Canvas controls (incomplete)
- added Go To Definition from more places
- added status bar to QueryView to show results of requests
- new section in User's Manual - Going Further - Report Control Breaks
- new language translation for Vietnamese... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2002-06-12

Suneido Apr. 22, 2002 Release

Suneido is a complete, integrated application platform - a system for developing and deploying applications without the frustrations of integrating multiple different products. Suneido incorporates an object-oriented language, client-server relational database, and application frameworks and components. It includes the development environment used to create applications as well as the client and server required to run applications across networks.... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2002-04-22

Suneido Mar. 13, 2002 Release

Suneido is a complete, integrated application platform - a system for developing and deploying applications without the frustrations of integrating multiple different products. Suneido incorporates an object-oriented language, client-server relational database, and application frameworks and components. It includes the development environment used to create applications as well as the client and server required to run applications across networks. ... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2002-03-13

Suneido Feb. 10, 2002 Release

Suneido is a complete, integrated application platform - a system for developing and deploying applications without the frustrations of integrating multiple different products. Suneido incorporates an object-oriented language, client-server relational database, and application frameworks and components. It includes the development environment used to create applications as well as the client and server required to run applications across networks. ... read more

Posted by Andrew McKinlay 2002-02-10