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Showing 8 results of 8

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated Priority
17 Tests fail when run from GUI : TextFormat.GetSize() jSuneido-GUI-ready open 2013-11-10 2014-03-31 1  
16 COM date marshalling must account for timezone jSuneido-GUI-ready open Victor Schappert 2013-11-10 2014-03-31 3  
15 Running CheckLibraries() from WorkSpace crashes jSuneido jSuneido-GUI-ready open Victor Schappert 2013-11-10 2014-03-31 1  
14 Potentially uninitialized local variables give useless error message jSuneido-GUI-ready open 2013-11-10 2014-09-01 3  
12 Remove struct(object) in stdlib.BookToolbarControl.EnableButton jSuneido-GUI-ready open 2013-11-10 2014-03-31 1  
11 Syntax error when 'not' used on a new line Cleanup and convergence open 2013-11-22 2014-03-31 5  
9 LibView/TreeView: Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V None open 2001-11-04 2001-11-07 3  
2 Context Menu Key in LibView None open 2001-09-26 2001-09-26 3  
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