
#11 Error Notification


On my computer Suneido never beeps, although there are
other programs which do. In fact I wouldn't want
Suneido to start beeping, but currently there is no
kind of feed-back at all in some cases. Flashing the
window titlebar/frame in combination with an
explanation in the status bar would be a good solution


  • helenra

    helenra - 2001-10-16
    • priority: 5 --> 4
  • Andrew McKinlay

    Andrew McKinlay - 2001-10-17

    Logged In: YES

    If you execute Beep() from the WorkSpace does it beep?
    Beep just uses the Windows MessageBeep. I'm not sure why
    this wouldn't work. Do other programs beep? Have you
    checked your Sound settings in the Control Panel?

    I agree some kind of visual "notification" would probably
    be a good feature request.

  • helenra

    helenra - 2001-10-18

    Logged In: YES

    Beep() from the WorkSpace also doesn't beep. 'echo ^G'
    (Ctrl-G) at the command prompt does beep. Very few programs
    are beeping sometimes. Should Beep use the PC-speaker
    (which is built into the computer) or should it use the
    sound card? In our office no one has speakers connected to
    the sound card.

  • Andrew McKinlay

    Andrew McKinlay - 2001-10-18

    Logged In: YES

    According to the MSDN MessageBeep documentation, an
    argument of -1 means "Standard beep using the computer
    speaker". But if I turn off my speakers, this still
    doesn't work. We're currently passing 0 (MB_OK) which is
    supposed to be "System Default". Windows also has a "Beep"
    function, but the remarks say "Windows 95/98/Me: On
    computers with a sound card, the function plays the default
    sound event. On computers without a sound card, the
    function plays the standard system beep."

    There must be a way to get a beep out of the built-in
    speaker even if you have a sound card, but I haven't found
    it yet!

  • Andrew McKinlay

    Andrew McKinlay - 2001-11-06

    Logged In: YES

    I'm moving this from Bugs to Feature Requests.

    The beep problem seems to be more of a Windows issue. I've
    changed Beep to call MessageBeep(0) AND MessageBeep(-1).
    Hopefully that will cover more situations.

  • Andrew McKinlay

    Andrew McKinlay - 2001-11-06
    • labels: 363292 -->

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