
#85 Open External PST resets Filters


I opened an external PST file and SpamBayes
immediately complained about an unkown folder and
needing to be retrained.

I closed the PST, opened the trainer and in the folder list
of known good folders it had <unknown> as part of the

During the retraining it seems to have rebuilt the
Suspect and Spam folders (doing what? with the

So, um...
- what happened to the old folders (full of trained content)
- what happened to the old training (did it get overwritten)
- anybody else have this problem?



  • Tony Meyer

    Tony Meyer - 2005-04-27

    Logged In: YES

    If you use the Training tab, then the old database content
    is only replaced if you tick the "rebuild entire database"
    box. Otherwise the database is added to.

    Do you have a log file for this period? This is very
    strange behaviour, and not something I've heard of before.

    SpamBayes 1.0.x cannot (there is no code) remove any
    messages, so it's definitely not SpamBayes that's removed
    any folders/messages.

  • JM

    JM - 2005-04-28

    Logged In: YES

    I've attached the file that comes up when "View Log" is
    clicked on the Diagnostics window.

    It looks like it starts after the initial crash because I had a
    good 600+ messages trained before it told me it had to re-

    I forgot to mention above that I do have one custom VBA
    module in use (attached to a button on Outlook toolbar) and
    while SpamBayes is running on my machine (for testing
    purposes) it's watching a Inbox for another user who has
    granted me full rights to their top Folder and Inbox.

    As far as deleting messages, I don't think SpamBayes
    deleted them so much as re-created the folder in which they
    had been stored possible causing the existing contents to
    go 'poof'.

    Thanks for the follow-up!

  • Tony Meyer

    Tony Meyer - 2005-04-29

    Logged In: YES

    No file is attached. Did you forget to tick the box?

    It's not possible to 'recreate' a folder in Outlook
    (programmatically, or manually). You have to delete the old
    folder, then recreate one with the same name. There isn't
    any code in SpamBayes that could do this.

    Since it's someone else's store, is it not possible that
    they made they changes? Or some process running on their

  • Tony Meyer

    Tony Meyer - 2005-05-13
    • status: open --> pending
  • JM

    JM - 2005-05-25

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry for the delay. I finally got a sec to upload the file - not
    forgetting to tick the box this time. :-D

    Of course I seem to have 4 log files and am not sure which
    ones are applicable (if any, anymore).

    I did notice that I don't seem to have rights to creating the
    Spam field in the Inbox I'm monitoring - I'll try to fix that when
    I'm done here. I assume I DID have rights to the do it in the
    Spam & Suspected Spam folders since "I'm" the one that
    created the folders (OK - Spambayes did).

    I asked the person and they said they didn't do anything to
    the folders - especially since I had told them not to touch
    them until I was sure everything was working right.

    I don't recall if I checked the "Rebuild Entire Database" option
    or not - sorry.

    Aside from some unexplained Outlook crashes when Click
    the SpamBayes button on the toolbar everything seems OK
    now. The crashes happened about 5 times but I could never
    pin down what seemed to be triggering them - other than
    trying to display the SpamBayes menu from the toolbar
    button. For a while I was getting crashes/complaints from my
    PGP plugin as well so they may have ben related.


  • JM

    JM - 2005-05-25
    • status: pending --> open
  • JM

    JM - 2005-05-25
  • JM

    JM - 2005-05-25
  • JM

    JM - 2005-05-25
  • JM

    JM - 2005-05-25

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