
#500 Multiple Emails left in Inbox

Outlook 008
Outlook (523)
Len Fowler

I see that this has been reported before but I didn't
see a fix for it..

I seem to have a recurring problem with the SpamBayes
Outlook Plugin (ver. 0.81) where it will created
multiple copies of the same message.

I've uninstalled/reinstalled a couple of times and this
has resolved the problem for short periods of time but
it always comes back to haunt me. I've also retrained
it (with rebuild entire db on and off), changed the
filter settings, etc. Nothing seems to fix it permanently.

I have no Outlook rules set up and the filters are set
to move the messages, not copy.

The only other thing I've noticed is that these
multiple messages only seem to appear on mail that are
from mailing lists or forum thread update notifications.

I'm attaching all relevant log and ini files that I
think are related to SpamBayes

Any help is greatly appreciated



  • Len Fowler

    Len Fowler - 2004-02-15

    Logs, Ini files and db's

  • Tony Meyer

    Tony Meyer - 2004-03-16

    Logged In: YES

    It seems unlikely, but 1.0a9 could have fixed this. Are you
    able to try that and see if it has?

  • Tony Meyer

    Tony Meyer - 2005-01-21

    Logged In: YES

    We haven't heard from the original reporter of the bug for some
    time. Without the requested information, there really isn't much
    we can do. If anyone does provide further information, please
    also change the bug status back to "Open".

  • Tony Meyer

    Tony Meyer - 2005-01-21
    • status: open --> closed

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